Les peuples romans. Migrations indo-européennes

Book Description

Le livre raconte les anciens mouvements migratoires des peuples romans après avoir quitté leur maison ancestrale indo-européenne – la région des steppes de l’Oural du Sud – la mer Noire.

The Romanic peoples. Indo-European migrations

Book Description

The book talks about the ancient migratory movements of the Romanic peoples after they left their original Indo-European home, the southern region of the Ural steppe, the Black Sea.

Pueblos románicos. Migraciones indoeuropeas

Book Description

El libro habla sobre los antiguos movimientos migratorios de los pueblos románicos después de que abandonaron su hogar indoeuropeo original, la región esteparia del sur de los Urales, el Mar Negro.

Povos românicas. Migrações indo-européias

Book Description

O livro fala sobre os antigos movimentos migratórios dos povos românicos depois que eles deixaram seu lar indo-europeu original, a região estepe dos Urais do sul, o Mar Negro.

Popoli romanici. Migrazioni indoeuropee

Book Description

Il libro parla degli antichi movimenti migratori dei popoli romanici dopo che hanno lasciato la loro casa indoeuropea originaria, la regione meridionale della steppa degli Urali, il Mar Nero.

Cultivated Plants and Domesticated Animals in their Migration from Asia to Europe

Book Description

New edition, prepared with a bio-bibliographical account of Hehn and a survay of the research into Indo-European prehistory by James P. Mallory. It was Hehn who for the first time combined the tools of comparative linguistics and the direct historical approach in order to discover the origins of domesticated animals and cultivated plants in the ancient world, tracing their diffusion from one culture to another. Hehn abandoned his contemporaries’often idealized and nationalistic image of the ancient Indo-Europeans, seeking instead to reconstruct early Indo-European society in agreement with the ethnological research of his day.

Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics

Book Description

First published in 1970 in Germany, this is a revised and enlarged English translation of what remains the standard introduction to the subject. Each section contains a detailed bibliography.