Long-term Effects of Fire Hazard Reduction Treatments in the Southern Cascades and Northern Sierra Nevada, California

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Historic fire regimes in the dry conifer forests of the southern Cascade and northern Sierra Nevada regions of California were characterized by relatively frequent fires of low and mixed severity. Human management practices since the mid-19th century have altered the disturbance role of fire in these dry yellow pine and mixed conifer forest ecosystems. Fire suppression, high-grade timber harvesting, and livestock grazing have reduced the frequency of burning and caused a shift in the structure and species composition of forest vegetation. These changes, including high levels of accumulated fuel and increased structural homogeneity and dominance of shade-tolerant tree species, combined with a warming climate, have rendered many stands susceptible to high-severity fire. In many forests of the western United States, wildfires are increasingly difficult and costly to control, and human communities are regularly threatened during the fire season. Treating wildland fuels to reduce wildfire hazards has become a primary focus of contemporary forest management, particularly in the wildland-urban interface. The specific objectives of treatment are diverse, but in general, treatments address accumulated surface fuels, the fuel ladders that carry fire into the forest canopy, and surface and canopy fuel continuity. These modifications to forest fuels can alleviate the severity of a future wildfire and support suppression activities through improved access and reduced fire intensity. While fuel reduction treatments are increasingly common in western forests, the long-term structural and ecological effects of treatment remain poorly understood. This dissertation uses a chronosequence of treated stands to examine the temporal influence of treatment on forest structure, the understory plant community, and wildfire hazard. The first chapter examines the effects of fuels reduction treatment on stand structure, overstory species composition, and ground and surface fuels. The stand structures and reduced surface fuel loads created by fuels modification are temporary, yet few studies have assessed the lifespan of treatment effects. The structural legacies of treatment were still present in the oldest treatment sites. Treatments reduced site occupancy (stand density and basal area) and increased quadratic mean diameter by approximately 50%. The contribution of shade-tolerant true firs to stand density was also reduced by treatment. Other stand characteristics, particularly timelag fuel loads, seedling density, and shrub cover, exhibited substantial variability, and differences between treatment age classes and between treatment and control groups were not statistically significant. The second chapter evaluates fuel treatment longevity based on potential wildfire behavior and effects on vegetation. Forest managers must divide scarce resources between fuel treatment maintenance, which is necessary to retain low hazard conditions in treated stands, and the construction of new treatments. Yet the most basic questions concerning the lifespan of treatment effectiveness have rarely been engaged in the literature. In this study, field-gathered fuels and vegetation data were used to aid fuel model selection and to parameterize a fire behavior and effects model, Fuels Management Analyst Plus. In addition, a semi-qualitative, semi-quantitative protocol was applied to assess ladder fuel hazard in field sampling plots. Untreated sites exhibited fire behavior that would challenge wildfire suppression efforts, and projected overstory mortality was considerable. In contrast, estimated fire behavior and severity were low to moderate in even the oldest fuel treatments, those sampled 8-26 years after treatment implementation. Findings indicate that in the forest types characteristic of the northern Sierra Nevada and southern Cascades, treatments for wildfire hazard reduction retain their effectiveness for more than 10-15 years and possibly beyond a quarter century. Fuel treatment activities disturb the forest floor, increase resource availability, and may introduce non-native plant propagules to forest stands. Non-native plant invasions can have profound consequences for ecosystem structure and function. For these reasons, there is concern that treatment for fire hazard reduction may promote invasion by exotic species. Several short-term studies have shown small increases in non-native abundance as a result of treatment, but the long-term effects have rarely been addressed in the literature. The final chapter examines treatment effects on the understory plant community and on cover of the forest floor, as mineral soil exposure has been linked to invasion. Regression tree analysis provided insights into the influence of treatment and site characteristics on these variables. Treatments increased forb and graminoid cover, but temporal trends in abundance were opposite. An initial increase in forb cover in the most recently treated sites was followed by a gradual decline, while mean graminoid cover was highest in the oldest treatments. Shrubs dominated live plant abundance. Shrub cover showed few temporal trends, but was negatively associated with canopy cover. Mineral soil exposure was increased by treatment and declined slowly over time, remaining elevated in the oldest treatments. Non-native plant species were very rare in the treatment sites sampled in this study. Despite the availability of bare mineral soil and the proximity of transportation corridors, a source of non-native propagules, non-natives were recorded in only 2% of sampling plots. This study suggests that forest disturbance associated with treatment for hazardous fuels reduction may not produce significant invasions in these forest types.

