Stanford Linear Electron Accelerator

Book Description

Considers authorization of funds for an AEC linear electron accelerator to be located at Stanford Univ. Appendixes include. a. "Proposal for a Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator," by Stanford Univ, Apr. 1957 (p. 283-426). b. "Review of the Stanford Proposal for a Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator," by William M. Brobeck P Assocs, June 1958 (p. 427-525). c. "Site Feasibility of Stanford's Proposed Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator," by Frank W. Atchley and Robert O. Dobbs, July 1959 (p. 577-649).

Stanford Linear Electron Accelerator

Book Description

Considers authorization of funds for an AEC linear electron accelerator to be located at Stanford Univ. Appendixes include. a. "Proposal for a Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator," by Stanford Univ, Apr. 1957 (p. 283-426). b. "Review of the Stanford Proposal for a Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator," by William M. Brobeck P Assocs, June 1958 (p. 427-525). c. "Site Feasibility of Stanford's Proposed Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator," by Frank W. Atchley and Robert O. Dobbs, July 1959 (p. 577-649).

RF Linear Accelerators

Book Description

Dieses einschlägige Lehrbuch, entwickelt auf der Grundlage der Ausbildung an der US Particle Accelerator School, schließt eine Lücke in der verfügbaren Literatur zum Thema Hochfrequenz-Linearbeschleuniger, kurz RF-Linac. Nach einer Erläuterung der naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen und der neuesten technologischen Eckdaten stellt diese zweite Auflage neueste RF-Linacs, spezialisierte Systeme, Systeme mit Supraleitern und verschiedene Spezialverfahren vor. Übungsaufgaben an den Kapitelenden erleichtern das Einprägen und das Nacharbeiten von Vorlesungen.

Elementary Particles - Accelerators and Colliders

Book Description

After a historical consideration of the types and evolution of accelerators the physics of particle beams is provided in detail. Topics dealt with comprise linear and nonlinear beam dynamics, collective phenomena in beams, and interactions of beams with the surroundings. The design and principles of synchrotrons, circular and linear colliders, and of linear accelerators are discussed next. Also technological aspects of accelerators (magnets, RF cavities, cryogenics, power supply, vacuum, beam instrumentation, injection and extraction) are reviewed, as well as accelerator operation (parameter control, beam feedback system, orbit correction, luminosity optimization). After introducing the largest accelerators and colliders of their times the application of accelerators and storage rings in industry, medicine, basic science, and energy research is discussed, including also synchrotron radiation sources and spallation sources. Finally, cosmic accelerators and an outlook for the future are given.

Linear Accelerators

Book Description