Logistics (Log) Training and Readiness (T&r) Manual

Book Description

Per references (a) through (g), this T&R Manual establishes training standards, regulations and practices regarding the training of Marines and sailors whose primary mission is logistics.

DSCA Handbook

Book Description

This two-in one resource includes the Tactical Commanders and Staff Toolkit plus the Liaison Officer Toolkit. Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA)) enables tactical level Commanders and their Staffs to properly plan and execute assigned DSCA missions for all hazard operations, excluding Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, high yield Explosives (CBRNE) or acts of terrorism. Applies to all United States military forces, including Department of Defense (DOD) components (Active and Reserve forces and National Guard when in Federal Status). This hand-on resource also may be useful information for local and state first responders. Chapter 1 contains background information relative to Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) including legal, doctinal, and policy issues. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the incident management processes including National Response Framework (NRF), National Incident Management Systems (NIMS), and Incident Command System (ICS) as well as Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Chapter 3 discuses the civilian and military responses to natural disaster. Chapter 4 provides a brief overview of Joint Operation Planning Process and mission analyis. Chapter 5 covers Defense Support of Civilian Authorities (DSCA) planning factors for response to all hazard events. Chapter 6 is review of safety and operational composite risk management processes Chapters 7-11 contain Concepts of Operation (CONOPS) and details five natrual hazards/disasters and the pertinent planning factors for each within the scope of DSCA.

Fire Support Coordination in the Ground Combat Element

Book Description

Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 3-16, Fire Support Coordina- tion in the Ground Combat Element, is a framework for coordinating and em- ploying supporting arms in consonance with maneuver elements.

Culture Matters

Book Description

Peace Corps Information Collection and Exchange Publication No. T0087. Provides a map to guide Peace Corps volunteers through their cross-cultural experience and also a way for them to record thoughts and feelings as they live and work in a host country. Contains a variety of exercises, as well as stories and quotations from Volunteers who have served in the past, from experts on cross-cultural training, and from the kind of people a volunteer might expect to meet in a new country.

Aviation Training and Readiness (T&R) Program Manual

Book Description

The Marine Aviation Training and Readiness (T&R) Program provides the Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) commander with an Aviation Combat Element (ACE) capable of executing the six functions of construct, attain, and maintain effective training programs. The standards established in this program are validated by subject matter experts to maximize combat capabilities for assigned METs while conserving resources. These standards describe and define unit capabilities and requirements necessary to maintain proficiency in mission skills and combat leadership. Training events are based on specific requirements and performance standards to ensure a common base of training and depth of combat capability.

Personnel and Administration Training and Readiness Manual

Book Description

This Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual establishes training standards, regulations and policies regarding the training of Marines in the Personnel and Administration occupational field. The T&R Program is the Corps' primary tool for planning, conducting and evaluating training and assessing training readiness. Subject matter experts (SEMs) from the operating forces developed core capability Mission Essential Task Lists (METLs) for ground communities derived from the Marine Corps Task List (MCTL). This T&R Manual is built around these METLs and other related Marine Corps Tasks (MCT). All events contained in the manual relate directly to these METLs and MCTs. This comprehensive T&R Program will help to ensure the Marine Corps continues to improve its combat readiness by training more efficiently and effectively. Ultimately, this will enhance the Marine Corps' ability to accomplish real-world missions.