Quantum Dots

Book Description

A comprehensive review of cutting-edge solid state research, focusing on quantum dot nanostructures, for graduate students and researchers.

Coupled Quantum Dots and Photonic Crystals for Nanophotonic Devices

Book Description

To this end we worked to combine engineered QD5 with engineered PC cavities to explore and exploit simultaneous electronic and optical confinement. Technical thrusts included Nanocavity design and device development along with integration with the quantum dot (QD) active region. The first approach which we considered was to incorporate self-assembled QD5 into the starting epitaxial material, where the PC nanocavities are fabricated after growth. The PCs design and fabrication was optimized for high cavity Q and minimal cavity volume. In parallel, we developed nanopatterning capability to arbitrarily place a single QD or an ensemble of identical QUs within the PC.

Quantum Dot Devices

Book Description

Quantum dots as nanomaterials have been extensively investigated in the past several decades from growth to characterization to applications. As the basis of future developments in the field, this book collects a series of state-of-the-art chapters on the current status of quantum dot devices and how these devices take advantage of quantum features. Written by 56 leading experts from 14 countries, the chapters cover numerous quantum dot applications, including lasers, LEDs, detectors, amplifiers, switches, transistors, and solar cells. Quantum Dot Devices is appropriate for researchers of all levels of experience with an interest in epitaxial and/or colloidal quantum dots. It provides the beginner with the necessary overview of this exciting field and those more experienced with a comprehensive reference source.

Optoelectronic and Photonic Control of Single Quantum Dots

Book Description

The area of quantum information promises to deliver a range of new technologies in the fields of quantum computing and quantum communication. Devices based on semiconductor quantum dots hold great potential for the practical realisation of many of the components required in the proposed schemes. This thesis describes the development of several quantum dot devices. By integrating a quantum dot into a p-i-n diode, it was possible to control the dominant emission lines in its photoluminescence spectrum and to maximise the degree of polarisation correlation between the two photons emitted in the biexciton decay. With the same device under a magnetic field, a digital memory was demonstrated. The polarisation information of a single photon was stored as the spin of an electron inside the quantum dot, and was deterministically recovered some time later by the application of an electrical trigger. A fabrication process was developed in order to produce high quality two dimensional slab photonic crystals operating with a photonic band gap at ~ 900 nm. By placing a quantum dot into an appropriately designed H1 photonic crystal cavity, strong coupling was achieved between the dot and the monopole mode of the cavity. The vacuum Rabi splitting was found to be constant for all linear polarisations due to the unpolarised nature of the far-field of the mode. Finally, a new kind of cavity based on photonic crystal waveguides was developed. A Purcell enhancement of the in-plane spontaneous emission from a quantum dot coupled to a unidirectional photonic crystal waveguide was demonstrated.

Self-Assembled Quantum Dots

Book Description

This multidisciplinary book provides up-to-date coverage of carrier and spin dynamics and energy transfer and structural interaction among nanostructures. Coverage also includes current device applications such as quantum dot lasers and detectors, as well as future applications to quantum information processing. The book will serve as a reference for anyone working with or planning to work with quantum dots.

Nano-photonics in III-V Semiconductors for Integrated Quantum Optical Circuits

Book Description

This thesis breaks new ground in the physics of photonic circuits for quantum optical applications. The photonic circuits are based either on ridge waveguides or photonic crystals, with embedded quantum dots providing the single qubit, quantum optical emitters. The highlight of the thesis is the first demonstration of a spin-photon interface using an all-waveguide geometry, a vital component of a quantum optical circuit, based on deterministic single photon emission from a single quantum dot. The work makes a further important contribution to the field by demonstrating the effects and limitations that inevitable disorder places on photon propagation in photonic crystal waveguides, a further key component of quantum optical circuits. Overall the thesis offers a number of highly novel contributions to the field; those on chip circuits may prove to be the only means of scaling up the highly promising quantum-dot-based quantum information technology.


Book Description

Nanophotonicsis a comprehensive introduction to the emerging area concerned with controlling and shaping optical fields at a subwavelength scale. Photonic crystals and microcavities are extensively described, including non-linear optical effects. Local-probe techniques are presented and are used to characterize plasmonic devices. The emerging fields of semiconductor nanocrystals and nanobiophotonics are also presented.