The Effects of Fire and Fuels Reduction Treatments on Fire Hazard and Soil Carbon Respiration in a Sierra Nevada Pine Plantation

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"Throughout fire-adapted forests of the western US, and in the Sierra Nevada of California specifically, wildfire suppression has produced forest structures conducive to more severe, costly, and ecologically deleterious fires. Recent legislation has identified the necessity of management practices that manipulate forests towards less fire-hazardous structures. In the approximately 30 year old pine plantations of the Stanislaus National Forest, extensive fuels reduction procedures are being implemented. This dissertation addresses whether silvicultural and burning treatments are effective at reducing the intensity and severity of potential fire behavior, and how, along with wildfire, these treatments impact the evolution of carbon dioxide from the soil to the atmosphere. The first chapter addresses the relationships between soil respiration, tree injury, and forest floor characteristics in high and low severity wildfire burn sites in a salvage-logged mixed-conifer forest. The results indicate that fire severity influences soil CO2 efflux and should be considered in ecosystem carbon modeling. In the next chapter, fire models suggest that mechanical shredding of understory vegetation (mastication) is detrimental, and prescribed fire most effective in reducing potential fire behavior and severity in pine plantations. The third chapter documents the impact of alternative fuels treatments on soil carbon respiration patterns in the pine plantations, and shows that mastication produces short-term reductions in respiration rates and soil moisture. The final chapter further examines the relationships of fire-induced tree injuries, forest floor structure, and environmental factors to soil respiration response to fuels treatments. Each chapter is written as an independent manuscript; they collectively serve to expand the limited understanding of the effectiveness and ecological consequences of fire and fuels treatments in coniferous forests."--Abstract

Fire in California's Ecosystems

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Fire in California’s Ecosystems describes fire in detail—both as an integral natural process in the California landscape and as a growing threat to urban and suburban developments in the state. Written by many of the foremost authorities on the subject, this comprehensive volume is an ideal authoritative reference tool and the foremost synthesis of knowledge on the science, ecology, and management of fire in California. Part One introduces the basics of fire ecology, including overviews of historical fires, vegetation, climate, weather, fire as a physical and ecological process, and fire regimes, and reviews the interactions between fire and the physical, plant, and animal components of the environment. Part Two explores the history and ecology of fire in each of California's nine bioregions. Part Three examines fire management in California during Native American and post-Euro-American settlement and also current issues related to fire policy such as fuel management, watershed management, air quality, invasive plant species, at-risk species, climate change, social dynamics, and the future of fire management. This edition includes critical scientific and management updates and four new chapters on fire weather, fire regimes, climate change, and social dynamics.

California Agriculture

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Wildlife Habitat Management

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Shortlisted for the 2018 TWS Wildlife Publication Awards in the authored book categoryIn recent years, conflicts between ecological conservation and economic growth forced a reassessment of the motivations and goals of wildlife and forestry management. Focus shifted from game and commodity management to biodiversity conservation and ecological fore

California Forest and Shrubland Ecosystem Changes in Relation to Fire, Fuel Hazard, and Climate Change

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Fire is an integral ecological process, however fire's impacts have been dramatically altered by people. In this dissertation I researched how fire ecology use to work and the vulnerability of ecosystems to fuel hazard reduction treatments by using a combination of experiments and landscape scale natural experiments throughout California. One of the best places to understand past fire behavior are the Wildland Fire Use areas in Sierran mixed conifer where I revealed that a forests' environment, local-scale fire experiences, and regional fire experiences foster a rich, but sparse understory plant community. Throughout Yosemite National Park's mixed conifer zone I examined the fire ecology of climate change refugia which have unique fire occurrence and severity patterns in frequent-fire mixed conifer forests of California's Sierra Nevada: cold-air pool refugia have less fire and if it occurs, it is lower severity. In Northern California's chaparral I examined fuel hazard reduction treatments and found that mastication and fire each have negative, yet unique influences on plant communities and fuel hazards which warrant examining other methods to protect people from chaparral fires. Overall these studies allow greater insight into our ecosystems and may help managers make informed fire management decisions.


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For the past 4 billion years, the chemistry of the Earth's surface, where all life exists, has changed remarkably. Historically, these changes have occurred slowly enough to allow life to adapt and evolve. In more recent times, the chemistry of the Earth is being altered at a staggering rate, fueled by industrialization and an ever-growing human population. Human activities, from the rapid consumption of resources to the destruction of the rainforests and the expansion of smog-covered cities, are all leading to rapid changes in the basic chemistry of the Earth. The Third Edition of Biogeochemistry considers the effects of life on the Earth's chemistry on a global level. This expansive text employs current technology to help students extrapolate small-scale examples to the global level, and also discusses the instrumentation being used by NASA and its role in studies of global change. With the Earth's changing chemistry as the focus, this text pulls together the many disparate fields that are encompassed by the broad reach of biogeochemistry. With extensive cross-referencing of chapters, figures, and tables, and an interdisciplinary coverage of the topic at hand, this text will provide an excellent framework for courses examining global change and environmental chemistry, and will also be a useful self-study guide. Emphasizes the effects of life on the basic chemistry of the atmosphere, the soils, and seawaters of the EarthCalculates and compares the effects of industrial emissions, land clearing, agriculture, and rising population on Earth's chemistrySynthesizes the global cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur, and suggests the best current budgets for atmospheric gases such as ammonia, nitrous oxide, dimethyl sulfide, and carbonyl sulfideIncludes an extensive review and up-to-date synthesis of the current literature on the Earth's biogeochemistry.