Book Description

O livro Literaturas de Língua Inglesa: leituras interdisciplinares – Vol. VIII, organizado por Davi Pinho e Maria Conceição Monteiro, é mais um livro de uma longa e importante série de publicações da especialidade de Literaturas de Língua Inglesa do programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da UERJ. Esta série que se iniciou em 2003, com as publicações sob o título de Feminismos, Identidades, Comparativismos: Vertentes nas Literaturas de Língua Inglesa, coleção que se estendeu sem interrupção até o ano de 2015. Em 2016 se inicia uma nova série de publicações sob o título Literaturas de Língua Inglesa: Leituras Interdisciplinares, o presente livro é o oitavo livro dessa tão necessária coleção. Desde pelo menos 2003, então, a especialidade se compromete a lançar coletâneas de extrema qualidade. Os livros reúnem artigos dos professores que atuam no ILE/UERJ, além de convidados internacionais e nacionais de extrema relevância para as diversas vertentes e trânsitos das Literaturas de Língua Inglesa no Brasil e no mundo. O volume VIII novamente reúne um corpus de muito fôlego não apenas em termos da variedade de autoras e autores trabalhados nos textos aqui reunidos, mas também nas suas temáticas e aporte teórico. Como professora da especialidade e vice-coordenadora do PPG Letras, este livro fala muito próximo ao meu coração. Desde 2016, o Leituras Interdisciplinares abraça, com muito carinho, pesquisas das mais distintas. E esta edição confirma esse compromisso dessa coleção de escritos dos docentes da área com a pluralidade e a importância do diálogo dos saberes, sobretudo pela necessidade contínua da reflexão política em um mundo tão conturbado e carecedor de amor e compreensão. Leitor: uma boa viagem para você ao embarcar conosco nessa deliciosa aventura!

Literaturas de língua inglesa: leituras interdisciplinares: volume II

Book Description

Organizado por Fernanda Medeiros e Davi Pinho, este livro revela a amplitude e a atualidade das pesquisas desenvolvidas no campo das literaturas anglófonas na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Aos professores da especialidade de Literaturas de Língua Inglesa do PPG-Letras juntaram-se ainda Elisa Kay Sparks, professora emérita da Clemson University, EUA, e a historiadora do teatro Tiffany Stern, do Shakespeare Institute, Reino Unido, para abordar temas e autores que vão de Christopher Marlowe a Jamaica Kincaid. O livro que o leitor tem em mãos é mais um triunfo do trabalho em equipe dos docentes da especialidade Literaturas de Língua Inglesa do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da UERJ. A série Literaturas de Língua Inglesa: Leituras Interdisciplinares, cujo primeiro volume foi organizado em 2016, pelas professoras Ana Lucia de Souza Henriques e Maria Conceição Monteiro, é a sucessora de outra coleção extremamente bem sucedida – Feminismos, identidades, comparativismos: vertentes nas literaturas de língua inglesa – publicada anualmente de modo ininterrupto entre 2003 e 2015. Além de veículo de divulgação da excelente produção acadêmica dos docentes da especialidade, o segundo volume da série Literaturas de Língua Inglesa: Leituras Interdisciplinares vem à luz sob o signo da resistência, reafirmando nossa vontade inquebrantável de sobreviver e de renascer, neste cenário de terra arrasada em que foram lançadas as universidades brasileiras, em especial a Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, neste ano de 2017. Julio França Coordenador Geral do PPGL-UERJ

Perspectives on Corpus Linguistics

Book Description

Perspectives on Corpus Linguistics is a collection of interviews with fourteen well-known researchers in the field of linguistics. Each interview consists of a set of ten questions: the first seven are common to all contributors while the last three are connected to the research experience of each guest. In the general questions, the invited scholars explore (sometimes controversial) topics such as the concept of representativeness, the role of intuition and the status of Corpus Linguistics. In the specific questions, they provide a thorough discussion of materials and methods in corpus research as well as theoretical and applied perspectives on the use of corpora in language studies. Whether experts or novices, the volume should be of interest to all those who want to learn about corpus linguistics and carry out research in this fascinating and growing area.

