Longboard Letdown

Book Description

Valeria has always been one of the best downhill longboarders around, but as she comes back from an injury, she seems to have lost her fearless verve. The Pro Longboarding event is right around the corner and Valeria has always dominated the "locals" kids division. Everyone expects this year to be the same--everyone except Valeria.

Longboard Let Down

Book Description

Ever since she broke her wrist longboarding, Valeria has been reluctant to get back on her board, but now she has been asked to teach Chloe, the new girl in Harlow Springs, Colorado, the art of downhill longboarding and get her ready in time for the upcoming race.

Longboard Let Down

Book Description

Ever since she broke her wrist longboarding, Valeria has been reluctant to get back on her board, but now she has been asked to teach Chloe, the new girl in Harlow Springs, Colorado, the art of downhill longboarding and get her ready in time for the upcoming race.

Longboard Letdown

Book Description

Valeria has always been one of the best downhill longboarders around, but as she comes back from an injury she seems to have lost her fearless verve. The Pro Longboarding event is right around the corner and Valeria has always dominated the _localsî kids division. Everyone expects this year to be the sameÜeveryone except Valeria.

Longboarder's Start-up

Book Description

Design innovations and a new appreciation for the grace and poise of surfing a longer board has lifted the art of longboarding back into the limelight and, more importantly, back into the minds of serious surfers who are looking to expand their wave riding experience. In the first half, Longboarder's Start-Up covers the basics of longboard equipment, wave selection, courtesy, and surfing technique through standing up. The second part gets into intermediate and advanced longboarding skills including: cross-stepping and trimming, turning maneuvers, essential noseriding and, finally, some of the breathtaking tricks that the pros execute so flawlessly. The key points are brought home with a stripped down text and photos featuring some of the best longboard surfers on earth, including Ted Robinson, Colin McPhillips, Jeff Kramer and Mark Stewart.

Be There: A Novel

Book Description

Why let events out of your control hold you back, when you can grab a surfboard and learn to ride the waves? When Sydney and her fiancé break up, she has two choices: Stay in San Francisco as a single in the same-old routine, or try the experience of being a virtual nomad and working remotely. Since her ex was never very supportive of her startup or her learning to surf, she decides to go remote for a few months and do both. In Bali, Sydney attends surf camp, where she learns to face her fear. Ancient temples, wild waves and island life is a dream, until she’s injured. In Barcelona, she attends a boot camp for female entrepreneurs, which emboldens her. She learns the power of conversation and how to talk your way to success. In Barbados, it all comes together as Sydney puts her surfing skills to test while raising investor funds for her company. She gets back in the water, joins a group of women waveriders and has fun working hard and playing hard. What Sydney learns by Being There is success on your own terms is possible. A lot of people don’t let themselves be free. It’s important to know what it feels like to feel free. Freedom cracks everything open, and reveals all the possibilities. New experiences optimize her work and these adventures break all the fear barriers. Traveling broadly, starting her own business, and extreme sport bring Sydney to the next stage of life in style. In the post-pandemic world, more options are available than ever before. Why not take advantage of them?


Book Description

From its origins as a land-based alternative to surfing, one that incorporated the wheels and trucks used by skateboarders, longboarding, developed in Hawaii during the 1950s, has come a long way. In the 1970s, when the sport was seen as a form of self-expression, it was more of a do-it-yourself hobby. Today, longboarding is bigger than ever. This book describes the sport’s history, gives riders an idea of how to choose their equipment and begin practicing this unique sport. From mere transportation, to obstacle slaloming, freeriding, dancing, and freestyling, readers will be impressed with the many styles of this ever-changing pastime.

Guardian of the Pines

Book Description

Gifted with tree magic, sixteen-year-old Cor learns the largest pines in the UK still grow on a hidden island—and are endangered. He wants to live there and help, but the trees’ elderly caretaker refuses to train a smooth-talking city boy. To also come out as gay to anyone there would be bloody foolish. When an opportunity to visit this magical forest arrives, he grabs it, entangling novice witch Fern in his quest. Their mistakes anger the island’s elders and foul up her relationship with her boyfriend. It’s only after an island boy befriends him that Cor confronts the challenge of the massive pines—and his more powerful feelings for Oyster. If Cor wants to save the Pines and not lose Oyster, he will have to do something he’s never done—let Oyster and the others see who he really is. GUARDIAN OF THE PINES joins new wizards with old friends as a generation of magic-wielders restores its connections to nature and community. Climb to dizzying heights with a clean & nonviolent cozy fantasy appealing to adults and young adults. Some mild cursing. Can be read as a standalone. Also available in paperback and Large Print editions.

Long For Life

Book Description

I just did my best to remember to tell myself ‘I can and will change my life for the better,’ page 40, Long for Life. It is inevitable that, at some point, everyone will confront some sort of challenge, adversity, or obstacle in life. Survivor, Brandon Harrison, however, faced more than a challenge. His cancer diagnosis at a young age came with a slim twenty-five percent chance of surviving through childhood, only then to suffer two hemorrhagic strokes in his teens. Brandon Harrison chose to claim his life back and raise money by longboarding across Canada with his father, Michael. Tragically, Harrison’s trip was cut short when he suffered a third hemorrhagic stroke at their second Heart and Stroke fundraiser and he woke up from a coma half-paralyzed on his twentieth birthday. After learning to stand, walk, and ride again, Harrison would finish his cross-country mission on the third-year anniversary of the day he nearly lost his life from the paralyzing stroke. Long for Life is Brandon’s mind-boggling story of 28 years: a diversity of drama, suspense, adventure, and curiosity full of twists that will inspire readers aged mid-teens to sixty to live the best possible life they can. Long for Life is sure to stir readers to weather life's misfortunes by working hard, believing in themselves, and never giving up, no matter what life throws at them. To live their lives to the fullest. To know without a reasonable doubt that they, too, can overcome any and all obstacles that life may throw at them.

Skiing Heritage Journal

Book Description

Skiing Heritage is a quarterly Journal of original, entertaining, and informative feature articles on skiing history. Published by the International Skiing History Association, its contents support ISHA's mission "to preserve skiing history and to increase awareness of the sport's heritage."