Life by Choice

Book Description

This book came from the author's own life lessons. So often we go through life blaming people and circumstances for where our life is at... I want to encourage you to read this book and be empowered to make choices that will give you the life you have always dreamed of. Take your power the author of your life. Every day is a new beginning and hopefully this book will give you some tools to make the most of each new beginning.

Life Is a Choice

Book Description

Life is a Choice is a book for people who want to achieve success. The book is written in a conversational manner to help point out powerful insights for the reader. This book educates the reader about success, encourages through examples, and entertains by capturing the imagination. The concepts detailed in the book are practical and applicable to life. Dr. David Washington explains the concepts in the book using his personal life journey and lives of others. In addition, he also utilizes social science research to illustrate his points. This book is a must read for anyone that wants to reach success in life.

Living by Choice

Book Description

Living by Choice was written to help us better understand the power of our choices and that our choices not only define who we are today, but ultimately the type of person we turn out to be. The book is intended to help adults who want to make better choices in their lives, parents who are teaching choice-making skills to their children, and young people working to gain insight into how to develop their lives. The book stresses that each of us has the personal responsibility of managing our life and that we do so--effectively or otherwise--through the choices we make. The truth is . . . most of us are so busy with our daily routines that we seldom stop to think about what is required to manage our lives effectively. We tend to live our lives one day at a time without an overall strategy for how best to do so. Many of us live without a clear insight into how our choices define who we are and ultimately what we achieve. To bring this subject into greater focus . . . Living by Choice was written to motivate individuals, younger ones and older ones, to stop and consider the choices they are making in their lives. You will not find "the answers" here, and that was never the intention of the book. The ultimate answers about your life can only come from you. However, the book is intended to stimulate your thinking. Its basic objective is to help you think about your life and motivate you to make any choices needed to adjust the way you are living yours. To accomplish this, the book contains fourteen (14) sections including Managing Your Life, Being an Honest Person, and Creating a Caring You. Within these fourteen sections, the book addresses eighty-two (82) important choices that most of us face in life including The Choice to Be an Independent Thinker, The Choice to Let Love Guide Your Life, and The Choice to Respect Our Differences to name a few. Each choice topic provides a brief "thinking experience" . . . requiring only a few minutes to read but providing thoughts and perspectives the reader may want to ponder much longer. For those who want to make personal notes for later reference, space is provided at the end of each section. We are indeed "who we choose to be" and Living by Choice serves as an important reminder of this fact.

The Era of Choice

Book Description

How today's cornucopia of choices has transformed our lives and our culture, from the foundations of scientific theory to the anxiety of everyday decisions. Today most of us are awash with choices. The cornucopia of material goods available to those of us in the developed world can turn each of us into a kid in a candy store; but our delight at picking the prize is undercut by our regret at lost opportunities. And what's the criterion for choosing anything—material, spiritual, the path taken or not taken—when we have lost our faith in everything? In The Era of Choice Edward Rosenthal argues that choice, and having to make choices, has become the most important influence in both our personal lives and our cultural expression. Choice, he claims, has transformed how we live, how we think, and who we are. This transformation began in the nineteenth century, catalyzed by the growing prosperity of the Industrial Age and a diminishing faith in moral and scientific absolutes. The multiplicity of choices forces us to form oppositions; this, says Rosenthal, has spawned a keen interest in dualism, dilemmas, contradictions, and paradoxes. In response, we have developed mechanisms to hedge, compromise, and to synthesize. Rosenthal looks at the scientific and philosophical theories and cultural movements that choice has influenced—from physics (for example, Niels Bohr's theory that light is both particle and wave) to postmodernism, from Disney trailers to multiculturalism. He also reveals the effect of choice on the personal level, where we grapple with decisions that range from which wine to have with dinner to whether to marry or divorce, as we hurtle through lives of instant gratification, accelerated consumption, trend, change, and speed. But we have discovered, writes Rosenthal, that sometimes, we can have our cake and eat it, too.

