Les élections européennes 40 ans après – The European Elections, 40 years later

Book Description

En 2019, 40 ans après la première élection des membres du Parlement européen au suffrage universel direct en 1979, les citoyens de l’Union étaient une neuvième fois appelés aux urnes. Entre ces deux dates, le Parlement européen a profondément changé, passant d’une simple assemblée consultative au colégislateur de droit commun d’une Union européenne en proie à de nombreuses crises. Les contributions au présent ouvrage, tirées des travaux d’un colloque international qui s’est tenu à l’Université de Bordeaux les 9 et 10 mai 2019, entendent dresser le bilan, les enjeux et les perspectives, tant des élections européennes de 2019 que de la démocratie représentative européenne de façon globale. In 2019, 40 years after the first election of members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage in 1979, the citizens of the Union were called to the polls for the ninth time. Between these two dates, the European Parliament changed dramatically, from a mere consultative assembly to the ordinary co-legislator of a European Union plagued by many crises. This book draws on an international conference held at the University of Bordeaux on May 9 and 10, 2019. The various contributions therein intend to take stock, examine the challenges and envisage the prospects, not only of the 2019 European elections but also of representative European democracy in general.

Judicial Review and Electoral Law in a Global Perspective

Book Description

This book fills a gap in constitutional law by examining the global trend towards the substantive constitutional adjudication of electoral legislation. It explores the premises on which this judicial scrutiny is grounded, seeks to explain the trend, and examines its consequences for representative democracy. The book offers a comparative analysis of the issue, investigating how the exchange of models and arguments among judges has catalysed the progressive departure from a traditionally deferential approach to electoral norms-an approach that still persists in a few jurisdictions. To accomplish this, the book delves into the democratic foundations of electoral systems and their evolution. It also explores the methodological choices that constitutional judges face when dealing with electoral legislation. This groundwork sets the stage for an in-depth review of case law in more than fifteen legal systems spanning North and South America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, and Europe. The objective is to identify the underlying concept of democracy that courts aim to promote. The authors critically discuss the varying ideas of democracy evident in each jurisdiction, including the use of constitutional borrowing, and they analyse the effects of judgments on the relationship between courts, representative institutions, and voters. Given its global scope, the combination of theoretical and practical approaches, and the comprehensive comparative assessment it provides, this work is of interest to academics in the fields of law, political science, and philosophy. It is also relevant for policymakers and judges in constitutional democracies across continents.

European Convention on Human Rights Year: 1975

Book Description

This volume of the "Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, relates to 2003. Part one contains information on the Convention. Part two deals with the control mechanism of the European Convention on Human Rights: selected judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and human rights (DH) resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; part three groups together the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, and includes the work of the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Directorate General of Human Rights; part four is devoted to information on national legislation and extracts from national judicial decisions concerning rights protected by the Convention. Appendix A contains a bibliography on the Convention, and Appendix B the biographies of the new judges elected to the European Court of Human Rights.

Parliamentarism and Encyclopaedism

Book Description

This book explores a specific aspect of modern parliamentarism: its ability to produce and organise political knowledge. The book argues that the very meaning of modern parliamentarism cannot properly be understood without considering the cognitive value which is inherent in the representative function discharged by parliaments, vis-a-vis the political community. It does so by studying the 'encyclopaedic patterns' underlying modern parliamentarism. Exploring the concept from ancient times to modernity, it addresses the fundamental question of the relationship between knowledge and democratic decision-making. This is a truly innovative book; challenging, provocative and asking crucial questions of how parliaments work and legislate.

National elections in Western Europe

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No detailed description available for "National elections in Western Europe".

A Certain Idea of Europe

Book Description

The quasi-federal European Union stands out as the major exception in the thinly institutionalized world of international politics. Something has led Europeans--and only Europeans--beyond the nation-state to a fundamentally new political architecture. Craig Parsons argues in A Certain Idea of Europe that this "something" was a particular set of ideas generated in Western Europe after the Second World War. In Parsons's view, today's European Union reflects the ideological (and perhaps visionary) project of an elite minority. His book traces the progressive victory of this project in France, where the battle over European institutions erupted most divisively. Drawing on archival research and extensive interviews with French policymakers, the author carefully traces a fifty-year conflict between radically different European plans. Only through aggressive leadership did the advocates of a supranational "community" Europe succeed at building the EU and binding their opponents within it. Parsons puts the causal impact of ideas, and their binding effects through institutions, at the center of his book. In so doing he presents a strong logic of "social construction"--a sharp departure from other accounts of EU history that downplay the role of ideas and ideology.

The Oxford Handbook of French Politics

Book Description

The Oxford Handbook of French Politics provides a comprehensive and comparative overview of the French political system through the lens of political science. The Handbook is organized into three parts: the first part identifies foundational concepts for the French case, including chapters on republicanism and social welfare; the second part focuses on thematic large-scale processes, such identity, governance, and globalization; while the third part examines a wide range of issues relating to substantive politics and policy, among which are chapters on political representation, political culture, social movements, economic policy, gender policy, and defense and security policy. The volume brings together established and emerging scholars and seeks to examine the French political system from a comparative perspective. The contributors provide a state-of-the-art review both of the comparative scholarly literature and the study of the French case, making The Oxford Handbook of French Politics an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the foundations of contemporary political life in France.

The French Polity

Book Description

Focusing on the interplay between individual and institutions, The French Polity is the most current and comprehensive text for introducing students to the changing and enduring characteristics of the French political scene. It combines historical perspective and contextual information on French society to clearly explain the evolution and health of this country, political institutions, process, and culture. Throughout, William Safran, a leading area studies expert, goes beyond description to offer original analyses of French politics.

L’Europe et ses Populations

Book Description

ET VUES D'ENSEMBLE SUR L'EUROPE GENESE, CARACTERISTIQUES ET CONTEXTES MORAUX DU PRESENT OUVRAGE versite de Caen fut excellent. On aurait aime L'elaboration d'un dictionnaire des populations pouvoir y poursuivre sa carriere. Mais des que de l'Europe est citee au nombre des motifs donnes dans le decret ministeriel date du 20 juin 1960 l'Universite de Rouen fut fondee, Le Havre etant officialisant une societe scientifique fondee au de son ressort, cet Institut de psychologie des Havre, au cours de l'hiver 1937-1938, vivant sous peuples y fut necessairement transfere. I1 apparut le regime de la loi sur les associations de 1901 vite que l'apport fait ci cette toute nouvelle uni et denommee Institut havrais de sociologie econo versite ne pouvait etre evalue comme une richesse mique et de psychologie des peuples. Les deux au suscitant beaucoup d'interet. I1 fallait se contenter tres motifs de l'officialisation, c'etaient l'existence d'un succes d'estime pour une revue de psycho logie des peuples dont le rayonnement avait pu ci maintenir de la Revue de psychologie des peuples s'etendre ci une soixantaine de pays etrangers et qui, parvenue ci cette epoque ci sa quinzieme annee, I qui, grace ci quelques collaborations de la plus avait dejci largement fait ses preuves, et le lance ment de Cahiers de sociologie economique dont haute valeur, fournissait les premiers efforts pour deux numeros etaient dejci parus, devancant l'an hisser ci un niveau scientifique notre discipline de.