Little Joe's Christmas

Book Description

Based on a true story, Little Joe's Christmas, by James F. Conroy, tells the heartwarming tale of a little boy's faith and courage to keep the Christmas spirit alive. Faced with the cancellation of Christmas festivities at school, Little Joe asks his friend, the author, for help. Little Joe brings a special message, delivered through a Christmas card, from Santa Claus to his classroom. Through his belief in Santa and desire to save Christmas, Little Joe becomes a hero. Unaware of another development until the end, Little Joe helps his friend restore some faith in himself. With a positive message for every child, and a loveable conclusion for adults, Little Joe's Christmas will reinvigorate the Christmas spirit in all of us.

Little Joe’s Triumphant Christmas

Book Description

Little Joe’s Triumphant Christmas is about a new elf, Little Joe, who struggles with his new job in Santa’s workshop. A special, kind friend helps him realize his potential and how hard work pays off.

Little Joe's Triumphant Christmas

Book Description

Little Joe's Triumphant Christmas is about a new elf, Little Joe, who struggles with his new job in Santa's workshop. A special, kind friend helps him realize his potential and how hard work pays off.

Little Joe Meets Santa Claus

Book Description

Just as Little Joe became a hero for saving Christmas in the first book, Little Joe's Christmas, he becomes a hero for the second time in this feel-good sequel, Little Joe Meets Santa Claus. Witnessing a bully teasing and harassing a smaller boy, Little Joe approaches to intervene, when his friend Coleen gets knocked down. While coming to the rescue, Little Joe stops the bullying, but accidentally steps on and breaks Coleen's charm locket. Upon being informed of this by Elf 719, and watching the scene unfold in his special globe, Santa, who wants to stop bullying from happening in every school, instructs his elf to bring Little Joe to the North Pole for a meeting and a special award. Little Joe's visit to the North Pole and his meeting with Santa will be everlasting memories for the boy, and readers of all ages will delight in this heartwarming story.

Little Joe Honors Santa's Promise

Book Description

In his third book, Little Joe Honors Santa's Promise, of the Little Joe series, James Conroy encourages Little Joe to honor Santa's promise to reinforce Santa's ideal to abolish bullying from schools. In book two, Little Joe stops a bullying incident and is rewarded with a visit to the North Pole. In this book, Little Joe must honor and spread Santa's message. When a new student named Emily is bullied on her first day of school after Thanksgiving, Little Joe thinks he must do something. After telling Ms. Morrissey about Emily's bad first day, both LJ and Ms. Morrissey visit Elf 719 at his home to seek guidance. Both are surprised at who they meet inside Elf 719's house. Elf 719 reminds Little Joe of Santa's promise, and the special medallion Santa gave him to spread his message to stop bullying. Elf 719 tells little Joe what to do. Ms. Morrissey wonders about her feelings for the Elf and his feelings towards her. Does Little Joe have the courage to spread Santa's message? Will Ms. Morrissey feel differently about Elf 719? Find out in this wonderful Christmas story.

Little Joe

Book Description

Joe was born in San Antonio, Texas, on the twenty-fourth of September, 1930, to his parents, Joe W. and Margaret Swift Copeland. He was a Texan, through and through, and he grew up doing the things that were expected of a child on a large Texas ranch; things that today seem unbelievable for children to do. In the already hostile hostile environment of the west Texas desert, the Great Depression was extremely hard on the ranchers and farmers in this region, and this is where Joe’s story begins. He grew up in a time when life was simpler, ranch life was challenging, and people appreciated the cherished blessings of many friends and large families.

Little Joe

Book Description

A boy who has lost everything learns that love and friendship can bloom in the most unlikely of places.

Little Joe

Book Description

"Don't worry about how big you are," Little Joe's mother would often sing. "One day soon, you'll find that you were made to fit a King!" Oftentimes our children and grandchildren do not think they are good enough. Little Joe felt the same way, but he found out it was not true. His mother knew God had big plans for him! In the same way, we need to reassure our children that God has a purpose and plan for them, and they should never give up!

Little Joe's Christmas Tree

Book Description

Family Drama - Little Joe has been living in the homeless shelter with his family for several months. When he learns that there is no tree available for the residents to enjoy for the holidays, he decides to find one and bring it back for everyone. He has not yet learned the hidden dangers of the city or the power of a sudden winter storm about to overtake the city...

Little Joe

Book Description

It’s a cold December night and Fancy, the Stegner family’s cow, is about to give birth. Out pops Little Joe, a huge bull calf, and with him comes nine-year-old Eli’s first chance to raise an animal to show at next fall’s county fair. Over the next ten months, Eli, and Little Joe, learn some hard lessons about growing up and what it means to take on bigger responsibilities, especially when it comes to taking care of another living thing. But one thing Eli is trying not to think about is what will happen to Little Joe after the fair: it’s auction time, and he’ll have to sell Little Joe! In this appealing and heartwarming story that’s reminiscent of James Herriot’s books, Eli comes to terms with some of the realities of life on his family’s farm, and in the outside world, as he raises his first bull calf for competition. Told in a straightforward and appealing text, brimming with lush details about the natural world of the farm, and with characters that are sure to appeal to readers, Eli’s story is one that may not be familiar to every kid, but the themes of growing up and learning some difficult lessons will appeal to kids and adults alike.