Book Description

LET'S BUILD A LOVING COMMUNITY will assist in teaching children to… 1 Understand their present situations and establish a healthy self-image. 2 Communicate and live in harmony and peace with neighbors and the natural world. 3 Set meaningful goals and develop the ability to accomplish these goals within their respective communities. With this book, children will learn... 1 TO understand that the places where people come together to live are communities and those communities have important effects on the people who live within them. 2 To think about what makes a good community 3 That certain efforts and attitudes are essential to creating good communities. 4 To see the necessity of being a hard-working citizen of the community where we live in order to build a better, more beautiful community.

Building Successful Online Communities

Book Description

How insights from the social sciences, including social psychology and economics, can improve the design of online communities. Online communities are among the most popular destinations on the Internet, but not all online communities are equally successful. For every flourishing Facebook, there is a moribund Friendster—not to mention the scores of smaller social networking sites that never attracted enough members to be viable. This book offers lessons from theory and empirical research in the social sciences that can help improve the design of online communities. The authors draw on the literature in psychology, economics, and other social sciences, as well as their own research, translating general findings into useful design claims. They explain, for example, how to encourage information contributions based on the theory of public goods, and how to build members' commitment based on theories of interpersonal bond formation. For each design claim, they offer supporting evidence from theory, experiments, or observational studies.

A More Perfect Union

Book Description

America is at a pivotal crossroads. The soul of our nation is at stake and in peril. A new public narrative is needed to unite Americans around common values and to counter the increasing discord and acrimony in our politics and culture. The process of healing and creating a more perfect union in our nation must start now. The moral vision of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Beloved Community, which animated and galvanized the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, provides a hopeful way forward. In A More Perfect Union, Adam Russell Taylor, president of Sojourners, reimagines a contemporary version of the Beloved Community that will inspire and unite Americans across generations, geographic and class divides, racial and gender differences, faith traditions, and ideological leanings. In the Beloved Community, neither privilege nor punishment is tied to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or economic status, and everyone is able to realize their full potential and thrive. Building the Beloved Community requires living out a series of commitments, such as true equality, radical welcome, transformational interdependence, E Pluribus Unum ("out of many, one"), environmental stewardship, nonviolence, and economic equity. By building the Beloved Community we unify the country around a shared moral vision that transcends ideology and partisanship, tapping into our most sacred civic and religious values, enabling our nation to live up to its best ideals and realize a more perfect union.

The Total Classroom Management Makeover

Book Description

"Michael Linsin is the Shakespeare of smart classroom management, and his 18 lessons can transform American public education." --Eva Moskowitz, Founder and CEO of Success Academy Schools The Total Classroom Management Makeover is a condensed shortcut to effective classroom management. Presented as simple dos and don'ts, the 18 lessons you'll learn have been boiled down to the bare essentials and written in the most accessible way possible. Together, they form an innovative approach to teaching and managing behavior that is specifically and uniquely designed to create within each student strong intrinsic desire to listen, learn, and behave. The result is a tough-minded, hardworking, well-behaved class and the satisfaction of knowing that you're making a lasting impact on your students, your community, and the wider world.

Channeling Ezekiel

Book Description

CHANNELING EZEKIEL contains uplifting messages that are being made available now as Earth and all of humanity shift to create a spiritual evolution. This book will help you to discover your souls purpose and live life fully engaged. This book is for you if you desire to: Find your souls inner beauty Connect to wisdom as you read and reflect Live with balance as you focus on peace and love Channeling Ezekiel reminds us that we are powerful, divine, eternal beings who came to Earth with a purpose. This book will help you to awaken and remember who you really are. -Robert Schwartz, hypnotherapist, author of Your Souls Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born (www.yoursoulsplan.com) Tammy Carpenter is a wise woman. At the same time she is a mystic, someone who walks in two worlds. Tammy's intricately woven daily guidance melds an understanding of life's trials and tribulations with the higher vantage point that every moment is progressive and purposeful. When you absorb the deep, yet practical advice in "Channeling Ezekiel" then, and only then, will you move forward on your intentional journey. Dr. Linda R. Backman, Psychologist/Regression Therapist Author of: "Bringing Your Soul to Light: Healing through Past Lives and the Time Between" www.RavenHeartCenter.com A Daily Guide is a powerful and direct tool that really helped me keep a positive focus through my transition to self-employment. The messages are compassionate and inspiring! Its clear that a very wise and loving being is being channeled to support our journey and bring out the BEST in all of us. I really love reading the guidance and it words really resonate with the empowered person I am becoming. Thank you so much to Tammy for delivering this work!~Carolyn Tryhurn, Soul Clarity Hypnotherapy, Calgary (www.SoulClarity.ca)

Raising Big Smiling Tennis Kids

Book Description

Successful tennis kids! Whether your kid is 2 or 18, just starting or has some years of tennis, this book will serve you chockfull of practical answers and new ideas: *The best age to get your kid started in tennis.*How to motivate kids to go back, practice after practice.*When to focus exclusively on tennis.*Save on lessons and gear, find scholarships and sponsors.*How to pursue a career in professional tennis.*Gain insight into tennis organizations and agents.*have fun along the way at the best tennis camps and resorts.Whether you are a coach, a tennis playing parent or a parent curious ous about tennis, this book will empower you to raise kids who swing the tennis racket with as much aplomb as their happy smiles.

Relentless Love

Book Description

Ed Smith defines enchantment as 'that place where our life and our deepest dreams merge' and he maintains that it is our true nature. In 'Relentless Love', he proposes that we can live lives of enchantment through the practice of relentless love. He inspires us to create a world based on our intention to love and our faith in life and contends that evolution is propelling us to do so. He defines evolution as 'events you do not like that converge to create a possibility you could not anticipate'. This is an original, lucid, voice with something very compelling and vital to say that can change all of our lives.