Living in Victory

Book Description

Without a doubt, the quest to attain sexual purity is the No. 1 battle Christian men face in the 21st Century. The message of Gallagher's timely book is that men need not settle for a fear-driven form of freedom. As children of God, the bountiful life of victory in Christ is theirs for the taking. Win the battle for sexual purity.

Living in Financial Victory

Book Description

Have a life of financial victory. “Stewardship? What’s that got to do with me?” you might ask. Tony Evans explains that all we think we own really belongs to God. And when we think of “our” money that way, we can learn to be good stewards, or managers, of what has been entrusted to us. Living in Financial Victory carefully lays out how we should approach the vital topic of money in the areas of: Stewardship — Using what we have to further God’s kingdom agenda Rewards — The blessings and benefits of doing it God’s way Victory — Overcoming debt and financial bondage Tony Evans will help you discover the answers to everyday financial issues by showing you that God has a purpose for your money. Take the journey through this concise and practical book.

Living in Victory

Book Description

Christians desire to grow in their relationship with God. They want to flourish, to experience victory in their Christian lives. They want to live in the overcoming power that the cross provides. But they are stuck. They are like my friend, John, who works sixty hours per week, sits in two hours of traffic each day and carries the burdens of the world on his shoulders. He and his wife, Jenny, love each other, or at least they used to. They now spend their time together carting their kids to activities after driving through Taco Bell for dinner. Every week, John sits in the second row at church, listening to the pastor, and he and Jenny volunteer in the children’s church. But he told me last week that he is exhausted. On the surface, he has a good life, but deep down he is drowning. He has no real victory. How does someone like John stem the tide? How does he start living the victorious lifestyle Jesus came to offer? Many find the answer in promises of a magic pill, something that provides a quick fix. But such fixes don’t exist. The victory of God is an ongoing lifestyle while adopting and applying certain priorities that prepare and equip us for life. True victory comes in heaven and not on earth. And only the Spirit of God living through the believer based on God’s Word can give true victory. But there are basic principles that God has used throughout the centuries to encourage believers and give them victory. In this book, I’ve pinpointed nine principles and priorities that will help a believer live a victorious Christian life. They are: -victory in preparing for eternity -victory in experiencing God's love -victory in God's grace -victory in God’s sovereignty -victory in spending time with Jesus -victory in close relationships -victory in the local church -victory in rest -victory in healthy living These nine priorities will help you understand and apply principles that are simple, biblical, and time-tested to produce spiritual, emotional, and physical benefits. My aim is to stimulate you to live these biblical truths while allowing the Holy Spirit to transform you.

The Life of Victory

Book Description

Much is being said these days concerning the victorious life, and with so much preaching, praying, and discussion, the question arises, Why do so few seem to experience complete deliverance from sin and the joy and satisfaction such freedom is said to produce? Why is it that many who really love God and desire earnestly to walk with Him, manifest and confess an utter lack of power to do it? Why do others who have enjoyed a genuine and happy experience, fall back into habits and practices once forsakes, and in their life deny their profession, though they do not give it up? Why do some rejoice in the fact that they have victory over great sins, but are constantly defeated by little ones? Let us enter upon a prayerful study of this important subject, with the solemn affirmation in our hearts, Thanks be to God, I can have the victory.

The Victory Walk

Book Description

Great news! You can live a life of victory! In this 21-day devotional you will learn all about how to live a victorious life! Victory is not subtle. In fact, it is a violent proclamation that you can win against all odds! The reality is that most people will live a life of defeat because they are unaware that the mundane, lackluster life does not belong to those who have accepted Christ!Christ says, "I have come to give you life, and life more abundantly"! The abundant life or full life is the victorious life! All we have to do is accept this life and walk in it! It's time to walk in victory from this day forward.This book is broken into three unique sections to get you started on your journey! Section one will focus on victory, itself. What is victory? How can I get it! Section two points out victory blockers in your everyday life! Shame, unforgiveness, fear! There are many more but let's start there. The last section is all about how to "walk the walk" and "talk the talk". It's not good enough to learn about victory, yet have no tools to move forward! The last section is where things start moving and if you dig in, the results will be life changing!Grab your pencil and your Bible, and let's start walking the victory walk!


Book Description

Victory in Christ

Book Description

The author manifests insight into the full reality of the victory we have in Christ. He uplifts the Lord Jesus Christ, pointing to Him as the Victor over self and sin.

Living in Victory

Book Description

Many Christians are frustrated because their respective realities do not seem to be consistent with the promises of the Word of God. In Living in Victory, we go to where Christians currently stand, and show them the way to victorious living. One consistent truth about God reflected throughout the Bible is that wherever God is present, He changes the situation for the better. We see evidence of this in the beginning, when God stepped into the void, darkness, and formlessness to create the known universe. We see this truth about God revealed in Christ, who even at His birth caused angels from heaven to show up on Earth and appear to shepherds. During His adulthood, He healed the sick, raised the dead, brought hope, and restored families. It is my strong conviction that a Christian's physical and material circumstances have to change as a result of the presence of God inside of us individually, and in our homes and families. Evidence of God's presence will be seen in how attractive our lives begin to appear. This is the true test of the testimony of the Christian. Living in Victory does not present a quick-fix solution, nor does it offer false expectation of instant change, but it does present a biblical view of transformation in the life of the Christian from a place of frustration to living in victory. By following biblical principles, every Christian can live a victorious life and that is a guarantee! Living in Victory is a book whose time has come! First-time author Alain Walljee is a pastor with Victory Ministries International in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Emotional Victory

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Living the Victory

Book Description

A premise of Living the Victory is that Christians can and should be living life with noticeably different outcomes on a daily basis when compared to non-believers. The sovereignty of God and its impact on our walk is examined. The author uses Bible principles fleshed out with Bible examples of their implementation. Often this world examples of those principles are included as well. Jeres teaching on spiritual warfare not only opened my eyes to realizing what we all have a battle against; it also gave me the tools I needed to stay on my feet like a Christian soldier should be able to. Daily life can be so much easier when people like Jere come forth and do what the Lord has put on his heart to dothat being sharing what he has learned about spiritual warfare. Thank you, Jere! Dennis Backes, Program Director, Faith Discipleship Center From Jere Probert I learned to faith build. Jere would open each class with Romans 10:17 then open the classroom for sharing and discussing scripture. This taught me theimportance of scripture study, meditation and application of the Word to daily life. Tammy Rogers, former student