Living Right

Book Description

Presenting a positive, optimistic look at our spiritual potential, author Dr. Gene M. Abroms focuses on how we can transcend the scientific determinism of the empirical mind-set to offer a therapy and lead a life guided by moral values. In Living Right, he shows how taking into account the spiritual reality provides the goals for psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatment, transforming it from a limited applied science to the expanded scope of a healing art and science. A philosophical treatise with clinical illustrations, Living Right elaborates on the argument for adding the spiritual dimension to psychotherapy by distinguishing between neutral, objective treatment, and inspirational healing that takes advantage of patients' will to health and meaning. It discusses what spiritual means in a modern context, what is involved in a spiritual therapy, what the role of depression is in paralyzing the will, and how medication and psychotherapy can play roles in freeing the will. Promoting value change and focusing on the purpose of life-living right-Abroms presents a practical philosophy of the means required to achieve the ends of freedom of will, authenticity of self, strength of character, and compassionate empathy.

Living Right

Book Description

Jenn Henderson is proud of the church-centered life she's created for her family. She prays each morning, attends worship every Sunday, and confidently takes up the struggle to defend traditional marriage when she learns marriage licenses are being issued to gays and lesbians in nearby San Francisco. But the certainty that she is living right falters after her teenage son, Josh, swallows a bottle of sleeping pills. Her fear deepens when she discovers that Josh struggles with same-sex attraction. If she's living right, how can Josh be gay? Desperate for a cure, Jenn and her husband send Josh to a Christian conversion therapy camp recommended by their trusted pastor. Jenn is unwavering in her faith that Josh can be transformed by the grace of God. But as the story unfolds, her husband, son, and daughters seem to be questioning her deepest values, threatening irreparable damage to the tight-knit Henderson family. Author Laila Ibrahim tackles a subject directly out of the headlines in Living Right, an intimate story about a mother's struggle to reconcile her religious beliefs with her son's sexual orientation. Living Right strips away the politics of gay rights to reveal what's really at stake in this ongoing conflict: family. As with her debut novel, Yellow Crocus, Ibrahim's second novel explores an intimate and sensitive topic with insight and compassion.

Right Living

Book Description

Rosenberg, Steven Shapin, Jean Silver-Isenstadt, Steven Stowe.

Living Right

Book Description

"Living Right offers an in-depth examination of far-right youth movements in Poland, Italy, and Hungary. The protagonists include students and young entrepreneurs, former skinheads, construction workers, bohemian musicians, and rich kids from the upper class who have all found a nurturing community in far-right groups. While they focus on local action, they are also part of a broader project with global ramifications. Agnieszka Pasieka engages in intensive fieldwork in these communities, particularly among members of the far-right Polish movement "National Radical Camp" (ONR), the Italian neofascist movement Lealtà Azione ("Loyalty Action, " or LA) and the FedeRazione ("Federation"), which comprises over a dozen movements across Italy, along with additional fieldwork among young Hungarian fascists. Pasieka makes some startling and counterintuitive discoveries. She observes that these groups embrace forms of civic engagement we tend to associate with left-wing organizations and movements, such as volunteerism in soup kitchens, animal shelters, and orphanages; environmental activism; and "humanitarian" missions to such places as the Balkans and the Middle East. Moreover she finds that such groups adopt language that overlaps in significant ways with left-leaning progressivism, notably a critique of globalization, consumerism, capitalism, mass culture, and "Americanization," as well as a selective embrace of the welfare state-so long as the benefits of public assistance are limited to white Christian compatriots. Members of these youth groups are often enthusiastic-but selective-readers of modern social science, and embrace notions of "cultural autonomy," "cultural rights," and "diversity." This language though buttresses an understanding of the world as made up of demarcated ethno-cultural entities, in which each entity should not mix with others. Taken together, her findings lead her to consider the far right's rejection of a hegemonic liberal order"--

Living Right On Wrong Street

Book Description

Job Wright had plenty of setbacks in his life, but nothing compared to the event that led up to him having to move his family to Phoenix, Arizona, to 2333 Rong Street. If only he had the power to delete portions of his life. Job battles himself, his wife, and his imprisoned former business partner to find the true meaning of God, believing that new surroundings will make the difference. But will everything Job is running from catch up with him? Living Right on Wrong Street is filled with humor, betrayal, revenge, and forgiveness. Titus Pollard is a new and refreshing debut author of Christian fiction.

