The Agitation for Law Reform during the Puritan Revolution 1640–1660

Book Description

Throughout this essay all dates are given in New Style. When pamphlets were originally dated Old Style, the new date has been substituted. In all quotations the original seventeenth-century spelling has been retained. A "sic" is placed in the quotation only where it appears to be certain that there has been a misprint in the original. I want to express my sincere gratitude to the late Professor Garrett Mattingly of Columbia University for his inspiration and guidance during the years spent under his sponsorship. It was a rare privilege to study under him. Professor Sidney Burrell of Barnard College offered many constructive suggestions and I am most appreciative of the kind interest he took in the completion of this study. I also wish to thank the editors of The American Journal of Legal History for publishing some of my material on Chancery reform in their Journal. The staff of the North Library of the British Museum was most helpful in making available the many volumes of the Thomason Collection. Thanks are also due to the staff of the Library of Union Theological Seminary who helped in the location of materials from the McAlpin Collection.

Social Problems and Policy During the Puritan Revolution

Book Description

Originally published in 1930 and reprinted in 1966 this book focusses on the social and economic developments of the Puritan revolution – aspects which are often overlooked in favour of the political. Using archival resources, this study shows that the period 1640-1660 was one of change and experiment in the social as well as political sphere. Particular focus is given to the depression in industry and agriculture and the resultant increase in poverty and unemployment. The extent to which the traditional authority of church and state was weakened, is also discussed.

The Good Old Cause

Book Description

This book examines the English revolution from 1640-1660, with particualr attenion to the social structure of England at the time.