Living Serendipitously Pocket Journal

Book Description

"Serendipity is a calling, a willingness to live your life as though everything is a miracle, with the belief that at any moment something wonderful is about to happen." Sprinkled with inspiring quotes to prompt and guide you, this purse and pocket sized journal is the perfect place to record and celebrate the serendipitous moments of your life - anytime and anywhere.

Serendipitously Rich Pocket Journal

Book Description

"Serendipity is a calling, a willingness to live your life as though everything is a miracle, with the belief that at any moment something wonderful is about to happen." Sprinkled with inspiring quotes to inspire and motivate you to become delightfully, delectably, deliciously rich . . . this purse and pocket sized journal is the perfect place to record and celebrate the serendipitously rich moments of your life - anytime and anywhere.

Living Serendipitously Journal

Book Description

"Serendipity is a calling, a willingness to live your life as though everything is a miracle, with the belief that at any moment something wonderful is about to happen." Sprinkled with inspiring quotes to prompt and guide you, this keepsake journal is the perfect place to record and celebrate the serendipitous moments of your life.

Serendipitously Rich Journal

Book Description

"Serendipity is a calling, a willingness to live your life as though everything is a miracle, with the belief that at any moment something wonderful is about to happen." Sprinkled with inspiring quotes to inspire and motivate you to become delightfully, delectably, deliciously rich . . . this keepsake journal is the perfect place to record and celebrate the serendipitously rich moments of your life.

30 Days to Me

Book Description

Self help journal

Phenomenological Perspectives on Place, Lifeworlds, and Lived Emplacement

Book Description

Phenomenological Perspectives on Place, Lifeworlds and Lived Emplacement is a compilation of seventeen previously published articles and chapters by David Seamon, one of the foremost researchers in environmental, architectural, and place phenomenology. These entries discuss such topics as body-subject, the lived body, place ballets, environmental serendipity, homeworlds, and the pedagogy of place and placemaking. The volume's chapters are broken into three parts. Part I includes four entries that consider what phenomenology offers studies of place and placemaking. These chapters illustrate the theoretical and practical value of phenomenological concepts like lifeworld, natural attitude, and bodily actions in place. Part II incorporates five chapters that aim to understand place and lived emplacement phenomenologically. Topics covered include environmental situatedness, architectural phenomenology, environmental serendipity, and the value of phenomenology for a pedagogy of place and placemaking. Part III presents a number of explications of real-world places and place experience, drawing on examples from photography (André Kertész’s Meudon), television (Alan Ball’s Six Feet Under), film (John Sayles’ Limbo and Sunshine State), and imaginative literature (Doris Lessing’s The Four-Gated City and Louis Bromfield’s The World We Live in). Seamon is a major figure in environment-behavior research, particularly as that work has applied value for design professionals. This volume will be of interest to geographers, environmental psychologists, architects, planners, policymakers, and other researchers and practitioners concerned with place, place experience, place meaning, and place making.

Caught By The Police: The Life Story of Dr Anandswarup Gupta

Book Description

Caught by the Police is the story of a talented, public-spirited and erudite man, with a multidimensional personality, a republican bent of mind, Indian values and English sensibilities. After a brilliant academic career, he joined the Royal Air Force in 1934 at the age of 19; unfortunately, he was forced to leave on contrived medical grounds. He got into the Indian Police due to a providential combination of circumstances and events, somewhat against his inclination. But once in it, he gave his all to his profession. A brave and intrepid police officer, he went on to become a celebrated police historian. He also wrote spiritual poetry, which forms a part of the book and, interestingly, could recite Shakespeare, Ghalib and the Bhagvad Gita with equal facility. Spanning a century of changing times, this book provides a unique account of the last decades of British Rule and the emergence of a new India, woven into the story of an extraordinary life lived in ordinary places, and a compelling family chronicle.

Living Off Crime

Book Description

This book is an explication of social class and the adjudication of repetitive property offenders within the under class. It describes their class-informed subculture and near absence of any politicized action or strategy.


