Low-intensity Conflict in the Third World

Book Description

A common thread ties together the five case studies of this book: the persistence with which the bilateral relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union continues to dominate American foreign and regional policies. These essays analyze the LIC environment in Central Asia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and sub-Saharan Africa.

Just or Unjust War?

Book Description

This study examines the traditional theory of just war in the light of modern principles of international law relating to the prohibition on the use of force repeatedly stressed by UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) resolutions and accepted by the ICJ (International Court of Justice). The author expresses doubts as to whether actions by some permanent members of the Security Council starting from September 1996 until April 2003, in the Balkans and the Persian Gulf, are legitimate under the just war theory, or any other rules of international law, and analyses in detail the claims made by the allied powers to justify their actions. The book also examines the significance of the transformation in the limitation and prohibition of the use of force in the contemporary legal system, by studying the origin of those tenets and their reflection in both the national laws of individual states and the international laws of armed conflict.

An Introduction to the International Law of Armed Conflicts

Book Description

This book provides a modern and basic introduction to a branch of international law constantly gaining in importance in international life, namely international humanitarian law (the law of armed conflict). It is constructed in a way suitable for self-study. The subject-matters are discussed in self-contained chapters, allowing each to be studied independently of the others. Among the subject-matters discussed are, inter alia: the Relationship between jus ad bellum / jus in bello; Historical Evolution of IHL; Basic Principles and Sources of IHL; Martens Clause; International and Non-International Armed Conflicts; Material, Spatial, Personal and Temporal Scope of Application of IHL; Special Agreements under IHL; Role of the ICRC; Targeting; Objects Specifically Protected against Attack; Prohibited Weapons; Perfidy; Reprisals; Assistance of the Wounded and Sick; Definition of Combatants; Protection of Prisoners of War; Protection of Civilians; Occupied Territories; Protective Emblems; Sea Warfare; Neutrality; Implementation of IHL.

Democracies and Small Wars

Book Description

By their nature, democracies clearly have greater constraints than autocratic regimes on their freedom of action as they have to meet constitutional, legal and moral criteria in their use of force. This collection analyses a number of case studies showing how democracies have won small wars.

Ethics and the Use of Force

Book Description

Highlighting the just war tradition in historical perspective, this valuable study looks at contemporary implications drawn out in the context of several important contemporary debates: within the field of religion, including both Christian and Islamic thought; within the field of debate related to the international law of armed conflicts; within the field of policy relating to the use of armed force where the issue is just war thinking vs. realism; and debates over pressing contemporary issues in the ethics of war which cross disciplinary lines. James Turner Johnson has been writing on just war tradition since 1975, developing the historical understanding of just war and seeking to draw out its implications for contemporary armed conflict. He is frequently asked to lecture on topics drawn from his work. This current book brings together a number of essays which reflect his recent thinking on understanding how and why just war tradition coalesced in the first place, how and why it has developed as it has, and relating contemporary just war reasoning to the historical tradition of just war.

The Moral Domain of Low-intensity Conflict

Book Description

The moral domain of war concerns the human dimension of conflict. People compose military forces so all military operations include human considerations. Leaders must use and protect their soldiers who are their most precious resource. Leaders must understand how military operations stress soldiers to ensure this stress does not prevent success. Psychological studies have identified many characteristics of military operations that affect soldiers. This monograph uses the following list of factors to describe the impact of military operations on soldiers: fear of death and injury; fatigue; physical discomfort; isolation; uncertainty; value conflicts; boredom; separation from family; climate; terrain, and culture; training and tactics; and lack of privacy. The spectrum of conflict may be divided many ways. Army doctrine generally discusses three types of conflict; low, mid, and high-intensity. This monograph divides conflict into low and mid/high-intensity categories for discussion of the differences in stress soldiers experience. The missions and threats in low-intensity conflict result in soldiers experiencing different kinds of stress in low-intensity conflict than in mid/high-intensity conflict. This monograph discusses these differences and the implications for doctrine, training, and organization.

Low-intensity Conflict

Book Description

Begrænset krig. 9 essays.