Activist Science and Technology Education

Book Description

This collection examines issues of agency, power, politics and identity as they relate to science and technology and education, within contemporary settings. Social, economic and ecological critique and reform are examined by numerous contributing authors, from a range of international contexts. These chapters examine pressing pedagogical questions within socio-scientific contexts, including petroleum economies, food justice, health, environmentalism, climate change, social media and biotechnologies. Readers will discover far reaching inquiries into activism as an open question for science and technology education, citizenship and democracy. The authors call on the work of prominent scholars throughout the ages, including Bourdieu, Foucault, Giroux, Jasanoff, Kierkegaard, Marx, Nietzsche, Rancière and Žižek. The application of critical theoretical scholarship to mainstream practices in science and technology education distinguishes this book, and this deep, theoretical treatment is complemented by many grounded, more pragmatic exemplars of activist pedagogies. Practical examples are set within the public sphere, within selected new social movements, and also within more formal institutional settings, including elementary and secondary schools, and higher education. These assembled discussions provide a basis for a more radically reflexive reworking of science and technology education. Educational policy makers, science education scholars, and science and technology educators, amongst others, will find this work thought-provoking, instructive and informative.

The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf and Contemporary Global Literature

Book Description

A collection of original essays exploring the diverse impact of Virginia Woolf's writing on contemporary global literature and culture To capture the many Woolfian currents circulating today, the twenty-three chapters in this companion examine the global responses Woolf's work has inspired and explore her international influence. Authors address ways Woolf is received by writers, publishers, reading audiences and academics in countries around the world; how she is translated into multiple languages; and how her life is transformed into global contemporary biofiction. This collection is dialogic and comparative, incorporating both transnational and local tendencies insofar as they epitomize Woolf's global reception and legacy. It contests the 'centre' and 'periphery' binary, offering new models for Woolf global studies and promoting cross-cultural understandings. Jeanne Dubino is a Professor of English and Global Studies at Appalachian State University, USA. Paulina Pająk is a Lecturer in English Studies at the University of Wroclaw, Poland. Catherine Hollis is an Instructor at the University of California-Berkeley, USA. Celiese Lypka is a Postdoctoral Fellow in English Literature at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Vara Neverow is a Professor of English and Women's and Gender Studies at Southern Connecticut State University, USA.

Spirit of Haiti

Book Description

Vivid and poignant, Spirit of Haiti follows the intersecting lives of four young witnesses to military-ruled Haiti during the early 1990s. Léah, an apparition, rises from the sea like a siren one morning off the coast of Cap Haitien, clothes untouched by water, blue stones wrapped around her neck, eyes blind to light. Soon to be a mother, Carmen returns to Haiti from Canada as if responding to the call of the vodou spirits. Alexis flees the island in search of a land without strife. Finally, there is Philippe, who walks the northern hills alert to ancestral voices still haunting its peaks and valleys. Doing what he must to get by in the tourist trade and now weakened by illness, he struggles to maintain spiritual dignity and a hold on hope. First published in 2003 and shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers First Book Prize in the Caribbean and Canada region, Spirit of Haiti is a novel about confronting the failings of the human heart and the triumph of memory over despair.

Books in Brazil

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How to Read a Book

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Critical Cultural Awareness

Book Description

In a rapidly globalizing world, one of the most challenging barriers to be overcome is the stereotype. This book aims to promote understanding of the nature of stereotypes, and to suggest ways in which teachers can manage them by developing critical cultural awareness as an intrinsic part of the intercultural communicative competence of their students. Part 1 of the book explores ways of defining, eliciting and illustrating stereotypes from theoretical standpoints. Part 2 showcases ways of addressing stereotypes through intercultural (language) education to provide teachers with a firm platform for the practical application of their knowledge and skills when attempting to manage stereotypes in the classroom.