Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Volume 2, Set Theory

Book Description

Volume II, on formal (ZFC) set theory, incorporates a self-contained "chapter 0" on proof techniques so that it is based on formal logic, in the style of Bourbaki. The emphasis on basic techniques provides a solid foundation in set theory and a thorough context for the presentation of advanced topics (such as absoluteness, relative consistency results, two expositions of Godel's construstive universe, numerous ways of viewing recursion and Cohen forcing).

Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Volume 2, Set Theory

Book Description

This two-volume work bridges the gap between introductory expositions of logic or set theory on one hand, and the research literature on the other. It can be used as a text in an advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate course in mathematics, computer science, or philosophy. The volumes are written in a user-friendly conversational lecture style that makes them equally effective for self-study or class use. Volume II, on formal (ZFC) set theory, incorporates a self-contained 'chapter 0' on proof techniques so that it is based on formal logic, in the style of Bourbaki. The emphasis on basic techniques will provide the reader with a solid foundation in set theory and provides a context for the presentation of advanced topics such as absoluteness, relative consistency results, two expositions of Godel's constructible universe, numerous ways of viewing recursion, and a chapter on Cohen forcing.

Set Theory and Logic

Book Description

Explores sets and relations, the natural number sequence and its generalization, extension of natural numbers to real numbers, logic, informal axiomatic mathematics, Boolean algebras, informal axiomatic set theory, several algebraic theories, and 1st-order theories.

Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Volume 1, Mathematical Logic

Book Description

This two-volume work bridges the gap between introductory expositions of logic or set theory on one hand, and the research literature on the other. It can be used as a text in an advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate course in mathematics, computer science, or philosophy. The volumes are written in a user-friendly conversational lecture style that makes them equally effective for self-study or class use. Volume 1 includes formal proof techniques, a section on applications of compactness (including nonstandard analysis), a generous dose of computability and its relation to the incompleteness phenomenon, and the first presentation of a complete proof of Godel's 2nd incompleteness since Hilbert and Bernay's Grundlagen theorem.

Popular Lectures on Mathematical Logic

Book Description

Noted logician discusses both theoretical underpinnings and practical applications, exploring set theory, model theory, recursion theory and constructivism, proof theory, logic's relation to computer science, and other subjects. 1981 edition, reissued by Dover in 1993 with a new Postscript by the author.

Notes on Set Theory

Book Description

What this book is about. The theory of sets is a vibrant, exciting math ematical theory, with its own basic notions, fundamental results and deep open problems, and with significant applications to other mathematical theories. At the same time, axiomatic set theory is often viewed as a foun dation ofmathematics: it is alleged that all mathematical objects are sets, and their properties can be derived from the relatively few and elegant axioms about sets. Nothing so simple-minded can be quite true, but there is little doubt that in standard, current mathematical practice, "making a notion precise" is essentially synonymous with "defining it in set theory. " Set theory is the official language of mathematics, just as mathematics is the official language of science. Like most authors of elementary, introductory books about sets, I have tried to do justice to both aspects of the subject. From straight set theory, these Notes cover the basic facts about "ab stract sets," including the Axiom of Choice, transfinite recursion, and car dinal and ordinal numbers. Somewhat less common is the inclusion of a chapter on "pointsets" which focuses on results of interest to analysts and introduces the reader to the Continuum Problem, central to set theory from the very beginning.

Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Volume 2, Set Theory

Book Description

Volume II, on formal (ZFC) set theory, incorporates a self-contained "chapter 0" on proof techniques so that it is based on formal logic, in the style of Bourbaki. The emphasis on basic techniques provides a solid foundation in set theory and a thorough context for the presentation of advanced topics (such as absoluteness, relative consistency results, two expositions of Godel's construstive universe, numerous ways of viewing recursion and Cohen forcing).

An Introduction to Proofs with Set Theory

Book Description

This text is intended as an introduction to mathematical proofs for students. It is distilled from the lecture notes for a course focused on set theory subject matter as a means of teaching proofs. Chapter 1 contains an introduction and provides a brief summary of some background material students may be unfamiliar with. Chapters 2 and 3 introduce the basics of logic for students not yet familiar with these topics. Included is material on Boolean logic, propositions and predicates, logical operations, truth tables, tautologies and contradictions, rules of inference and logical arguments. Chapter 4 introduces mathematical proofs, including proof conventions, direct proofs, proof-by-contradiction, and proof-by-contraposition. Chapter 5 introduces the basics of naive set theory, including Venn diagrams and operations on sets. Chapter 6 introduces mathematical induction and recurrence relations. Chapter 7 introduces set-theoretic functions and covers injective, surjective, and bijective functions, as well as permutations. Chapter 8 covers the fundamental properties of the integers including primes, unique factorization, and Euclid's algorithm. Chapter 9 is an introduction to combinatorics; topics included are combinatorial proofs, binomial and multinomial coefficients, the Inclusion-Exclusion principle, and counting the number of surjective functions between finite sets. Chapter 10 introduces relations and covers equivalence relations and partial orders. Chapter 11 covers number bases, number systems, and operations. Chapter 12 covers cardinality, including basic results on countable and uncountable infinities, and introduces cardinal numbers. Chapter 13 expands on partial orders and introduces ordinal numbers. Chapter 14 examines the paradoxes of naive set theory and introduces and discusses axiomatic set theory. This chapter also includes Cantor's Paradox, Russel's Paradox, a discussion of axiomatic theories, an exposition on Zermelo‒Fraenkel Set Theory with the Axiom of Choice, and a brief explanation of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems.