Les idées en mouvement

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Cosmos Les Mondes

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The Early Reception of Berkeley’s Immaterialism 1710–1733

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By the time of Immanuel Kant, Berkeley had been caIled, among other things, a sceptic, an atheist, a solipsist, and an idealist. In our own day, however, the suggestion has been ad vanced that Berkeley is bett er understood if interpreted as a realist and man of common sense. Regardless of whether in the end one decides to treat hirn as a subjective idealist or as a re alist, I think it has become appropriate to inquire how Berkeley's own contemporaries viewed his philosophy. Heretofore the gen erally accepted account has been that they ignored hirn, roughly from the time he published the Principles 01 Human Knowledge until1733 when Andrew Baxter's criticism appeared. The aim of the present study is to correct that account as weIl as to give some indication not only of the extent, but more important, the role and character of several of the earliest discussions. Second arily, I have tried to give some clues as to the influence this early material may have had in forming the image of the "good" Bish op that emerged in the second half of the eighteenth century. For it is my hope that such clues may prove helpful in freeing us from the more severe strictures of the traditional interpretive dogmas.

The World Ahead

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This book looks at the major challenges of the future. Packed with the latest information and scientific understanding, it traverses a rich tapestry of crucial issues, threats and choices confronting humanity and proposes a new start basd on four broad contracts: social, natural, cultural and ethical. To problems with global dimensions correspond global solutions. The culture of violence must become a culture of peace. The choice is stark: either a 21st century with a human face or the grimacing mask of a 'Brave New World'.

Métaphysique d'Ibn Gabirol et de la tradition platonicienne

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Early in his career, Fernand Brunner became one of the few specialists on Ibn Gabirol, a Jewish philosopher and poet in 11th-century Spain, whose treatise, the Fons vitae, is known only in Latin translation. Brunner showed the coherence of this rarely studied version of Platonism and traced its impact on the scholastic philosophy of the succeeding centuries. His work was guided by a systematic interest in Platonic solutions to such problems as the relations of matter and form, and of God to the world. This volume includes a number of previously unpublished papers, several of which also provide broad expositions of a Platonic ontology. The author makes his reader aware that arguments as well as images must be taken seriously in the attempt to approach the Platonic tradition. Dès le début de sa carrière, Fernand Brunner est rapidement devenu l’un des rares spécialistes d’Ibn Gabirol, le poète philosophe juif espagnol du 11e siècle - dont le traité, le Fons vitæ, n’est connu qu’en version latine. Guidé dans ses recherches par un intérêt systématique pour les solutions platoniciennes aux problèmes des rapports entre la forme et la matière, et entre Dieu et le monde, Brunner a démontré la cohérence de cette interprétation rarement étudiée du platonisme et en a retracé l’effet sur la philosophie scolastique des siècles suivants. Ce volume comprend plusieurs exposés inédits traitant de l’ontologie platonicienne dont la compréhension, selon Brunner, est essentielle à tout historien de la philosophie. L’auteur fait prendre conscience à ses lecteurs de l’importance des arguments, tout comme des métaphores, dans toute tentative d’approche de la tradition platonique.


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