Legitimacy & the Foundations of Government

Book Description

"This thesis is primarily an introduction to the concept and function of narrative political legitimacy within democracies. Narrative legitimacy, the theory that legitimacy is determined by a people's belief in stories which provide authority, has been explored in other disciplines, particularly sociology, but has yet to be adopted by theorists of Political Science. In fact, there is ample evidence to suggest that such a theory would be consistent with political writings from across the Modern Age. To demonstrate this, five diverse intellectual figures and some of their most celebrated work are analyzed to provide context for a narrative legitimacy. This context is then used to frame a discussion of how narrative legitimacy may be applied to the study of specific nations and governments. Finally, an empirical study is conducted to determine if narrative constructs like "trust" or "confidence" can impact participation in a democratic government. The results show that though these narrative concepts indicate as to the possibility of strong relationship, it cannot be empirically proven without further study."

Legitimacy of Philanthropic Foundations

Book Description

Though privately controlled, foundations perform essential roles that serve society at large. They spearhead some of the world's largest and most innovative initiatives in science, health, education, and the arts, fulfilling important needs that could not be addressed adequately in the marketplace or the public sector. Still, many people have little understanding of what foundations do and how they continue to earn public endorsement. The Legitimacy of Philanthropic Foundations provides a thorough examination of why foundations exist and the varied purposes they serve in contemporary democratic societies. The Legitimacy of Philanthropic Foundations looks at foundations in the United States and Europe to examine their relationship to the state, the market, and civil society. Peter Frumkin argues that unlike elected officials, who must often shy away from topics that could spark political opposition, and corporate officers, who must meet bottom-line priorities, foundations can independently tackle sensitive issues of public importance. Kenneth Prewitt argues that foundations embody elements of classical liberalism, such as individual autonomy and limited government interference in private matters and achieve legitimacy by putting private wealth to work for the public good. Others argue that foundations achieve legitimacy by redistributing wealth from the pockets of rich philanthropists to the poor. But Julian Wolpert finds that foundations do not redistribute money directly to the poor as much as many people believe. Instead, many foundations focus their efforts on education, health, and scientific research, making investments that benefit society in the long-term, and focusing on farsighted issues that a myopic electorate would not have patience to permit its government to address. Originating from private fortunes but working for the public good, independently managed but subject to legal prescriptions, philanthropic foundations occupy a unique space somewhere between the public and private sectors. The Legitimacy of Philanthropic Foundations places foundations in a broad social and historical context, improving our understanding of one of society's most influential—and least understood—organizational forms.

Consent of The Governed

Book Description

In modern governance, "Consent of The Governed" is a cornerstone of democracy and political philosophy. This book explores how governments derive their authority from the people's will, impacting governance, accountability, and political participation. It’s crucial for understanding democratic theory and its practical applications. 1-Consent of the Governed-The foundation of government legitimacy through people's consent. 2-John Locke-Locke’s theories on government and natural rights that shaped democratic thought. 3-Political Philosophy-Insights into political philosophy and its impact on democratic principles. 4-Sovereignty-The concept of sovereignty and its relation to consent in governance. 5-Social Contract-How social contract theory defines the relationship between the governed and rulers. 6-U.S. Constitution-The Constitution as a reflection of consent and democratic governance. 7-Declaration of Independence-The Declaration’s role in articulating consent and self-governance principles. 8-Authority-The nature of political authority and its legitimacy through consent. 9-Natural vs. Legal Rights-Differentiating natural and legal rights within democratic theory. 10-Popular Sovereignty-The concept of popular sovereignty and its modern democratic application. 11-Divine Right vs. Democratic Consent-Evolving notions of political legitimacy. 12-Virginia Declaration of Rights-Its influence on American political thought and consent principles. 13-State of Nature-Implications of the state of nature for consensual governments. 14-Political Legitimacy-Dependence on the consent of the governed. 15-Two Treatises of Government-Locke’s impact on political philosophy and democratic theory. 16-Limited Government-Alignment of limited government with the concept of consent. 17-Compact Theory-Emphasis on voluntary agreements among the governed. 18-Right of Revolution-Its implications for political change in response to breaches of consent. 19-Voluntary Taxation-Role of voluntary taxation in democratic governance. 20-Popular Sovereignty in the U.S.-Manifestation in U.S. political practices and institutions. 21-Philosophy of Human Rights-Connection between human rights philosophy and the principle of consent. This book offers valuable insights into democratic principles and political philosophy, making it a vital addition to any political science library.

The Moral Foundations of Politics

Book Description

When do governments merit our allegiance, and when should they be denied it? Ian Shapiro explores this most enduring of political dilemmas in this innovative and engaging book. Building on his highly popular Yale courses, Professor Shapiro evaluates the main contending accounts of the sources of political legitimacy. Starting with theorists of the Enlightenment, he examines the arguments put forward by utilitarians, Marxists, and theorists of the social contract. Next he turns to the anti-Enlightenment tradition that stretches from Edmund Burke to contemporary post-modernists. In the last part of the book Shapiro examines partisans and critics of democracy from Plato’s time until our own. He concludes with an assessment of democracy’s strengths and limitations as the font of political legitimacy. The book offers a lucid and accessible introduction to urgent ongoing conversations about the sources of political allegiance.