Living Right Made Easy

Book Description

At age twelve, I found my salvation and got baptized. The Lord is very dear to me. We live in a pandemic and a mean and crazy time in this world. It is difficult to have a smile sometimes. We can read many books and read the words, but sometimes the words we read can bring a picture of something in our minds. That old saying is true; a picture can be worth a million dollars. We have hope, faith, trust, blessings, sorrow, joys, beauty, love, our health, and do not forget the humor. Life would be difficult without a little humor. In this book, you will learn about bubbling brooks and overflowing fountains that fill us with so much joy. You will have a smile that will not fade because of a man named, “Jesus.” Look up in the sky and see those gorgeous rainbows and the many stars, and do not forget the moon that puts so much light out for us so we do not have to be in the dark. God said let it be, and it was. But most importantly, you will learn about Jesus Christ, our Savior. I do not know where we would be without him. We receive all of the second chances but do not deserve it. Living right is made easier with our Savior and Heavenly Father.

Living Right Side Up in an Upside Down World

Book Description

In your need, discover God as a Friend. In your weakness, discover God’s Strength and Power. In your loneliness, discover God as your Companion. In your pain, discover God as your Comforter. In your confusion, discover God as your Stability and Truth. In your loss, discover God’s intimate Love. In your feelings of unworthiness, feel God’s complete Acceptance. In your fear and devastation, discover God’s Comfort and Security. In your feelings of shame, discover God’s Forgiveness. Take God’s hand in yours as you read these powerful, inspiring, heart touching pages. You will never be the same again.

LIVING Right in a World Gone Wrong!

Book Description

Let’s face it Brothers & Sisters in Christ, we’re living in a world that’s gone totally mad. The fact is that what we see going on around us on a daily basis are Biblical prophecies being fulfilled. While what we’re living through is Scriptural, that doesn’t necessarily make it any easier for those who’ve professed Christ. Neither are we relieved of our responsibility to be faithful to the final words of Christ, to ‘...go forth and evangelize the world.’ My prayer is that through the prayful reading of this volume of Scriptural Articles some will gain insight or discernment so as to, ‘Live Right in A World Gone Wrong.’

Living Right - 50 Stories Of Moral Clarity - Book 1

Book Description

"Living Right: Stories of Moral Clarity" is a captivating collection of narratives that delve into the complex world of ethics, values, and human behavior. Through a series of thought-provoking and heartwarming tales, this collection explores the profound impact of moral choices in our lives. Each story is a journey that leads readers through moments of decision and consequence, highlighting the importance of integrity, empathy, kindness, and the pursuit of what is right. These stories offer both wisdom and inspiration, reminding us that, in a world often clouded by uncertainty, our moral compass can guide us toward a brighter, more virtuous path. Morals in this book: 1. Treat others as you want to be treated. 2. Honesty is the best policy. 3. Sharing is caring. 4. Kindness is a gift everyone can afford. 5. Never give up, even when things get tough. 6. Respect your elders and teachers. 7. Be grateful for what you have. 8. Do your best, and success will follow. 9. Helping others makes you a better person. 10. Learn from your mistakes and grow stronger. 11. Be responsible for your actions. 12. Stand up for what's right, even when it's hard. 13. Practice patience and understanding. 14. Use your words, not your fists, to solve problems. 15. It's okay to ask for help when you need it. 16. Be a good friend by being loyal and supportive. 17. Embrace diversity and respect differences. 18. Be a good listener and show empathy. 19. Follow rules and guidelines in games and life. 20. Value and care for the environment. 21. Share your toys and belongings with others. 22. Be generous with compliments and encouragement. 23. Be fair and treat everyone equally. 24. Never make fun of others or bully them. 25. Learn to say "I'm sorry" when you're wrong. 26. Use your imagination and creativity. 27. Keep promises and commitments. 28. Don't judge people by their appearance. 29. Be grateful for your family and their love. 30. Clean up after yourself and be tidy. 31. Show gratitude by saying "please" and "thank you." 32. Choose kindness over anger or rudeness. 33. Never cheat or take shortcuts to success. 34. Share your knowledge and help others learn. 35. Value education and learning. 36. Stand up against peer pressure to do wrong. 37. Always strive to improve yourself. 38. Protect and care for animals. 39. Give others the benefit of the doubt. 40. Value time with family and friends. 41. Use technology responsibly and safely. 42. Show sportsmanship, win or lose gracefully. 43. Accept constructive criticism with grace. 44. Appreciate the small joys in life. 45. Learn from the stories of others. 46. Be honest, even when no one is watching. 47. Avoid unnecessary conflicts and drama. 48. Be a problem solver, not a complainer. 49. Be a good citizen by following laws and rules. 50. Strive for a positive attitude and outlook.