Estudio de la legislación del transporte por carretera de viajeros en seis países de la Comunidad Económica Europea

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Estudio sobre la reglamentación del transporte por carretera de viajeros en la Republica Federal de Alemania, Francia, Italia, Holanda, Portugal e Inglaterra, analizando los siguientes aspectos: disposiciones aplicables, clasificación de los transportes, competencia de las Administraciones, acceso a la profesión de transportista, servicios regulares: régimen general, especializados y ocasionales, transporte de equipajes, paqueteria y postal, transporte internacional , privado en autobuses y autocares, precio de transporte, fiscalidad....

Estudio de la legislación del transporte por carretera de Mercancías en seis paises de la Comunidad Económica Europea

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Estudio sobre la reglamentación del transporte por carretera de mercancías en la Republica Federal de Alemania, Francia, Italia, Holanda, Portugal, Inglaterra, analizando los siguientes aspectos: disposiciones vigentes, clasificación de los transportes, competencia de las Administraciones, acceso a la profesion, acceso al mercado, transporte internacional, transporte por cuenta propia, precio del transporte, régimen fiscal, contrato de transporte, actividades auxiliares y complementarias, cooperativismo, cooperación entre transportistas, asociaciones, coordinación de los modos de transporte, inspección y control, transporte de carga fraccionada, el "courtier de fret routier", locación...

Design and Appraisal of Rural Transport Infrastructure

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Printed on Demand. Limited stock is held for this title. If you would like to order 30 copies or more please contact [email protected] Contact [email protected], if currently unavailable. This paper is part of a four-volume series of publications on rural transport promoted by the World Bank's Rural Transport Thematic Group under the aegis of its knowledge management activities. The four volumes are Options for Managing and Financing Rural Transport Infrastructure, Improving Rural Mobility, Developing Rural Transport Policies and Strategies, and this paper on Design and Appraisal of Rural Transport Infrastructure.

Cities of Tomorrow

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Cities of Tomorrow is a critical history of planning in theory and practice in the twentieth century, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise to it. Trenchant, perceptive, global in coverage, this book is an unrivalled account of its crucial subject. The third edition of Cities of Tomorrow is comprehensively revised to take account of abundant new literature published since its original appearance, and to view the 1990s in historical perspective. This is the definitive edition, reviewing the development of the modern planning movement over the entire span of the twentieth century.

The Spanish American Reader

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Climate Change Policy

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This book presents the research results of an interdisciplinary study on climate change policies by the Enforcing Environmental Policy (EEP) Network, a project supported by the Human Dimension Potential Programme. Contributions are from highly qualified economic and legal specialists based at research institutes across Europe. The book gives answers to several questions related to the implementation of the international rules on climate change, most notably the Kyoto Protocol. It analyses ways and means to facilitate and encourage compliance with the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol. It is addressed to policy-makers, academics, business-sector and stakeholders throughout and outside Europe. Due to its interdisciplinary approach, this work is a distinctive and unique product compared to the existing literature on the subject. The effective implementation of climate protection and clean air policy requires an understanding of the political, legal and economic structures and constraints facing policy makers - and this is exactly what this book offers.

The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises

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The objective of The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises is to deconstruct, question, and redefine through a critical lens what is commonly understood as "migration crises." The volume covers a wide range of historical, economic, social, political, and environmental conditions that generate migration crises around the globe. At the same time, it illuminates how the media and public officials play a major role in framing migratory flows as crises. The volume brings together an exceptional group of scholars from around the world to critically examine migration crises and to revisit the notion of crisis through the context in which permanent and non-permanent migration flows occur. The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises offers an understanding of individuals in societies, socio-economic structures, and group processes. Focusing on migrants' departures and arrivals in all continents, this comprehensive handbook explores the social dynamics of migration crises, with an emphasis on factors that propel these flows as well as the actors that play a role in classifying them and in addressing them. The volume is organized into nine sections. The first section provides a historical overview of the link between migration and crises. The second looks at how migration crises are constructed, while the third section contextualizes the causes and effects of protracted conflicts in producing crises. The fourth focuses on the role of climate and the environment in generating migration crises, while the fifth section examines these migratory flows in migration corridors and transit countries. The sixth section looks at policy responses to migratory flows, The last three sections look at the role media and visual culture, gender, and immigrant incorporation play in migration crises.

The Changing Face of Transportation

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