Practical English Listening: Dictation Book: Volume 1

Book Description

If you are a person who really wants to sharpen your listening skill individually or if you are an English teacher who need a proper English listening book to be used in your class, then this book is the right book for you. It is designed specifically and carefully so that all materials in this book are easy and fun to study so that you and your students will not be bored in sharpening their and your listening skill.

Listening Inggris Praktis: Dictation Book: Volume 1

Book Description

Jika anda adalah seorang yang ingin meningkatkan kemampuan listening anda secara otodidak atau jika anda adalah seorang guru Bahasa Inggris yang membutuhkan buku panduan listening yang tepat untuk digunakan di kelas, maka buku ini adalah buku yang tepat untuk anda. Didesain secara khusus dan hati-hti sehingga materi-materi yang terdapat di buku ini mudah diikuti dan sangat menyenangkan untuk dipeljri sehingga tidak akan membuat anda atau murid anda menjadi bosan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan listening mereka.

Listening Pro

Book Description

Dictate Your Book

Book Description

Ready to get on board with dictation (finally)? Like many tools that have come before it, dictation is a new and exciting opportunity to write better, faster, and smarter. But many writers still believe it's not for them. Perhaps they've tried it in the past and it hasn't worked. Or perhaps this new technology is confusing, expensive, or frustrating and that's held them back from taking advantage of it. If you're ready to take the next step and learn a new skill set that will give you a huge advantage over what other authors are doing today, grab Dictate Your Book and start working through the challenges that are holding you back from reaping the benefits of dictation. It includes: - Why you need to get started with dictation, even if you tried it before and hated it! - All of Monica’s best tips for making dictation work for you, whether you writing fiction or nonfiction - Every piece of equipment Monica recommends, plus half a dozen ways to test dictation before you buy - How to reimagine your writing process to accommodate dictation and how to get that clean draft easily - Monica’s full setup for her innovative Walk ’n Talks which helped her hit 4,000+ words per hour For authors who are ready to take their productivity to the next level, this book will help you get started!