Legalines on Torts, 7th, Keyed to Henderson

Book Description

This study aid provides detailed explanation of the cases in the Torts casebook by Henderson. The discussion of each case provides the facts of the case, issues, holdings, and the court's reasoning. This title includes cases that pertain to intentional infliction of bodily harm, actual causation, negligence, trespass to land and nuisance, strict liability, products liability, damages, liability insurance, compensation systems, dignitary wrongs, defamation, invasion of privacy, and commercial torts.

Legalines on Civil Procedure,- Keyed to Hazard

Book Description

This study aid provides detailed explanation of the cases in the civil procedure casebook by Hazard. The discussion of each case provides the facts of the case, issues, holdings, and the court's reasoning. The easy-to-read format also includes background information and statements of law that help related the cases to the overall structure of the subject area. This title includes cases that pertain to remedies, the proper court, the Erie problem, claims and defenses, the size of the litigation, the pretrial state, trial, preclusive effect of prior adjudication, and appellate review.

Legalines on Contracts, 6th - Keyed to Farnsworth

Book Description

This study aid provides detailed explanations of the cases in Farnsworth's contracts casebook. Each brief includes the facts of the case, issues, holdings, and the court's reasoning. The easy-to-follow format includes background information and statements of law that relate the cases to the overall law. This title includes cases that pertain to the basis for enforcing promises, the bargaining process, statute of frauds, policing the bargain, remedies for breach, contract interpretation, performance and breach, impossibility of performance and frustration of purpose, third-party beneficiaries, and assignment of rights.

Legalines on Real Property,- Keyed to Dukeminier

Book Description

This Legalines provides detailed explanations of the cases in Dukeminier's property casebook. Each brief includes the facts of the case, issues, holdings, and the court's reasoning. The easy-to-follow format includes background information and statements of law that relate the cases to the overall law. This title includes cases that pertain to acquisition of property, estate system, landlords and tenants, voluntary transfer, nuisance, easements, zoning, and eminent domain.

Legalines on Corporations

Book Description

This title provides analysis of the cases in the corporations casebook by Eisenberg. The discussion of each case includes an explanation of the facts, issues, holdings, and the court's rationale. Also included is background information to relate the individual cases to the overall sturcture of the subject area. This title includes cases that pertain to types of organizations, organizing the corporation, corporate structure, shareholder rights, the duty to care and act lawfully, the duty of loyalty, transactions in shares of the corporation by directors, dividends and purchase of shares, and issuance of shares.

Legalines Torts-Henderson

Book Description

Legalines on Torts

Book Description

This study aid provides detailed explanation of the cases in the Torts casebook by Henderson. The discussion of each case provides the facts of the case, issues, holdings, and the court's reasoning. This title includes cases that pertain to intentional infliction of bodily harm, actual causation, negligence, trespass to land and nuisance, strict liability, products liability, damages, liability insurance, compensation systems, dignitary wrongs, defamation, invasion of privacy, and commercial torts.

Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory

Book Description

Volume for 1947 includes "A list of clandestine periodicals of World War II, by Adrienne Florence Muzzy."

Constitutional Law

Book Description