Life is Limited..Live Unlimited

Book Description

Life is Limited.. Live Unlimited recounts a fascinating personal transformational journey. This book is a rich blend of modern thinking and technology usage, drawing heavily from age old Indian scriptures to arrive at the transformational prescriptions which are simple to understand and easy to adopt. This book is for all new age individuals, professionals, students, home makers, business persons who wish to strike the right work life balance and be happy and satisfied without sacrificing their career goals. Using the tips, tools and techniques from this book they can achieve the unlimited potential of life in a limited time span, apart from enjoying the anecdotes, shlokas and teachings from gurus.

Life More Abundantly

Book Description

The Unlimited Self

Book Description

INCLUDES FREE "POWER PYRAMID SYSTEM" VIDEO AND 2 EXPANSION GUIDES! Every person I talk to has one thing in common... And it isn't something they like to admit.Every one of them wants things better... They feel lost in a desert. Almost like they were born at the wrong time in history. And when they go to build their dreams, accomplish their ambitions and live at their highest expressions, they violently swing between moments of power and moments of fear, uncertainty and diminishing confidence. In other words - they hit their own limiting beliefs. They want to make money doing something meaningful with their lives... but they keep showing up at a job or have a business that leeches their life and energy. They want better intimacy... but they don't know the skillsets and mindsets to keep the fire alive with their lover. They want to be a great parent... but when they spend time with their kids, they are only half engaged. They want to feel strong, alive and vibrant... but they feel so overwhelmed and busy with all the other areas of life, they continually let their health slip. They want to follow their passion... but they don't have a freaking clue what they are even passionate about. They don't even know why they are here. At the end of it all, everyone knows inside that they are called to greatness... To live an epic life...To have no regrets...To leave a legacy to be proud of. But even with everyone having this fire of greatness within... Most aren't even close to where they imagined or dreamed they would be in life... Why? Because schools and our parents didn't know how to show us the mindsets and skillsets to destroy the limiting beliefs and internal self sabatoge patterns. Patterns that all of us face when we decide to live anything more than an average life.You can have your dream...but if your internal beliefs don't believe it's possible. It isn't. Lots of people still debate what success means. How about this.Success is when someone is willing to not just dream about becoming great...but take responsibility for making it happen. Success is doing the INNER work that is necessary to move past the hidden "blocks" that keep you from creating your dreams. So the question is simply this. Are you ready to seize your greatness and not let go? Are you are ready for the mindsets and skillets that allow you to destroy ANY limiting belief that is holding you back from your greatness? If so...THE UNLIMITED SELF is for you.


Book Description

The book reveals the Reality of Life. Life's origin, Life's reason for existence is answered. The personal choice for the self, self-creation, is shown. Life's Eternity, Life's Indestructible Nature is proven. The immortality of the soul is proven. The book proves God's existence. Unlimited power is disproven. The philosophy of the book is titled the one philosophy. The One Philosophy includes all opposites, the Middle Ground between which is taken and confirmed. All that is lacking of the good is exposed. Philosophy is the answer to knowledge of the good, not religion, not democracy. The philosopher-king is advocated. The three main human objectives are put forth: understanding of Life's laws, the creating of the good society, the need to live in peace. Only philosophy has the answers. This book marks the new human beginning. It is groundbreaking. The phony, not-so-peaceful-andloving, the real Jesus Christ is exposed. The destruction of Jesus Christ is complete. The greatest human questions are answered. The basis of future humanity will be the One Philosophy

Robots Unlimited

Book Description

Consider this: Robots will one day be able to write poetry and prose so touching that it will make men weep; compose dozens or even hundreds of symphonies that will rival the work of Mozart; judge a court case with absolute impartiality and fairness; or even converse with the natural ease of your best friend. Robots will one day be so life-like tha

