Book Description

Bilingual Dictionary of Terms

Book Description

Bilingual Dictionary of Terms Banks. Finances. Money. Financial Markets / Banques. Finances. Monnaie. Marchés Financiers METODES Editions Collection Culture & Savoir (C&S) François Elandi This bilingual work, fruit of a team of specialists and professionals, deals with banking, finance, and stock market practices with —— more than 25,000 words and terms used in French and in British and North American English of today; —— convenient examples to better assimilate the terms used, contributing to make the work the most precise reference in its specialty; and —— a cross-reference system to more precise definitions and complementary expressions to other words and terms inside the development of a word or an expression. It is intended for ——high school pupils and students of higher education, ——professional users, and ——the general public. In order for them to ——acquire and develop their professional lexicological heritage; ——master the exact terminology in the practice linked to their activity or profession; ——perfect their knowledge in banking, finance, and stock exchange practice; and ——better communicate efficiently. Cet ouvrage bilingue, fruit d’une équipe de spécialistes et de professionnels, traite des pratiques bancaires, financières et boursières, avec : ——Plus de 25000 mots et termes utilisés en français et en anglais britannique et nordaméricain ; ——Des exemples pratiques pour mieux assimiler l’emploi de ces termes, contribuant à faire de l’ouvrage la référence la plus précise dans sa spécialité ; ——Un système de renvois à des définitions et explications complémentaires et plus précises à d’autres mots et termes au sein du développement d’un mot ou d’une expression. Il est destiné : ——A l’élève des lycées et collèges ou à l’étudiant de l’enseignement supérieur ; ——A l’utilisateur professionnel ; ——Au grand public. Pour : ——Acquérir et développer son patrimoine lexicologique professionnel ; ——Maîtriser la terminologie exacte dans la pratique liée à son activité ou à sa profession ; ——Perfectionner ses connaissances dans la pratique bancaire, financière et boursière ; ——Mieux communiquer efficacement.

International Monetary and Financial Integration — The European Dimension

Book Description

The papers collected in this volume are those presented at the thirteenth Colloquium arranged by the Societe Universitaire Europeenne de Recherches Financieres (SUERF), which took place in Luxembourg in October 1986. The Society issupported byalargenumberofcentralbanksandcommer cial banks, byother financial and business institutions, by treasury officials and by academics and others interested in monetary and financial prob lems. Since its establishment in 1963 it has developed as a forum for the exchange of information, research results and ideas, valued by academics and practitioners in these fields, including central bank officials and civil servants responsible for formulating and applying monetary and financial policies, national and international. A major 'activity of SUERF is to organize and conduct Colloquia on subjects of topical interest to its mem bers. The titles, places and dates of previous Colloquia for which volumes of the collected papers were published are noted on the last page of this volume. Volumes were not produced for Colloquia held at Tarragona, Spain in October 1970 under the title 'Monetary Policy and New Develop ments inBanking'andatStrasbourg, France inJanuary 1972underthe title 'Aspects ofEuropean Monetary Union'. The previous SUERF Colloquium, at Cambridge in March 1985, had as its subject 'Shifting Frontiers in Financial Markets'

Hague Yearbook of International Law: Vol. 4: Annuaire de La Haye de Droit International 1991

Book Description

This is the fourth volume of the "Hague Yearbook of International Law," which succeeds the Yearbook of the Association of Attenders and Alumni of the Hague Academy of International Law. The title "Hague Yearbook of International Law" reflects the close ties which have always existed between the AAA and the City of The Hague with its international law institutions and indicated the Editors' Intention to devote attention to developments taking place in those international law institutions, viz. the International Court of Justice, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and the Hague Conference on Private International Law. This volume contains in-depth articles on these developments and summaries of (aspects of) decisions rendered by the International Court of Justice, the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal. In addition, the 1991 volume contains the papers of the Thirty-fourth AAA Congress held in Montreal on "Regional Economic Integration" and "Property Rights in International Law."

Finances municipales

Book Description

De Detroit à Lahore, la plupart des villes du monde sont confrontées à des difficultés financières, alors même qu’elles doivent assumer des responsabilités de plus en plus complexes. Le présent ouvrage, Finances municipales : manuel à l’usage des collectivités locales, prend parti — le parti des maires et des gestionnaires municipaux. Rares sont les publications consacrées à cette question qui ciblent de façon aussi directe et pragmatique les responsables de l’action publique et le personnel financier à l’échelon local. Le contenu et les principaux messages de ce manuel ont été conçus de manière à répondre aux questions et préoccupations auxquelles les villes et les municipalités sont quotidiennement confrontées dans le cadre de la gestion de leurs finances. Le manuel Finances municipales prend position. Les auteurs de ses huit chapitres examinent les enseignements observés dans divers domaines : relations entre administrations, finances des métropoles, gestion financière, gestion des recettes, des dépenses et du patrimoine public, financements extérieurs et évaluation de la performance des finances municipales. L’ouvrage traite de sujets allant de la decentralisation à la transparence et à l’obligation de rendre compte. Il explore aussi des domaines moins balisés tels que la gestion du patrimoine, la solvabilité, la réponse aux crises financières. Le manuel Finances municipales appelle a l’ action. En plus de partager avec le lecteur un savoir très pointu sur de nombreux sujets techniques, il guide les autorités locales dans le labyrinthe des instruments existants. L’outil d’auto-évaluation des finances municipales (MFSA), décrit au chapitre 8, devrait tout particulièrement aider les municipalités à évaluer leur situation et à progresser sur la voie des réformes.

A Yen for Profit

Book Description

From the back cover: This book is about the challenge and the opportunity Japan offers to Canadian financial institutions. Canadian banks will have to move beyond their traditional commercial banking activities, where Japanese financial institutions have a well-established edge, into newer, more creative money and capital market activities. And traditional, strict lines between the various banking activities must blur in order for Canada to acquire the same breadth of financial expertise as other global players. Canadian banks also must blur the distinction they tend to make between their activities at home and in Japan. As for Canada's securities companies, today's strengths may become tomorrow's liability. Securities companies are thriving today because their role as the main intermediaries in the massive flow of fund from Japanese institutional investors into Canadian government bonds. Tomorrow, however they could be vulnerable because of such heavy reliance on a single financial activity. The massive flow of Japanese capital Canadian securities is one of the public policy issues discussed. The most important, in the authors' opinion, is the nature and pace of deregulation. The authors argue that Canada must open itself to foreign financial institutions, not only to expose itself to the reality of competitive pressures, but also to forge the links and collaborative arrangements needed to survive and prosper.

Financial Institutions in Europe under New Competitive Conditions

Book Description

The papers collected in this volume are those presented at the fifteenth Colloquium arranged by the Societe Universitaire Europeenne de Recherches Financieres (SUERF), which took place in Nice in October 1989. The Society is supported by a large number of central banks and commercial banks, by other financial and business institutions and by personal subs criptions from academics and others interested in monetary and financial problems. Since its establishment in 1963, it has developed as a forum for the exchange of information, r~esearch results and ideas among academics and practitioners in these fields, including central bank officials and civil servants responsible for formulating and applying monetary and financial policies, national and international. A major activity of SUERF is to organise and conduct Colloquia on subjects of topical interest to its members. The titles, places and dates of previous Colloquia for which volumes of the collected papers were published are noted on the last page of this volume. Volumes were not produced for Colloquia held at Tarragona, Spain in October 1970 under the title 'Monetary Policy and New Developments in Banking' and at Strasbourg, France in January 1972 under the title 'Aspects of European Monetary Union'.

Floating Exchange Rates

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