Nonlinear Magnetization Dynamics in Nanosystems

Book Description

As data transfer rates increase within the magnetic recording industry, improvements in device performance and reliability crucially depend on the thorough understanding of nonlinear magnetization dynamics at a sub-nanoscale level. This book offers a modern, stimulating approach to the subject of nonlinear magnetization dynamics by discussing important aspects such as the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation, analytical solutions, and the connection between the general topological and structural aspects of dynamics. An advanced reference for the study and understanding of nonlinear magnetization dynamics, it addresses situations such as the understanding of spin dynamics in short time scales and device performance and reliability in magnetic recording. Topics covered include nonlinear magnetization dynamics and the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, nonlinear dynamical systems, spin waves, ferromagnetic resonance and pulsed magnetization switching. The book explains how to derive exact analytical solutions for the complete nonlinear problem and emphasises the connection between the general topological and structural aspects of nonlinear magnetization dynamics and the discretization schemes better suited to its numerical study. It is an exceptional research tool providing an advanced understanding of the study of magnetization dynamics in situations of fundamental and technological interest.

Nonlinear and Chaotic Magnetization Dynamics in Single-domain Nanoparticles and Exchange-coupled Thin-films

Book Description

In this dissertation, we study two fundamental issues in nonlinear magnetism: the nonlinear dynamics of nanoparticles and the nonlinear dynamics of exchange-coupled thin-films. The behavior of a uniformly magnetized domain of ellipsoidal shape subject to a static external field and oscillatory external driving field is analyzed near bifurcation events. The analysis includes the effects of both linear and circularly polarized driving fields and is performed using numerical simulations of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. Under a linearly polarized driving field, the LLG equation is a nonautonomous differential equation which can lead to complex magnetization motions, such as bistability, multi-periodic orbits, quasiperiodicity and chaos. Under a circular polarized driving field, the LLG equation can be written in autonomous form by transforming to the frame rotating with the driving field. The autonomous nature allows one to perform a fixed point analysis of the system for select demagnetization factors. Similarities and differences between the driven systems are highlighted through, bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, basins of attraction and Lyapunov exponents. Magnetization switching, prolonged transients, quasiperiodicity, and chaos are observed with both linear and circularly polarized driving fields in the magnetic systems investigated. We also investigate the dynamics of exchange-coupled ferromagnetic films in the nonlinear limit and find a number of interesting features. These include the following: 1) A power-dependent localization of the magnetization oscillations; 2) A nonlinear mixing of the acoustic and optic modes in the antiferromagnetically coupled system leads to quasiperiodic and multi-periodic composite modes; 3) Ferromagnetic resonance experiments will show new absorption peaks (in the 20-50 GHz range) which have a rapid increase in strength with input power. As with the case of the uniformly magnetized domain, the results are calculated through linearization techniques and numerical solutions of the LLG equation. The nonlinear (and linear) behavior is illustrated through Poincare section bifurcation diagrams and power absorption curves.

Magnetism of Surfaces, Interfaces, and Nanoscale Materials

Book Description

In the past 30 years, magnetic research has been dominated by the question of how surfaces and interfaces influence the magnetic and transport properties of nanostructures, thin films and multilayers. The research has been particularly important in the magnetic recording industry where the giant magnetoresistance effect led to a new generation of storage devices including hand-held memories such as those found in the ipod. More recently, transfer of spin angular momentum across interfaces has opened a new field for high frequency applications.This book gives a comprehensive view of research at the forefront of these fields. The frontier is expanding through dynamic exchange between theory and experiment. Contributions have been chosen to reflect this, giving the reader a unified overview of the topic. Addresses both theory and experiment that are vital for gaining an essential understanding of topics at the interface between magnetism and materials science Chapters written by experts provide great insights into complex material Discusses fundamental background material and state-of-the-art applications, serving as an indispensable guide for students and professionals at all levels of expertise Stresses interdisciplinary aspects of the field, including physics, chemistry, nanocharacterization, and materials science Combines basic materials with applications, thus widening the scope of the book and its readership

Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures I

Book Description

Introductory chapters help newcomers to understand the basic concepts, and the more advanced chapters give the current state of the art for most spin dynamic issues in the milliseconds to femtoseconds range. Emphasis is placed on both the discussion of the experimental techniques and on the theoretical work. The comprehensive presentation of these developments makes this volume very timely and valuable for every researcher working in the field of magnetism.

Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures I

Book Description

Introductory chapters help newcomers to understand the basic concepts, and the more advanced chapters give the current state of the art for most spin dynamic issues in the milliseconds to femtoseconds range. Emphasis is placed on both the discussion of the experimental techniques and on the theoretical work. The comprehensive presentation of these developments makes this volume very timely and valuable for every researcher working in the field of magnetism.

Spin Dynamics and Damping in Ferromagnetic Thin Films and Nanostructures

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in the field of spin dynamics and magnetic damping. It discusses the various ways to tune damping, specifically, dynamic and static control in a ferromagnetic layer/heavy metal layer. In addition, it addresses all optical detection techniques for the investigation of modulation of damping, for example, the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect technique.

Atomic- and Nanoscale Magnetism

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the fascinating recent developments in atomic- and nanoscale magnetism, including the physics of individual magnetic adatoms and single spins, the synthesis of molecular magnets for spintronic applications, and the magnetic properties of small clusters as well as non-collinear spin textures, such as spin spirals and magnetic skyrmions in ultrathin films and nanostructures. Starting from the level of atomic-scale magnetic interactions, the book addresses the emergence of many-body states in quantum magnetism and complex spin states resulting from the competition of such interactions, both experimentally and theoretically. It also introduces novel microscopic and spectroscopic techniques to reveal the exciting physics of magnetic adatom arrays and nanostructures at ultimate spatial and temporal resolution and demonstrates their applications using various insightful examples. The book is intended for researchers and graduate students interested in recent developments of one of the most fascinating fields of condensed matter physics.

Handbook of Nanomagnetism

Book Description

This unique handbook compiles and details cutting-edge research in nanomagnetism and its applications in spintronics, magnetoplasmonics, and nonlinear magneto-optics. Fundamental aspects of magnetism relevant to nanodevices and new spin-transfer torque random-access memory (STT-RAM), current-induced domain wall motion memory, and spin torque oscill