Light Propagation in Gain Media

Book Description

Over the past two decades, optical amplifiers have become of key importance in modern communications. In addition to this, the technology has applications in cutting-edge research such as biophotonics and lab-on-a-chip devices. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the fundamental concepts, theory and analytical techniques behind the modern optical amplifier technology. The book covers all major optical amplification schemes in conventional materials, including the Raman and parametric gain processes. The final chapter is devoted to optical gain in metamaterials, a topic that has been attracting considerable attention in recent years. The authors emphasize analytical insights to give a deeper, more intuitive understanding of various amplification schemes. The book assumes background knowledge of electrical engineering or applied physics, including exposure to electrodynamics and wave motion, and is ideal for graduate students and researchers in physics, optics, bio-optics and communications.

FDTD Modeling of Light Propagation and Correlations in Active Random Media

Book Description

This research has improved the understanding of how the optical gain of active random materials affects light localization. The four-level two-electron model of optical gain media may be the most sophisticated yet reported.

Beam Propagation Method for Design of Optical Waveguide Devices

Book Description

The basic of the BPM technique in the frequency domain relies on treating the slowly varying envelope of the monochromatic electromagnetic field under paraxial propagation, thus allowing efficient numerical computation in terms of speed and allocated memory. In addition, the BPM based on finite differences is an easy way to implement robust and efficient computer codes. This book presents several approaches for treating the light: wide-angle, scalar approach, semivectorial treatment, and full vectorial treatment of the electromagnetic fields. Also, special topics in BPM cover the simulation of light propagation in anisotropic media, non-linear materials, electro-optic materials, and media with gain/losses, and describe how BPM can deal with strong index discontinuities or waveguide gratings, by introducing the bidirectional-BPM. BPM in the time domain is also described, and the book includes the powerful technique of finite difference time domain method, which fills the gap when the standard BPM is no longer applicable. Once the description of these numerical techniques have been detailed, the last chapter includes examples of passive, active and functional integrated photonic devices, such as waveguide reflectors, demultiplexers, polarization converters, electro-optic modulators, lasers or frequency converters. The book will help readers to understand several BPM approaches, to build their own codes, or to properly use the existing commercial software based on these numerical techniques.

Wave Propagation in Complex Media

Book Description

This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications WAVE PROPAGATION IN COMPLEX MEDIA is based on the proceedings of two workshops: • Wavelets, multigrid and other fast algorithms (multipole, FFT) and their use in wave propagation and • Waves in random and other complex media. Both workshops were integral parts of the 1994-1995 IMA program on "Waves and Scattering." We would like to thank Gregory Beylkin, Robert Burridge, Ingrid Daubechies, Leonid Pastur, and George Papanicolaou for their excellent work as organizers of these meetings. We also take this opportunity to thank the National Science Foun dation (NSF), the Army Research Office (ARO, and the Office of Naval Research (ONR), whose financial support made these workshops possible. A vner Friedman Robert Gulliver v PREFACE During the last few years the numerical techniques for the solution of elliptic problems, in potential theory for example, have been drastically improved. Several so-called fast methods have been developed which re duce the required computing time many orders of magnitude over that of classical algorithms. The new methods include multigrid, fast Fourier transforms, multi pole methods and wavelet techniques. Wavelets have re cently been developed into a very useful tool in signal processing, the solu tion of integral equation, etc. Wavelet techniques should be quite useful in many wave propagation problems, especially in inhomogeneous and nonlin ear media where special features of the solution such as singularities might be tracked efficiently.

Principles of Optics

Book Description

Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light, Sixth Edition covers optical phenomenon that can be treated with Maxwell’s phenomenological theory. The book is comprised of 14 chapters that discuss various topics about optics, such as geometrical theories, image forming instruments, and optics of metals and crystals. The text covers the elements of the theories of interference, interferometers, and diffraction. The book tackles several behaviors of light, including its diffraction when exposed to ultrasonic waves. The selection will be most useful to researchers whose work involves understanding the behavior of light.

Light Propagation and Random Lasing

Book Description

In the last decade Anderson Localization of Light and Random Lasing has attracted a variety of interest in the community of condensed matter theory. The fact that a system so inartificial as a thin layer consisting of dust particles, which have amplifying properties, can produce coherent laser emission, is of a simple elegance, which promises new insights in fundamental physics. There is no need of an external feedback mechanism, like in the system of a conventional laser. Whereas several attempts try to enter the subject numerically by considering cavity approximations, this thesis is concerned with building a microscopically self-consistent theory of random lasing. Designing this method, we had to study light localization effects in random media including absorption and gain. Incorporating interference effects by means of Cooperon contributions we derived Anderson localized states for passive media. Mapping this on a system which consists of laser active Mie-scatterers in a passive medium, we found that by incorporation of the Cooperon, we loose the Anderson localization, but the system is weakly localized, which is sufficient for population inversion and stimulated emission.