Intellectual Property Law in France

Book Description

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this monograph provides a survey and analysis of the rules concerning intellectual property rights in France. It covers every type of intellectual property right in depth – copyright and neighbouring rights, patents, utility models, trademarks, trade names, industrial designs, plant variety protection, chip protection, trade secrets, and confidential information. Particular attention is paid throughout to recent developments and trends. The analysis approaches each right in terms of its sources in law and in legislation, and proceeds to such legal issues as subject matter of protection, conditions of protection, ownership, transfer of rights, licences, scope of exclusive rights, limitations, exemptions, duration of protection, infringement, available remedies, and overlapping with other intellectual property rights. The book provides a clear overview of intellectual property legislation and policy, and at the same time offers practical guidance on which sound preliminary decisions may be based. Lawyers representing parties with interests in France will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative intellectual property law.

Les droits de propriété intellectuelle des personnes publiques en droit français

Book Description

La richesse d'une Nation se mesure aujourd'hui au génie de ses créateurs. Cette phrase, placée par Catherine Blaizot-Hazard en épigraphe de sa thèse, peut à elle seule en résumer la philosophie. Les droits de propriété intellectuelle, qui protègent ces créations, prennent une place sans cesse croissante dans l'économie d'un État. Dès lors, une double interrogation de départ est posée : les personnes publiques (État, collectivités territoriales, établissements publics et groupements d'intérêt public) qui jouent un rôle prépondérant dans ce domaine, sont-elles assimi¬lables aux salariés de droit privé ? La question fondamentale à laquelle cet ouvrage est venu répondre est ainsi la suivante : un droit conçu pour des opérateurs privés peut-il s'appliquer à des opérateurs publics ?À cette fin l'ouvrage détermine les procédés d'obtention des droits et par voie de conséquence leur étendue, aussi bien pour les droits d'auteur (créations littéraires et artistiques traditionnelles, mais aussi logiciels, banques de données), que pour les droits de propriété industrielle (brevets d'invention, certificats d'obtention végétale, dessins et modèles, topographies de produits semi-conducteurs [les puces]) et le régime juridique applicable à ces droits (redevances versées au profit des personnes publiques, avec éventuellement une obligation de reversement aux agents, exercice du droit moral si délicat déjà pour des personnes de droit privé, détermination des juridictions compétentes et des actions contentieuses protectrices de ces droits).Un ouvrage qui, à partir de conclusions techniques ponctuelles, donne une réponse doctrinale à l'un des problèmes les plus cruciaux du droit actuel, et qui, ainsi, s'avère indispensable aussi bien aux théoriciens qu'aux praticiens.

Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Moral Rights

Book Description

This comprehensive Research Handbook examines moral rights since their establishment in the 19th century and considers the roles they play in the 21st century in relation to the technological environment in which copyright exists. Drawing together rich perspectives on intellectual property law around the world, this Research Handbook provides new insights on the traditional issues of moral rights and analyses more recent challenges in copyright law, patent law, and trademark law.

The Influence of Human Rights and Basic Rights in Private Law

Book Description

This book provides a comparative perspective on one of the most intriguing developments in law: the influence of basic rights and human rights in private law. It analyzes the application of basic rights and human rights, which are traditionally understood as public law rights, in private law, and discusses the related spillover effects and changing perspectives in legal doctrine and practice. It provides examples where basic rights and human rights influence judicial reasoning and lead to changes of legislation in contract law, tort law, property law, family law, and copyright law. Providing both context and background analysis for any critical examination of the horizontal effect of fundamental rights in private law, the book contributes to the current debate on an important issue that deserves the attention of legal practitioners, scholars, judges and others involved in the developments in a variety of the world’s jurisdictions. This book is based on the General Report and national reports commissioned by the International Academy of Comparative Law and written for the XIXth International Congress of Comparative Law in Vienna, Austria, in the summer of 2014.


Book Description

The Public Law/Private Law Divide

Book Description

The contributions brought together in this book derive from joint seminars, held by scholars between colleagues from the University of Oxford and the University of Paris II. Their starting point is the original divergence between the two jurisdictions, with the initial rejection of the public-private divide in English Law, but on the other hand its total acceptance as natural in French Law. Then, they go on to demonstrate that the two systems have converged, the British one towards a certain degree of acceptance of the division, the French one towards a growing questioning of it. However this is not the only part of the story, since both visions are now commonly coloured and affected by European Law and by globalisation, which introduces new tensions into our legal understanding of what is "public" and what is "private".