The Creeping Codification of the New Lex Mercatoria

Book Description

Advanced notion of the Creeping Codification which is based on the 'TransLex Principles', operated by the Center for Transnational Law (CENTRAL) of Cologne University at The Trans- Lex Principles are based on the 'List of Principles, Rules and Standards of the Lex Mercatoria' which was reproduced in the Annex of the first edition of this book. This Internet-based codification method realized through the TransLex Principles corresponds to the unique character of the Creeping Codification of the New Lex Mercatoria which is an ongoing, spontaneous, and dynamic process which is never completed.

Normative Pluralism and International Law

Book Description

This book addresses conflicts involving different normative orders: what happens when international law prohibits behavior, but the same behavior is nonetheless morally justified or warranted? Can the actor concerned ignore international law under appeal to morality? Can soldiers escape legal liability by pointing to honor? Can accountants do so under reference to professional standards? How, in other words, does law relate to other normative orders? The assumption behind this book is that law no longer automatically claims supremacy, but that actors can pick and choose which code to follow. The novelty resides not so much in identifying conflicts, but in exploring if, when and how different orders can be used intentionally. In doing so, the book covers conflicts between legal orders and conflicts involving law and honor, self-regulation, lex mercatoria, local social practices, bureaucracy, religion, professional standards and morality.

The Function of Equity in International Law

Book Description

Drawing on a large and varied body of judicial and arbitral case law, this book provides a comprehensive, original, and up-to-date account of the role of equity in international law.

Contemporary Problems in International Arbitration

Book Description

The establishment of a School of International Arbitration was a sufficiently important occurrence to have brought to London, for its inaugural conference, most of the world's leading experts on international arbitration. The three-day Symposium on March 25-27, 1985 sought to identify and consider the It was not the aim contemporary problems affecting international arbitration. of the Symposium to develop, propose or agree solutions to these problems, but rather to discuss the issues and alternative solutions. The success of the School will be measured in the future by its contribution, through research and teaching, to the development of solutions to the difficulties and uncertainties which reduce the effectiveness of international arbitration agreements and awards and the conduct of international arbitral proceedings. This book reproduces the papers presented at the Symposium (amended and varied by several contributors). It is not considered appropriate here to comment on or analyse paper by paper the ideas presented or discussions which ensued. However, it would be appropriate to make reference to specific developments in the short period since the Symposium directly relevant to the papers reproduced and the discussions which ensued. The pertinence of the subject-matter selected becomes clear from these subsequent developments.

The Three Ages of International Commercial Arbitration

Book Description

A unique history of modern international commercial arbitration theory and practice, this book draws on a wide range of sources from the eighteenth century to the present. It sets out the origins and evolution of the modern regime of international arbitration, the International Chamber of Commerce and current controversies.

Bias Challenges in International Commercial Arbitration

Book Description

Shows how 'dirty' challenge tactics are made viable primarily by the prevalence of a judicially derived test for bias which focuses on appearances, rather than facts and He argues that the most commonly used test of bias, the 'reasonable apprehension' test, makes it easy to allege a lack of impartiality and independence.

Dealing in Virtue

Book Description

With examples from England, the United States, Sweden, Egypt, Hong Kong, and many other countries, Dezalay and Garth explore how international developments in turn transform domestic methods for handling disputes. Finally, they analyze the changing prospects for international business dispute resolution given the growing presence of international market and regulatory institutions such as the EEC, NAFTA, and the World Trade Organization.

UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts. An Article-by-Article Commentary

Book Description

The Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts provide an excellent and practice proven tool for cross-border contracts: They constitute a neutral and pragmatic business oriented contractual regime for cross-border contracts They contain multiple solutions to typical contractual questions regarding the life of a contract, often by way of a compromise between civil and common law They have been referenced in hundreds of decisions of arbitral tribunals or national state courts They have been endorsed inter alia by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (last in 2021) and the Union Internationale des Avocats (2020) bringing together through its bar association and individual members approximately two million lawyers in more than 110 countries. Thirty years after their first publication, it is arguably malpractice to ignore them. In this fully revised and enlarged 2nd edition, the commentary continues to analyse the Unidroit Principles article by article from a practical perspective, while always discussing alternative courses of action, where they apply. The commentary includes proposals for choice of the Unidroit Principles’ clauses and practical guidance for their use as template, or to supplement the CISG or national law. In addition to arbitral and state court decisions and recent literature, the 2nd edition includes an in-depth analysis of extensive legislative material. The author is a German practitioner with international training and familiarity with both common and civil law. He has been admitted to the New York Bar and also teaches at the University of Hamburg as a Professor of Law. The author is using the Unidroit Principles for more than 20 years in his commercial and arbitration practice, in recent years on a daily basis in multiple industries. As he shares his experience under the Unidroit Principles, the commentary can also be used as a practical guide and checklist of issues to consider in international contracting. Die Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts sind das ideale Instrument für grenzüberschreitende Verträge: sie bilden ein neutrales, pragmatisches und wirtschaftsorientiertes Regime für grenzüberschreitende Verträge sie enthalten zahlreiche praxisnahe Lösungen für übliche Vertragsfragen und versöhnen dabei Civil Law und Common Law Unidroit Principles werden in zahlreichen Entscheidungen von Schiedsgerichten oder nationalen Gerichten zitiert u.a. befürwortet von der Kommission der Vereinten Nationen für internationales Handelsrecht (zuletzt 2021) und der Union Internationale des Avocats (2020), die über ihre Anwaltskammern und Einzelmitglieder rund zwei Millionen Anwälte in mehr als 110 Ländern vereinen. Nach dreißig Jahren Anwendung in der Praxis kann es sich rächen, die Unidroit Principles zu ignorieren! Die vollständig überarbeiteten und erweiterte 2. Auflage des Kommentars analysiert weiterhin die Unidroit Principles, Artikel für Artikel, aus Sicht des Praktikers. Alternative Handlungsmöglichkeiten werden dort erörtert, wo sie sinnvoll und anwendbar sind. Der Kommentar enthält Vorschläge für die Wahl der Klauseln der Unidroit Principles und praktische Anleitungen für deren Verwendung, auch als Vorlage oder zur Ergänzung des CISG oder des nationalen Rechts. Neben Schiedsgerichts- und staatlichen Gerichtsentscheidungen sowie aktueller Literatur enthält die 2. Auflage eine eingehende Analyse des umfangreichen Gesetzesmaterials. Als deutscher Praktiker mit internationaler Ausbildung ist der Autor mit dem Common Law und dem Civil Law bestens vertraut. Er ist als Rechtsanwalt in New York zugelassen und lehrt als Professor für Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Hamburg. Der Autor wendet die Unidroit Principles seit 20 Jahren in seiner täglichen Handels- und Schiedsgerichtspraxis an. Aufgrund zahlreicher Berichterstattung aus der Praxis bietet der Kommentar zugleich ein Handbuch und Checklisten zum allgemeinen Schuldrecht in grenzübergreifenden Fällen.