Legends from River and Mountain

Book Description

There is in Roumania a group of mountains named the Bucegi-group. Among these the two peaks of Jipi tower aloft, close together, as though gazing defiantly at one another, and between them the Urlatoare, or “roaring stream,” dashes down, a cloud-like waterfall, into the valley below, and storms onward over every barrier towards the town of Prahova. They say that long, long ago the Jipi were twin-brothers, who loved each other so well that one could not live without the other, or eat a mouthful of bread the other did not share; nay, more—that when one was asked a question, the other answered it, and that when one did himself some hurt, the other wept and would not be comforted. They were as fair as morning and evening, as slender and straight as lances, as swift as arrows, as strong as young bears. The mother who had borne them looked upon them with pride and joy, and would say, as she stroked their curly heads, “Andrei and Mirea, my beautiful sons, may your fame become so great that even the stones shall discourse of it.” They were of noble blood, and dwelt in a castle upon a lofty crag, where they lorded it as though the whole world belonged to them. They often jestingly declared that they should have to wed one wife only between them, since they were sure never to find two quite alike, and that the best plan would be for them never to wed at all. But of this their mother would not hear, for she longed to cradle her sons’ sons upon her knee and sing them lullabies. She would often sing the ancient lays of their country to her boys, of an evening, while she sat spinning and the noble lads hung fondly about her. Andrei would kneel at her feet, while Mirea leant upon the arm of her chair, and drew in the sweet scent of the heavy, dark braids that shone lustrous through her delicate white veil.

LEGENDS FROM RIVER AND MOUNTAIN - 19 Illustrated Children's Stories from Sinaia

Book Description

The purpose of this volume is to furnish our younger readers of the present generation with a fresh supply of stories—half legend, half fairy-tale—of a kind with which the children of an earlier time were more familiar. Herein you will find 19 illustrated stories from the Rhineland and old Roumania. Stories like: The Jipi The Serpent-Isle Vîrful Cu Dor Furnica The Caraiman The Stags’ Valley The Witch’s Stronghold Piatra Arsa (“The Burnt Rock”) Rîul Doamnei (“The River Of The Princess”) The Cave Of Jalomitza The Nixies’ Cleft The Flying Castle The Silver Nail A Doubting Lover A Legend Of Walpurgis-Night Seekers After Gold The Maiden’s Rock The Water-Snake (Parts I And II) The Little Glass-Man The first ten of these stories are taken from the German of Carmen Sylva, who has kindly given the translator her special permission to add them to the following collection of legends. Many of them are associated with the mountains which surround her home among the pine-woods of Sinaia (Prahova County, Romania); others belong to the districts traversed by the Pelesch (Peleș) river (a tributary of the Prahova River), the merry stream that dashes through the ravine at the foot of her garden, “whispering all sorts of wonders and secrets to those who have ears to hear.” The remaining tales in the volume are collected from different parts of Germany. “The Little Glass-man,” is a legend of the Black Forest, the other stories are all compiled from, or founded upon, legends to be met with in various German collections. So, we invite you to download and read these weird tales from Central and Eastern Europe. Tales which will entertain you for hours. 10% of the net income from the sale of this book will be donated to charities. ========== KEYWORDS/TAGS: Rhineland, Germany, Roumania, HM the Queen, : fairy tales, folklore, myths, legends, children’s stories, children’s stories, bygone era, fairydom, fairy land, classic stories, children’s bedtime stories, happy place, happiness, Jipi, Serpent-Isle, Vîrful Cu Dor, Furnica, Caraiman, Stags Valley, Witchs Stronghold, Piatra Arsa, Burnt Rock, Rîul Doamnei, River Of The Princess, Cave, Jalomitza, Nixies Cleft, Flying Castle, Silver Nail, Doubting Lover, Legend, Walpurgis Night, Seekers After Gold, Maiden’s Rock, Water, Snake, Little, Glass Man, Sinaia, Prahova, Pelesch, river, mountains, București, Transylvania, Wallachia, Braşov, Bucharest, Bucegi Mountains

The Critic

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The Artist

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The Book Buyer

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A review and record of current literature.