Life Settlements and Longevity Structures

Book Description

Recent turbulence in the financial markets has highlighted the need for diversified portfolios with lower correlations between the different investments. Life settlements meet this need, offering investors the prospect of high, stable returns, uncorrelated with the broader financial markets. This book provides readers of all levels of experience with essential information on the process surrounding the acquisition and management of a portfolio of life settlements; the assessment, modelling and mitigation of the associated longevity, interest rate and credit risks; and practical approaches to financing and risk management structures. It begins with the history of life insurance and looks at how the need for new financing sources has led to the growth of the life settlements market in the United States. The authors provide a detailed exploration of the mathematical formulae surrounding the generation of mortality curves, drawing a parallel between the tools deployed in the credit derivatives market and those available to model longevity risk. Structured products and securitisation techniques are introduced and explained, starting with simple vanilla products and models before illustrating some of the investment structures associated with life settlements. Capital market mechanisms available to assist the investor in limiting the risks associated with life settlement portfolios are outlined, as are opportunities to use life settlement portfolios to mitigate the risks of traditional capital markets. The last section of the book covers derivative products, either available now or under consideration, that will reduce or potentially eliminate longevity risks within life settlement portfolios. It then reviews hedging and risk management strategies and considers how to measure the effectiveness of risk mitigation.

Longevity Risk and Capital Markets

Book Description

Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference was held in Amsterdam on 25-26 September 2008. It was hosted by Netspar and the Pensions Institute (at Cass Business School), organised by PensionSummit and sponsored by Cardano, EIM, Nationale Nederlanden, and Robeco; IPE and Pensions & Investments were media partners. Mortality improvements around the world are putting more pressure on governments, pension funds, life insurance companies as well as individuals to deal with the longevity risk they face. At the same time, capital markets can, in principle, provide vehicles to hedge longevity risk effectively. Many new investment products have been created both by the insurance/reinsurance industry and by the capital markets. Mortality catastrophe bonds are an example of a successful insurance-linked security. Some new innovative capital market solutions for transferring longevity risk include survivor bonds, reverse mortgages, longevity-linked swaps and mortality (or q-) forward contracts. The aim of the International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conferences is to bring together academics and practitioners from all over the world to discuss and analyze these exciting new developments.

Longevity Risk and Capital Markets

Book Description

Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference was held in Taipei, Taiwan on 20-21 July 2007. It was hosted by National Chengchi University. Mortality improvements around the world are putting more pressure on governments, pension funds, life insurance companies as well as individuals to deal with the increasing longevity risk they face. Financial markets, on the other hand, can in principle provide vehicles to hedge longevity risk effectively. Many new investment products have been created both by the insurance/reinsurance industry and by the capital markets. Mortality catastrophe bonds are an example of a successful insurance-linked security. Some new innovative capital market solutions for transferring longevity risk include survivor bonds, reverse mortgages, longevity-linked swaps and forward contracts. The aim of the International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conferences is to bring together academics and practitioners from all over the world to discuss and analyze these exciting new developments.The first conference was held at Cass Business School in London in February 2005. This conference was prompted by the announcement of the Swiss Re mortality catastrophe bond in December 2003 and the EIB/BNP/PartnerRe longevity bond in November 2004. The second conference was held in April 2006 in Chicago and hosted by the Katie School at Illinois State University. In the intervening period, there were further issues of mortality catastrophe bonds, as well as the release of the Credit Suisse Longevity Index. Life settlement securitizations were also beginning to take place in the US. In the UK, new life companies backed by global investment banks and private equity firms were setting up for the express purpose of buying out the defined benefit pension liabilities of UK corporations. Goldman Sachs announced it was setting up such a buy-out company itself because the issue of pension liabilities was beginning to impede its mergers and acquisitions activities. So there was now clear evidence that a new global capital market in longevity risk transference was beginning to emerge. However, as with many other economic activities, not all progress follows a smooth path. The EIB/BNP/PartnerRe longevity bond did not attract sufficient investor interest and was withdrawn in late 2005. But a great deal was learned from this about the conditions and requirements needed to launch a successful capital market.

Longevity Risk and Capital Markets

Book Description

This Special Issue of Insurance: Mathematics and Economics contains 16 contributions to the academic literature all dealing with longevity risk and capital markets. Draft versions of the papers were presented at Longevity 11: The Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference that was held in Lyon, France on 8-9 September 2015. It was hosted by Institut de Science Financière et d'Assurance (ISFA), Université Lyon 1, Lyon, and co-hosted by Laboratoire de Science Financière et d'Assurances, Lyon; Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modéles Aléatoires, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris; Pensions Institute, Cass Business School, City University of London, UK; and the LoLitA (Longevity with Lifestyle Adjustments) ANR research project team. It was sponsored by Prudential Financial, SCOR, Société Générale Corporate and Investment Banking, the Society of Actuaries (SOA), EY, Milliman, Reinsurance Group of America, Aon Benfield, Guy Carpenter, PRIM'ACT, and SINALYS.

Longevity Risk

Book Description

This book presents methods to price and measure longevity risk and ways to hedge/de-risk through a range of traditional insurance, reinsurance and innovative capital market solutions.