The Good Life

Book Description

McCarthy is a masterful writer with an astute eye for the encapsulating anecdotes of our everyday lives. Digging in the garden of consumerist America, his spade roots out many economic and romantic assumptions, revealing the shallow but tenacious grip that many of those 'weeds' have on our lives. McCarthy invites us to cultivate a garden bearing real fruit, a fruit we often do not even realize we want, but when tasted, draws us on. --John Berkman, The Catholic University of America With style, warmth, and humor, David Matzko McCarthy challenges us to bring the gospel into our homes. His stories of spouse, children, neighbors, and friends help us remember that Christians can rise above personal foibles and social pressures to enjoy surprising generosity, love, and grace. --Lisa Cahill, Boston College How can we resist the empire's demand for our allegiance? This remains a fundamental question for Christian discipleship, and in 'The Good Life', McCarthy poses it afresh. But now the empire is not Rome but the market, and the arena of challenge is not the coliseum but Wal-Mart. He offers challenging wisdom to those of us in minivans who are trying to discern what God's disruptive grace means for our friendships, our neighborhoods, and our consumer habits. --James K. A. Smith, Calvin College A splendid theological analysis of everyday life for people who live ordinary, middle-class realities. McCarthy illumines everyday life with beautiful interpretations of scripture and the creed. He is clearly the best theologian today writing on the vocation of parenting and neighborly existence. --D. Stephen Long, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary Don't let the charm of his style or his mastery or the telling detail mislead you. McCarthy's 'The Good Life' is both a sustained critique of the consumerism that enslaves and a profound account of how God's graciousness can set us free. This is theology at its best. A 'how to' book about something that matters. --Elizabeth Newman, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond A wonderful book. Rooted in Scripture, informed by the Christian tradition, perceptive in its analysis of contemporary American culture, 'The Good Life' is full of practical wisdom for middle-class Christians seeking to live more faithfully in their relationships to people, places, and things. Take up and read! --Steve Bouma-Prediger, Hope College 'The Good Life' provides middle-class Christians a rich resource for theological reflections. McCarthy writes like a pastor and has a gift for making resistance to mainstream American culture seem both necessary and possible. --Julie Hanlon Rubio, author of A Christian Theology of Marriage and Family

Infinite Possibilities (10th Anniversary)

Book Description

Infinite Possibilities is the masterwork from teacher, author, and featured speaker Mike Dooley. As the next step beyond his immensely popular Notes from the Universe trilogy, and his follow up, Choose them Wisely, this book contains even more enriching wisdom for living an abundant, joyous life. Mike Dooley knows that we create our own reality, our own fate, and our own luck. We’re beings filled with infinite possibility—just ready to explore how powerful we truly are. Manifesting the magnificence of our dreams isn’t about hard work, but rather about belief and expectation. These principles transcend belief, realizing the truth about our human nature. Your dreams are not accidental, nor inconsequential. And if someone were tell the truth about life, reality, and the powers we all possessed, would it be recognized? Our lives are full of adventures—and not exactly the sky-diving, mountain-climbing variety—but something better. Readers will laugh, applaud, and be inspired by Mike Dooley’s wit and wisdom.

Life Unlimited

Book Description

Limitless Life

Book Description

Is your life limited by labels the world and other people have used to define you? Labels you have internalized and apply to yourself every day. Labels like Afraid. Or Addict. Orphan. Damaged Goods. Failure. Maybe even Religious. These labels might be sewn into your life with such tight little stitches that they feel like a part of you. They feel like they define you. But that’s a lie. If you let Him, Jesus can remove those old labels and tattoo new ones onto your soul. Then you’ll begin to see yourself as God the Father sees you. The limits will be lifted, and your life will be transformed. It’s the truth. Join Pastor Derwin Gray on a fascinating journey into what can happen when you offer your head, your heart, and your hands to the only one who can offer you truly limitless life.

The Secrets of Ni

Book Description

How would your life be if nothing threatened, opposed or had power over you and your highest good? How would you feel if you knew that this moment is absolutely perfect in every way, and you are absolutely perfect in every way? You are infinitely expanding ecstatic love, this truth within you cannot be threatened, it is your permant, constant Truth. This book provides a simple and practical path that reveals where you are blocking your inner divine Presence from immersing your present moment awareness. Through correcting and disappearing all the blocks within your own mind, your natural divine radiance and boundless joy will bless and transform every aspect of your life; you will experience a joy and rapture beyond anything your mind can imagine. You become the indescribable peace and bliss that is innately and infinitely within you, your life flows and overflows with miracles and wonder, synchronicity and grace. You live each moment as the ecstatic love and boundless joy that you truly are. You become your unlimited Divine Self, one with all that is and at peace with all beings and all circumstances unconditionally. You live in the constant ecstatic state of rapture and grace. I wish that you could know how exquisitely beautiful you are. The vastness, beauty, and magnificence of each human being is profoundly awesome beyond all description. I wish for you to love yourself with a love so complete and perfect. That you choose for yourself a path of love, a path of ease, beauty, and grace because you are worthy of nothing less. It doesnt matter what you have done in your life, you are worthy of the highest joy and fulfillment, far greater than your mind can conceive. Your will and your Creators will for you are the same; a constant state of ecstatic love, rapture, joy, and perfect peace. If you could glimpse for one moment how magnificently beautiful and holy you and your fellow humans are, you would bow down in humility and weep with tears of joy. You are infinite creative energy, beauty, love, and magnificence. You are so boundless that words cannot begin to touch the wonder of who you are. Love and honor yourself as your Creator loves you; a love that is endless, constant, and eternal. The only thing that is certain in this world is that everyone will awaken to an eternal, divine, and constant state of indescribable ecstatic love. Everyone awakens to the infinite grace of who they truly are; everyone returns home.