RF Linear Accelerators

Book Description

Dieses einschlägige Lehrbuch, entwickelt auf der Grundlage der Ausbildung an der US Particle Accelerator School, schließt eine Lücke in der verfügbaren Literatur zum Thema Hochfrequenz-Linearbeschleuniger, kurz RF-Linac. Nach einer Erläuterung der naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen und der neuesten technologischen Eckdaten stellt diese zweite Auflage neueste RF-Linacs, spezialisierte Systeme, Systeme mit Supraleitern und verschiedene Spezialverfahren vor. Übungsaufgaben an den Kapitelenden erleichtern das Einprägen und das Nacharbeiten von Vorlesungen.

Linear Accelerators for Radiation Therapy

Book Description

Linear Accelerators for Radiation Therapy, Second Edition focuses on the fundamentals of accelerator systems, explaining the underlying physics and the different features of these systems. This edition includes expanded sections on the treatment head, on x-ray production via multileaf and dynamic collimation for the production of wedged and other i

RF Linear Accelerators for Medical and Industrial Applications

Book Description

This unique resource offers you a clear overview of medical and industrial accelerators. Using minimal mathematics, this book focuses on offering thorough explanations of basic concepts surrounding the operation of accelerators. You find well illustrated discussions designed to help you use accelerator-based systems in a safer, more productive, and more reliable manner. This practical book details the manufacturing process for producing accelerators for medical and industrial applications. You become knowledgeable about the commonly encountered real-world manufacturing issues and potential sources of defects which help you avoid costly production problems. From principles of operation and the role of accelerators in cancer radiation therapy, to manufacturing techniques and future trends in accelerator design and applications, this easy-to-comprehend volume quickly brings you up-to-speed with the critical concepts you need to understand for your work in the field.

A Primer on Theory and Operation of Linear Accelerators in Radiation Therapy

Book Description

By the mid-1950s, a linear accelerator suitable for treating deep-seated tumors was built in the Stanford Microwave Laboratory and installed at Stanford Hospital. It served as a prototype for commercial units that were built later. Since that time, medical linear accelerators gained in popularity as major radiation therapy devices, but few basic training materials on their operation had been produced for use by medical professionals. C.J. Karzmark, a radiological physicist at Stanford University, was involved with medical linacs since their development, and he agreed to collaborate with Robert Morton of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (formerly the Bureau of Radiological Health), U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in writing the first edition of this primer.

An Introduction to the Physics of High Energy Accelerators

Book Description

The first half deals with the motion of a single particle under the influence of electronic and magnetic fields. The basic language of linear and circular accelerators is developed. The principle of phase stability is introduced along with phase oscillations in linear accelerators and synchrotrons. Presents a treatment of betatron oscillations followed by an excursion into nonlinear dynamics and its application to accelerators. The second half discusses intensity dependent effects, particularly space charge and coherent instabilities. Includes tables of parameters for a selection of accelerators which are used in the numerous problems provided at the end of each chapter.

Particle Accelerator Physics

Book Description

Particle Accelerator Physics covers the dynamics of relativistic particle beams, basics of particle guidance and focusing, lattice design, characteristics of beam transport systems and circular accelerators. Particle-beam optics is treated in the linear approximation including sextupoles to correct for chromatic aberrations. Perturbations to linear beam dynamics are analyzed in detail and correction measures are discussed, while basic lattice design features and building blocks leading to the design of more complicated beam transport systems and circular accelerators are studied. Characteristics of synchrotron radiation and quantum effects due to the statistical emission of photons on particle trajectories are derived and applied to determine particle-beam parameters. The discussions specifically concentrate on relativistic particle beams and the physics of beam optics in beam transport systems and circular accelerators such as synchrotrons and storage rings. This book forms a broad basis for further, more detailed studies of nonlinear beam dynamics and associated accelerator physics problems, discussed in the subsequent volume.

Linear Induction Accelerators for High-Power Microwave Devices

Book Description

Linear induction accelerators are successfully used as power supplies for numerous devices of relativistic high-frequency electronics. This book addresses ways to solve physical and engineering problems arising in the calculation, design, modeling and operation of linear induction accelerators intended for supplying relativistic microwave devices. It reviews and analyzes both classic and recent studies on the topic of linear induction accelerators (LIA) for generating and amplifying microwave radiation by relativistic devices.

Induction Accelerators

Book Description

A broad class of accelerators rests on the induction principle whereby the accelerating electrical fields are generated by time-varying magnetic fluxes. Particularly suitable for the transport of bright and high-intensity beams of electrons, protons or heavy ions in any geometry (linear or circular) the research and development of induction accelerators is a thriving subfield of accelerator physics. This text is the first comprehensive account of both the fundamentals and the state of the art about the modern conceptual design and implementation of such devices. Accordingly, the first part of the book is devoted to the essential features of and key technologies used for induction accelerators at a level suitable for postgraduate students and newcomers to the field. Subsequent chapters deal with more specialized and advanced topics.

An Introduction to Particle Accelerators

Book Description

From the linear accelerators used for cancer therapy in hospitals, to the giant atom smashers at international laboratories, this book provides a simple introduction to particle accelerators.

Linear Accelerators

Book Description