Book Description

These journal entries comprise two volumes of selections (Vol. I, 1973-1982, Vol. II, 1983-2003). Volume I includes an Introduction and some biographical memories. As Stephane Mallarme considered literature the antithesis of journalism, a journal is often the antithesis of a diary. It is of less interest to record moods and events, or barriers to self-realization, than to have ideas and insights about these. As a journal-keeper, I am generally disinterested in diurnal details, unless these form the compost of deeper exploration or revelation, seeking insight into my condition, not simply its description. A journal, therefore, is often more complex and difficult than a diary, far less personal in depictions of daily fortune, using everyday experiences as a stepstool (at the least) to peer beyond the walls of psychological enclosure. I did not choose the journal form to mask the personal, to belittle or avoid it, but to reflect my most intimate assessment of the personal as contributing to something greater: comprehension. It is not enough merely to record the frustrations, joys or barriers of living, without appraising these for what they represent and suggest, where we learn not merely reiterate. The ideal criteria of selection and discrimination apply not only to one ́s journal, but to life as well, adding a mythological drama and perspective that immersion alone does not permit. In some ways, journalizing is similar in impulse to the pastoral ethos or motif familiar in contemplative writing from Virgil to Thoreau: one withdraws from active society, toward natural or rural settings, in search of some form of respite, then returns to tell of their discoveries. Some critics have seen this as the organizing design of most North American fables--in fact, as the American mythology, seeking to heal the serious schism between our natural psyche and its more devastated environment; that is, a search for a middle ground (or via media) between the primitive and the technologically complex. This volume of journal selections resembles that motif, focusing on the withdrawal phase of a generally recuperative metaphysical cycle. Such solitude is intentional, a critical phase in the live/withdraw/live-again cycle of spiritual refreshment. A recuperative isolation can be experienced daily, if one is discriminating in how their time is spent, but is usually gained more intensely over long, purposefully reclusive periods. The motivations for my withdrawal were several, perhaps the strongest a propensity (as described of another Irish writer) for being nearly overcome by the variety of life. If not overcome, certainly fatigued by events in and of themselves. A reflective silence seemed essential to examine the roots of this propensity. An ideal of pure time, free of most distractions (human or otherwise), was also necessary for writing of the sort that interested me, the personally contemplative or mystical. Only through such reflection could I ever achieve a meaningful connection with the more active life that surrounded me. The predominant experience of solitude--especially in a society where the value of withdrawal is suspect or sporadic--is the figurative isolation one experiences throughout the entire cycle of withdrawal and re-emergence. It is generally difficult for lovers of action to comprehend this attraction to non-doing. One of the aims of solitude is to reunite philosophy and religion, or rather philosophy and awe, to not accept the social impoverishment of these universal needs for knowledge and worship. The asceticism of retreat was not solely the traditional and philosophical appeal of simplicity, but the freedom from income-producing and time-consuming work it permitted. For the solitary, however, an ideal of pure time must be united with an ideal of intimate association, if the mystical quest is to be emotionally as wel

Sleeping Where I Fall

Book Description

In his energetic, funny, and intelligent memoir, Peter Coyote relives his fifteen–year ride through the heart of the counterculture—a journey that took him from the quiet rooms of privilege as the son of an East Coast stockbroker to the riotous life of political street theater and the self–imposed poverty of the West Coast communal movement known as The Diggers. With this innovative collective of artist–anarchists who had assumed as their task nothing less than the re–creation of the nation's political and social soul, Coyote and his companions soon became power players. In prose both graphic and unsentimental, Coyote reveals the corrosive side of love that was once called "free"; the anxieties and occasional terrors of late–night, drug–fueled visits of biker gangs looking to party; and his own quest for the next high. His road through revolution brought him to adulthood and to his major role as a political strategist: from radical communard to the chairman of the California Arts Council, from a street theater apprentice to a motion–picture star.