Leveraging Benefits of Regional Economic Integration

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This report shows how the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) can leverage its regional position to boost trade, increase agriculture, and harness the power of its cities to promote inclusive and equitable growth. Analyzing the Lao PDR’s production and trading structure, it details the Greater Mekong Subregion’s plan to improve competitiveness, community, and connectivity in order to converge income and living standards between members. Outlining the need for structural transformation, it discusses the potential for the Lao PDR to upgrade its value chain positioning, diversify its industries, and capitalize on regional cooperation to achieve its development targets.

Future of Regional Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific

Book Description

This book reviews progress with regional cooperation and integration in Asia and the Pacific and explores how it can be reshaped to achieve a more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive future. Consisting of papers contributed by renowned scholars and Asian Development Bank staff, the book covers four major areas: public goods, trade and investment, financial cooperation, and regional health cooperation. The book emphasizes how the region can better leverage regional integration to realize its vast potential as well as overcome challenges such as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

Emerging Asian Regionalism

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As Asia grows and prospers, its economies are increasingly vital to each other -and to the world. Led by a team of ADB staff, scholars, and advisers to regional policy makers, this study highlights what is at stake the emerging Asian regionalism and lays out the ground for further discussion on how to move forward.

Regional Integration and Economic Development in South Asia

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South Asian leaders have made it a priority to tackle key regional issues such as poverty, environment degradation, trade and investment barriers and food insecurity, among others.

ASEAN Centrality and the ASEAN-US Economic Relationship

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The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is strategically significant because of its size, dynamism, and role in the Asian economic and security architectures. This paper examines how ASEAN seeks to strengthen these assets through "centrality" in intraregional and external policy decisions. It recommends a two-speed approach toward centrality in order to maximize regional incomes and benefit all member economies: first, selective engagement by ASEAN members in productive external partnerships and, second, vigorous policies to share gains across the region. This strategy has solid underpinnings in the Kemp-Wan theorem on trade agreements. It would warrant, for example, a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement with incomplete ASEAN membership, complemented with policies to extend gains across the region. The United States could support this framework by pursuing deep relations with some ASEAN members, while broadly assisting the region's development.

Economic Integration in the Maghreb

Book Description

Individual countries of the Maghreb have achieved substantial progress on trade, but, as a region they remain the least integrated in the world. The share of intraregional trade is less than 5 percent of their total trade, substantially lower than in all other regional trading blocs around the world. Geopolitical considerations and restrictive economic policies have stifled regional integration. Economic policies have been guided by country-level considerations, with little attention to the region, and are not coordinated. Restrictions on trade and capital flows remain substantial and constrain regional integration for the private sector.

Asian Economic Integration Report 2018

Book Description

This report documents Asia's progress in regional cooperation and integration. This publication documents Asia's progress in regional cooperation and integration. It covers the 48 regional members of the Asian Development Bank and analyzes regional as well as global economic linkages. The 2018 report's special chapter Toward Optimal Provision of Regional Public Goods in Asia and the Pacific examines how collective action among countries can help find solutions to growing transnational development challenges. The special chapter also discusses how to best provide regional public goods that transcend the so-called collective action problem which occurs when individual interests are too weak on their own to drive cooperation on common issues.

Asian Economic Integration in an Era of Global Uncertainty

Book Description

The Pacific Trade and Development (PAFTAD) conference series has been at the forefront of analysing challenges facing the economies of East Asia and the Pacific since its first meeting in Tokyo in January 1968. The 38th PAFTAD conference met at a key time to consider international economic integration. Earlier in the year, the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union and the United States elected Donald Trump as their next president on the back of an inward-looking ‘America First’ promise. Brexit and President Trump represent a growing, and worrying, trend towards protectionism in the North Atlantic countries that have led the process of globalisation since the end of the Second World War. The chapters in the volume describe the state of play in Asian economic integration but, more importantly, look forward to the region’s future, and the role it might play in defending the global system that has underwritten its historic rise. Asia has the potential to stand as a bulwark against the dual threats of North Atlantic protectionism and slowing trade growth, but collective leadership will be needed regionally and difficult domestic reforms will be required in each country.

SASEC Powering Asia in the 21st Century

Book Description

The South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) vision provides the premise that SASEC countries---Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, and Sri Lanka---which have grown robustly in recent years, can tap each other's strength to realize their potential of propelling Asia's future growth. They can harness their individual comparative advantages by cooperating better in facilitating trade and enhancing connectivity, and providing the subregion's produce, better access to global and regional markets. The SASEC Vision demonstrates how enormous benefits can be achieved through regional cooperation, by leveraging opportunities and synergies between three levers---natural resources, industrial potential, and connectivity.