Speak Without Fear

Book Description

From the classrooms of Yale and Harvard comes Deb Sofield's inspirational, instructional guide to help you conquer your fear of public speaking. Speak Without Fear transforms our old ways of thinking about public speaking and provides the reader with the necessary tools to move beyond the fe

Life's Work

Book Description

An outspoken Christian reproductive-justice advocate draws on his upbringing in the Deep South and his experiences as a physician and abortion provider to explain why he believes that helping women in need without judgment is in accordance with Christian values.

Stress Is A Choice

Book Description

In Stress Is A Choiceby David Zerfoss you will learn about 10 rules to simplify your life and eliminate stress in the process. You are the creator of the world you live in. Choose to be less stressed. Learn how in this new ebook.

Your Life, Your Choice

Book Description

Do you leap out of bed every day, excited at what lies ahead - even on Mondays? Do you bound out the front door to get out and get on with the day because you know you're going to be doing something that you love? Do you have all the material wealth you could ever hope for and travel to exotic locations on a whim? If you answered "No" to any of these questions, then this book is for you! What you're going to learn in this book is that what's in your life, what your life looks like, is completely up to you. That's right - it's your life, your choice! Doing something that you love is what life is all about. If you don't love what you do and aren't having fun most of the time then there is room for change. You may even already know that. What you may not know is how you can change. Your Life, Your Choice! will help you to remove all of the internal sludge that your true passion has been hiding beneath, since early childhood. As a small child you instinctively knew what your passion was, but for many of us it gets buried under the expectations of our culture, our family and even our friends. Rediscover your passion, and live the life of your dreams, your way, for the rest of your life.

My Choice - My Life

Book Description

In todays fast-paced existence, its easy to feel our lives are sometimes spinning out of control. But heres the good news: We actually have total control over our everyday choices. Now, put yourself back in charge and achieve a more balanced lifestyle with My Choice - My Life: Realizing Your Ability to Create Balance in Life. Stress management and well-being expert Jay M. Greenfeld reveals his common-sense approach for balancing the four pillars of your life - its physical, emotional, social, and professional components - with an emphasis on making positive choices. Here are the hints, devices, techniques, and suggestions to apply to your life, your worldand on your time. Youll learn:How to use positive thinking and awareness to break negative habits and ingrained, self-defeating negative actionsThe secrets to achieving success at work, at home, and in relationshipsWays to attain balance at any life stage: teens, twenties and beyondHow to get the most out of your personal relationshipswhether with parents, children or your life-partner Steps that will put you on the path toward a healthier, more fulfilling and less stressful lifePacked with anecdotes and practical encouragement, My Choice - My Life is an empowering tool that will show results each time you make a decision. Free yourself from feelings of hopelessness and regain your focus and your balanceits all up to you!

Healing Is a Choice

Book Description

DO YOU WANT TO GET WELL? The power to heal—physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually—is in God’s hands. But the choice to be healed is yours. Everyone, at some level, needs healing. You may have prayed for healing many times, for many years. Perhaps you have lived with your brokenness so long that you have become accustomed to it. Maybe you wonder just when God is going to take all the hurt away. He can. But you also must choose to let the hurt go and let the healing begin. In this special edition of Healing Is a Choice, author Stephen Arterburn offers a unique combination of book and workbook, outlining ten choices crucial to receiving healing. Embracing these choices means rejecting the lies we often tell ourselves. These are not hoops God requires you to jump through to earn your miracle; they form, instead, the journey He desires for you. He can—and will—walk with you. But you must put one foot in front of the other and choose to let the hurt go and let the healing begin. “His Word affirms that God wants us to experience His healing, but many times we make choices that stand in the way. Healing Is a Choice is a helpful resource that lays out the path of healing God’s way.” — JACK HAYFORD Founding pastor, The Church on the Way, Van Nuys, CA “When we look back at the past turns and twists in the pathways of our lives, we can see significant choices we made, which helped create the lives we have now. Stephen Arterburn has provided us with a guide for making the right decisions today to provide a redemptive path for tomorrow.” —JOHN TOWNSEND Coauthor of the bestseller Boundaries “I am asking you to give up your life as you know it so that you can fi nd the life God has for you. Take hold of your future today and make the choices that will lead to your healing.” —STEPHEN ARTERBURN “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." —Psalm 147:3