Limitless Grace

Book Description

You’re in for a unique and memorable reading experience, where classic meets contemporary, with Limitless Grace. In this brand-new devotional—inspired by the writings of John Bunyan—dozens of contemporary devotions offer refreshing reminders of God’s exceeding goodness. Each reading is paired with selected text from Bunyan’s Grace Abounding, making it a fresh way for you to experience a beloved Christian classic.


Book Description

Grace - the free, unconditional and limitless love of God - is one of the epic words of the Christian faith and a key part of what is most distinctive about it. It lies at the heart of what is proclaimed in the Gospel, but is not well understood, even by Christians. For centuries, Christians have laboured under two opposing misunderstandings: the Catholic view: We must strive to be good in order to deserve God's love,or the Protestant view: Humankind is so sinful, we can do no good at all. To set a great imbalance right, this volume explores what grace is; how it flows from an understanding of the Trinity; how it becomes visible in the life of Christ; grace in creation, human freedom and the Church; ways of thinking about grace and living the life of grace.

The Way of Grace

Book Description

This is a clear, concise, well-written book that is chock full of all sorts of information and references. While the text is certainly authoritativeand well researched, the prose is accessible enough that the average reader can easily grasp the book’s concepts and teachings. Anyone whowould like to do a book by book study of grace in the New Testament epistles and the Bible as a whole will find this book immensely helpful.Therefore, I see this book finding a significant audience amongst all sorts of Christians. - Kevin Miller The Way of Grace opens up a whole fresh understanding of the gift of grace revealed through the New Testament epistles. In its concise examples of how grace works to build on our relationship with Jesus Christ, this book will assist many Christians in understanding the full power and extent ofthis infinite gift of God. - John Stanley “And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; ... Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!” (Isaiah 30:18a,c)

mY Generation

Book Description

Y is the generation of tattoos, cell phones, social networking, and iPods. It is the generation of authenticity, social justice, racial diversity, and community. But it is also the generation of broken homes, school shootings, immense performance pressure, loneliness, self-indulgence, and insecurity. Christians have largely failed to bring restoration to this 70 million member group of young people. What are we missing? And what are the consequences if it doesn't change? Foregoing formulas, models, and snappy acronyms (which don't work), Josh James Riebock offers readers a journey deep into the soul of a generation that is slowly being transformed from within. Whether pastors, volunteers, church leaders, friends, or members of generation Y themselves, readers will value this honest and hopeful look at restoring a broken generation with the life-changing power of the Gospel.

Limitless Life

Book Description

Is your life limited by labels the world and other people have used to define you? Labels you have internalized and apply to yourself every day. Labels like Afraid. Or Addict. Orphan. Damaged Goods. Failure. Maybe even Religious. These labels might be sewn into your life with such tight little stitches that they feel like a part of you. They feel like they define you. But that’s a lie. If you let Him, Jesus can remove those old labels and tattoo new ones onto your soul. Then you’ll begin to see yourself as God the Father sees you. The limits will be lifted, and your life will be transformed. It’s the truth. Join Pastor Derwin Gray on a fascinating journey into what can happen when you offer your head, your heart, and your hands to the only one who can offer you truly limitless life.

Sensing Jesus

Book Description

This is a book about the behind-the-scenes reality of a life in ministry. It tells you what Zack Eswine wishes somebody else would’ve told him. With over 20 years of experience in ministry, Zack shares with incredible honesty about his own failures, burnout, and pain, all the while addressing the complexities of leadership decisions, church discipline, family dynamics, and so on. Presenting sound pastoral theology couched in autobiographical musings and powerful prose, this book offers a fresh and biblically faithful approach to the care of souls, including your own.


Book Description

Have you ever asked yourself what Gods plan is for your life? Brian Gingles explores the extraordinary claims the Bible makes, about the wonderful poem God wants to fashion out of your life, if you are willing to cooperate with Him. Transformed encourages you to discover how this can happen. It also seeks biblical answers to questions such as: What was Gods original intention for humanity? Did the fall of mankind destroy that plan? How can God heal our emotions and renew our minds? What are some of the key big, dangerous ideas that currently oppose biblical teaching? What part do tests, trials, and suffering play in our lives? What about the mystery of death? What is Gods ultimate plan for you? Becoming a better, more purposeful, and focused individual is possible, with the help of the Holy Spirit. God has a much more exciting ambition for you than you might have fully realised. He wants to make you like Christ. Learn what the Bible has to say about Gods extraordinary love for mankind and His wonderful grace in taking the unpromising chrysalises of our lives, to transform them into something free, clean, and beautiful in His eyes. Is it possible that God can change you from one degree of glory to another? Discussion questions at the end of Transformed offer the opportunity for further study. We will also see that Gods plans for us do not end with the death of our mortal bodies. See how we will be changed forever when Christ returns!

Walking in Grace

Book Description

Most people who struggle with healthy eating and fitness feel guilty and ashamed—and it’s sadly ironic that these two emotions often lead to compulsive overeating! The solution to the problem of emotional overeating is much deeper than avoiding the fridge—it’s a heart-and-soul acknowledgement of God’s grace. When we truly understand that God accepts and loves us, we can begin to heal the emotional wounds that have made us unhealthy for so long. Walking in Grace, a new Bible study from First Place 4 Health, will help participants understand their significance to God so that they can experience His freedom, live the abundant life and extend grace to others! Each First Place 4 Health Bible study contains 12 weeks of daily study to help members put Christ in first place. Based on proven techniques and 25 years of experience, First Place 4 Health is the most complete Christ-centered healthy living program available, and it has helped thousands of members create balance in the four core areas of their lives: emotional, spiritual, mental and physical. The results? Weight loss and total health from the inside out!

With Unveiled Face

Book Description

Somewhere along the way the American Dream replaced the biblical expectations of life following Christ. We insist that a loving God will provide a trouble-free life. When this does not happen, we blame God for not keeping His side of the bargain. ButGod never promises a rose garden! He promised us eternal life. He promised us forgiveness of sins. He promised us He will never leave us or forsake us. Isnt it time we got real with the real God of the bible? We are being led to publish this work to help Christians unveil themselves before God! And, 100% of book royalties from sales of With Unveiled Face are designated for the building fund of ClearView Ministries as we are currently without a church building. Learn about ClearView Church at

Legendary Living

Book Description

Thoughts give rise to feelings and feelings give rise to actions, cognitive, affective and behavioural chain. Your thoughts are influenced by your beliefs. Change your thought, change your life. Change your actions, change your life.