Los grandes problemas de México. Políticas públicas. T-XIII

Book Description

A setenta años de su fundación, El Colegio de México publica esta serie de dieciséis volúmenes, titulada Los grandes problemas de México, en la que se analizan los mayores retos de la realidad mexicana contemporánea, con el fin de definir los desafíos que enfrentamos en el siglo XXI y proponer algunas posibles respuestas y estrategias para resolver nuestros problemas como nación. Serie: Los grandes problemas de México. Vol. XIII Políticas públicas, está dividido en cuatro partes, que abordan desde diversos ángulos la naturaleza y capacidad del Estado mexicano para formular e implementar las políticas públicas. La primera trata aspectos del marco institucional de las políticas públicas, como las relaciones entre el Ejecutivo y el Legislativo, la evolución del tamaño y naturaleza del Estado, la planeación y la evaluación. La segunda se enfoca en las políticas de modernización y el estado general de la administración pública federal centralizada. La tercera incluye capítulos sobre algunas organizaciones y políticas en ámbitos nacionales distintos a la burocracia central, esto es, la administración pública federal descentralizada y la sociedad civil. La cuarta y última se refiere al estado de la relación entre las esferas federal, estatal y local y su impacto en las políticas públicas.

La reforma de la administración general del Estado

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Jordi Sevilla dirige una propuesta de reforma de la Administración General del Estado que proporcione un mejor servicio al ciudadano desde la apertura y la transparencia.

Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions Catching the Deliberative Wave

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Public authorities from all levels of government increasingly turn to Citizens' Assemblies, Juries, Panels and other representative deliberative processes to tackle complex policy problems ranging from climate change to infrastructure investment decisions. They convene groups of people representing a wide cross-section of society for at least one full day – and often much longer – to learn, deliberate, and develop collective recommendations that consider the complexities and compromises required for solving multifaceted public issues.

Organizing Leviathan

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This book examines the quality of government worldwide, their organizational structure, and why some countries are less corrupt and better governed than others.

The Study of Nonprofit Enterprise

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This volume addresses the need to revisit the very economic theories that in the past two decades have contributed so much to the development of a concentrated research agenda on nonprofit organizations. Long neglected as a topic of theorizing and empirical investigation by mainstream economics in particular, these initial theories of nonprofit organizations, introduced by Burton Weisbrod (see Chapter 3 by Kingma and Chapter 4 by Slivinsky) and Henry Hansmann (see Chapter 5 by Ortmann and Schlesinger and Chapter 6 by Hansmann) and others in the late 1970sand early 1980s, continue to shape theoretical and conceptual efforts. Importantly, their influence extends beyond economics and informs sociological and political science approaches to the set of organizations and institutions located between the market firm and the state agency as well (see Chapter 10 by Wolpert, Chapter 11 by Salamon, and Chapter 12 by Wolch; also Anheier & Ben-Ner, 1997; DiMaggio & Anheier, 1990). While the theoretical map of nonprofit research has expanded beyond these early attempts and now includes several other major theories such as stakeholder approaches (Chapter I by Ben-Ner and Gui, and Chapter 7 by Krashinsky), supply-side or entrepreneurial theories (Chapter 8 by Badelt and Chapter 9 by Young), institutional theories (Chapter 17 by DiMaggio), and comparative approaches (Chapter 15 by Anheier; see also Salamon & Anheier, 1998), we nonethelesssuggest that it is time to takestockand reexamine some of the very basics from which these economic theories operate. This is the main purpose ofthe book.

The Politics of Civil Society Building

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Strengthening civil society may be all the rage in the international donor community, but what does it mean in practice? This seminal work critically examines the political aspects of civil society building and the role of non-governmental development aid agencies during recent democratic transitions in Central America.

Multi-stakeholder Processes for Governance and Sustainability

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Governments, business, international bodies and local groups are turning to multi-stakeholder processes to find practical ways forward. This book explains how MSPs can be organized to deliver their potential for successful resolution of complex issues and for sustainable development. It includes detailed examples and provides practical checklists, explaining how to get beyond adversarial politics and achieve positive results.

Managerial Dilemmas

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Managerial Dilemmas extends the use of analytical techniques from organisational economics to the spheres of organisational culture and leadership in politics and business.

The Future of Governing

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Examines and compares various forms of government in industrialized countries.