Linear Algebraic Groups

Book Description

The first edition of this book presented the theory of linear algebraic groups over an algebraically closed field. The second edition, thoroughly revised and expanded, extends the theory over arbitrary fields, which are not necessarily algebraically closed. It thus represents a higher aim. As in the first edition, the book includes a self-contained treatment of the prerequisites from algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, as well as basic results on reductive groups. As a result, the first part of the book can well serve as a text for an introductory graduate course on linear algebraic groups.

Linear Algebraic Groups

Book Description

James E. Humphreys is a distinguished Professor of Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He has previously held posts at the University of Oregon and New York University. His main research interests include group theory and Lie algebras, and this graduate level text is an exceptionally well-written introduction to everything about linear algebraic groups.

Linear Algebraic Groups

Book Description

This revised, enlarged edition of Linear Algebraic Groups (1969) starts by presenting foundational material on algebraic groups, Lie algebras, transformation spaces, and quotient spaces. It then turns to solvable groups, general properties of linear algebraic groups, and Chevally’s structure theory of reductive groups over algebraically closed groundfields. It closes with a focus on rationality questions over non-algebraically closed fields.

Linear Algebraic Groups and Finite Groups of Lie Type

Book Description

Originating from a summer school taught by the authors, this concise treatment includes many of the main results in the area. An introductory chapter describes the fundamental results on linear algebraic groups, culminating in the classification of semisimple groups. The second chapter introduces more specialized topics in the subgroup structure of semisimple groups and describes the classification of the maximal subgroups of the simple algebraic groups. The authors then systematically develop the subgroup structure of finite groups of Lie type as a consequence of the structural results on algebraic groups. This approach will help students to understand the relationship between these two classes of groups. The book covers many topics that are central to the subject, but missing from existing textbooks. The authors provide numerous instructive exercises and examples for those who are learning the subject as well as more advanced topics for research students working in related areas.

Linear Algebraic Groups and Their Representations

Book Description

* Brings together a wide variety of themes under a single unifying perspective The proceedings of a conference on Linear algebraic Groups and their Representations - the text gets to grips with the fundamental nature of this subject and its interaction with a wide variety of active areas in mathematics and physics.

Diophantine Approximation on Linear Algebraic Groups

Book Description

The theory of transcendental numbers is closely related to the study of diophantine approximation. This book deals with values of the usual exponential function ez: a central open problem is the conjecture on algebraic independence of logarithms of algebraic numbers. Two chapters provide complete and simplified proofs of zero estimates (due to Philippon) on linear algebraic groups.

An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Groups

Book Description

An accessible text introducing algebraic groups at advanced undergraduate and early graduate level, this book covers the conjugacy of Borel subgroups and maximal tori, the theory of algebraic groups with a BN-pair, Frobenius maps on affine varieties and algebraic groups, zeta functions and Lefschetz numbers for varieties over finite fields.

Algebraic Groups

Book Description

Comprehensive introduction to the theory of algebraic group schemes over fields, based on modern algebraic geometry, with few prerequisites.

Representations of Algebraic Groups

Book Description

Gives an introduction to the general theory of representations of algebraic group schemes. This title deals with representation theory of reductive algebraic groups and includes topics such as the description of simple modules, vanishing theorems, Borel-Bott-Weil theorem and Weyl's character formula, and Schubert schemes and lne bundles on them.

Computation with Linear Algebraic Groups

Book Description

Designed as a self-contained account of a number of key algorithmic problems and their solutions for linear algebraic groups, this book combines in one single text both an introduction to the basic theory of linear algebraic groups and a substantial collection of useful algorithms. Computation with Linear Algebraic Groups offers an invaluable guide to graduate students and researchers working in algebraic groups, computational algebraic geometry, and computational group theory, as well as those looking for a concise introduction to the theory of linear algebraic groups.