Lolita - From Nabokov to Kubrick and Lyne

Book Description

Qu’on soit scandalisé ou touché – ou les deux à la fois – on ne peut guère refuser de voir en Lolita une œuvre de grande envergure narrative et poétique. À sa sortie, la critique s’est montrée à certains moments offensée, à d’autres enchantée : Lionel Trilling y voyait moins le récit d’une aberration qu’une histoire d’amour ; Kingsley Amis trouvait l’oeuvre réjouissante mais insuffisamment érotique. Moins sentimentale, la critique actuelle fait aussi preuve de nettement moins de clémence à l’égard de son narrateur. Toujours est-il que la force de persuasion, l’ambiguïté et la subtilité de cette œuvre sont telles que le lecteur ou la lectrice peut difficilement se défendre d’être tour à tour transformé en esthète émerveillé, en juge réprobateur, en juré partagé, en amant passionné, en voyeur ou même en nymphette consentante. Destiné aux étudiants préparant le Capes et l’Agrégation d’anglais, cet ouvrage rédigé par des spécialistes de littérature américaine et russe se penche sur les aspects sociologiques, biographiques, structurels, stylistiques, intertextuels, génériques et cinématographiques de Lolita..

Lolita: A Screenplay

Book Description

The screenplay for Kubrik's 1962 film tells the story of an older man's obsession with a young girl.


Book Description

(Applause Books). Foreword by Jeremy Irons, preface by Adrian Lyne. Based on the novel by Vladimir Nabokov, Schiff tells the astounding story behind the most controversial movie of our time. 75 movie stills. "Like Nabokov's novel, it is an eloquent tragedy laced with wit and a serious, disturbing work of art..." The New York Times

Lolita - The Story of a Cover Girl

Book Description

What should Lolita look like? The question has dogged book-cover designers since 1955, when Lolita was first published in a plain green wrapper. The heroine of Vladimir Nabokov's classic novel has often been shown as a teenage seductress in heart-shaped glasses--a deceptive image that misreads the book but has seeped deep into our cultural life, from fashion to film. Lolita - The Story of a Cover Girl: Vladimir Nabokov's Novel in Art and Design reconsiders the cover of Lolita. Eighty renowned graphic designers and illustrators (including Paula Scher, Jessica Hische, Jessica Helfand, and Peter Mendelsund) offer their own takes on the book's jacket, while graphic-design critics and Nabokov scholars survey more than half a century of Lolita covers. You'll also find thoughtful essays from such design luminaries as Mary Gaitskill, Debbie Millman, Michael Bierut, Peter Mendelsund, Jessica Helfand, Alice Twemlow, Johanna Drucker, Leland de la Durantaye, Ellen Pifer, and Stephen Blackwell. Through the lenses of design and literature, Lolita - The Story of a Cover Girl tells the strange design history of one of the most important novels of the 20th century--and offers a new way for thinking visually about difficult books. You'll never look at Lolita the same way again.

Lo's Diary

Book Description

Now in paperback comes Pia Pera's bestselling answer to "Lolita", where the novel is told not from the point of view of the seducer, Humbert Humbert, but of the young girl herself.


Book Description

Qu'on soit scandalisé ou touché - ou les deux à la fois - on ne peut guère refuser de voir en Lolita une oeuvre de grande envergure narrative et poétique. À sa sortie, la critique s'est montrée à certains moments offensée, à d'autres enchantée: Lionel Trilling y voyait moins le récit d'une aberration qu'une histoire d'amour; Kingsley Amis trouvait l'oeuvre réjouissante mais insuffisamment érotique. Moins sentimentale, la critique actuelle fait aussi preuve de nettement moins de clémence à l'égard de son narrateur. Toujours est-il que la force de persuasion, l'ambiguïté et la subtilité de cette oeuvre sont telles que le lecteur ou la lectrice peut difficilement se défendre d'être tour à tour transformé en esthète émerveillé, en juge réprobateur, en juré partagé, en amant passionné, en voyeur ou même en nymphette consentante. Destiné aux étudiants préparant le Capes et l'Agrégation d'anglais, cet ouvrage rédigé par des spécialistes de littérature américaine et russe se penche sur les aspects sociologiques, biographiques, structurels, stylistiques, intertextuels, génériques et cinématographiques de Lolita.

Chasing Lolita

Book Description

In the summer of 1958, a 12-year-old girl took the world by storm--"Lolita" was published in the United States--and since then, her name has been taken in vain to serve a wide range of dubious ventures, both artistic and commercial. Offering a full consideration of not only "the Lolita effect" but shifting attitudes toward the mix of sex, children, and popular entertainment from Victorian times to the present, this study explores the movies, theatrical shows, literary spin-offs, artifacts, fashion, art, photography, and tabloid excesses that have distorted Lolita's identity with an eye toward some real-life cases of young girls who became the innocent victims of someone else's obsession--unhappy sisters to one of the most affecting heroines in fiction. New insight is provided into the brief life of Lolita and into her longer afterlives as well.


Book Description

Stanley Kubrick's version of Vladimir Nabokov's novel was one of the most controversial films of the 1960s. This analysis is written by Richard Corliss, editor of 'Film Comment'. It features a brief production history and a detailed filmography.

Vladimir Nabokov

Book Description

An illuminating study of Vladimir Nabokov's controversial novel with special attention to its film versions. From its first publication in 1955 Nabokov's Lolita has been denounced as immoral filth, hailed as a moral masterpiece, and both praised and damned for stylistic excess. In this fresh appraisal John Lennard provides convenient overviews of Nabokov's life and of the novel (including both Kubrick's and Lyne's film-adaptations), before considering Lolita as pornography, as lepidoptery, as film noir, and as parody.