Legitimacy and Criminal Justice

Book Description

The police and the courts depend on the cooperation of communities to keep order. But large numbers of urban poor distrust law enforcement officials. Legitimacy and Criminal Justice explores the reasons that legal authorities are or are not seen as legitimate and trustworthy by many citizens. Legitimacy and Criminal Justice is the first study of the perceived legitimacy of legal institutions outside the U.S. The authors investigate relations between courts, the police, and communities in the U.K., Western Europe, South Africa, Slovenia, South America, and Mexico, demonstrating the importance of social context in shaping those relations. Gorazd Meško and Goran Klemencic examine Slovenia's adoption of Western-style "community policing" during its transition to democracy. In the context of Slovenia's recent Communist past—when "community policing" entailed omnipresent social and political control—citizens regarded these efforts with great suspicion, and offered little cooperation to the police. When states fail to control crime, informal methods of law can gain legitimacy. Jennifer Johnson discusses an extra-legal policing system carried out by farmers in Guerrero, Mexico—complete with sentencing guidelines and initiatives to reintegrate offenders into the community. Feeling that federal authorities were not prosecuting the crimes that plagued their province, the citizens of Guerrero strongly supported this extra-legal arrangement, and engaged in massive protests when the central government tried to suppress it. Several of the authors examine how the perceived legitimacy of the police and courts varies across social groups. Graziella Da Silva, Ignacio Cano, and Hugo Frühling show that attitudes toward the police vary greatly across social classes in harshly unequal societies like Brazil and Chile. And many of the authors find that ethnic minorities often display greater distrust toward the police, and perceive themselves to be targets of police discrimination. Indeed, Hans-Jöerg Albrecht finds evidence of bias in arrests of the foreign born in Germany, which has fueled discontent among Berlin's Turkish youth. Sophie Body-Gendrot points out that mutual hostility between police and minority communities can lead to large-scale violence, as the Parisian banlieu riots underscored. The case studies presented in this important new book show that fostering cooperation between law enforcement and communities requires the former to pay careful attention to the needs and attitudes of the latter. Forging a new field of comparative research, Legitimacy and Criminal Justice brings to light many of the reasons the law's representatives succeed—or fail—in winning citizens' hearts and minds. A Volume in the Russell Sage Foundation Series on Trust

East Asian Perspectives on Political Legitimacy

Book Description

What makes a government legitimate? Why do people voluntarily comply with laws, even when no one is watching? The idea of political legitimacy captures the fact that people obey when they think governments' actions accord with valid principles. For some, what matters most is the government's performance on security and the economy. For others, only a government that follows democratic principles can be legitimate. Political legitimacy is therefore a two-sided reality that scholars studying the acceptance of governments need to take into account. The diversity and backgrounds of East Asian nations provides a particular challenge when trying to determine the level of political legitimacy of individual governments. This book brings together both political philosophers and political scientists to examine the distinctive forms of political legitimacy that exist in contemporary East Asia. It is essential reading for all academic researchers of East Asian government, politics and comparative politics.

Political Legitimacy

Book Description

Political Legitimacy: Realism in Political Theory and Sociology explores the concept of political legitimacy, the nature of the normative foundation of politics and the state. With particular attention to the broad theoretical approach of political realism within political theory and political sociology, it examines the work of figures including Bernard Williams, Raymond Geuss, John Grey, Max Weber, and Niklas Luhmann, among others. Contending that in the face of the waning influence of political idealism, the insights of political realism constitute a promising way forward, the author also advances the view that realist political theory would benefit from sociological insights, particularly on the nature of the state. As such, Political Legitimacy will appeal to scholars and students of social and political theory, political sociology, and political philosophy.

Justice, Legitimacy, and Self-determination

Book Description

This book articulates a systematic vision of an international legal system grounded in the commitment to justice for all persons. It provides a probing exploration of the moral issues involved in disputes about secession, ethno-national conflict, "the right of self-determination of peoples," human rights, and the legitimacy of the international legal system itself. Buchanan advances vigorous criticisms of the central dogmas of international relations and international law, arguing that the international legal system should make justice, not simply peace among states, a primary goal, and rejecting the view that it is permissible for a state to conduct its foreign policies exclusively according to what is in the "national interest." He also shows that the only alternatives are not rigid adherence to existing international law or lawless chaos in which the world's one superpower pursues its own interests without constraints. This book not only criticizes the existing international legal order, but also offers morally defensible and practicable principles for reforming it. Justice, Legitimacy, and Self-Determination will find a broad readership in political science, international law, and political philosophy.

Trust and Legitimacy in Criminal Justice

Book Description

The book explores police legitimacy and crime control, with a focus on the European region. Using comparative case studies, the contributions to this timely volume examine the effects of a transition to democracy on policing, public attitudes towards police legitimacy, and the ways in which perceptions of police legitimacy relate to compliance with the law. Following these case studies, the authors provide recommendations for improving police legitimacy and controlling crime, in these particular sociopolitical environments, where the police are often associated with previous military or paramilitary roles. The techniques used by these researchers may be applied to studies for policing in other regions, with potential applications within Europe and beyond. Chapters present topical issues of crime, crime control and human emotions regarding crime, criminals, law enforcement and punishment in contemporary societies. This book will be of interest to researchers in criminology and criminal justice, as well as political science and public policy. This book is highly recommended for anyone interested in procedural justice and legitimacy, encounters between citizens and the state, the effectiveness of governmental institutions, and democratic development. It stands alone in its broad, cross-national contributions to understanding these issues. -Wesley G. Skogan, PhD, Professor of Political Science, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA