Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada [electronic Resource] : Progress and Challenges of New Immigrants in the Workforce, 2003

Book Description

The Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC), conducted jointly by Statistics Canada and Citizenship and Immigration Canada under the Policy Research Initiative, is a comprehensive survey designed to study the process by which new immigrants adapt to Canadian society. About 12,000 immigrants aged 15 and older who arrived in Canada from abroad between October 2000 and September 2001 were interviewed. By late 2005, when all three waves of interviews will have been completed, the survey will provide a better understanding of how the settlement process unfolds for new immigrants.

Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada

Book Description

By examining newcomers' progress over time, the LSIC affords the possibility of assisting researchers and policy-makers to go beyond existing descriptions of immigrant integration outcomes to an examination of how newcomers achieve these outcomes -- in essence, the "how" and "why" dimensions. While the full value of the survey will be reached when the three waves of data collection are completed, this first wave of data provides important benchmark information. The focus of this publication is on the early settlement experiences of immigrants, from pre-migration to the first six months after arrival. First an overview of the LSIC population is provided, looking at both pre-migration characteristics as well as those at arrival. This is followed by a comprehensive look at the first six months of the settlement process, looking at things such as health, housing and mobility; education and training taken since arrival; employment, income and the general perception of the immigrant's settlement experience. Finally, a more in-depth look at problems and difficulties newcomers experience in four key areas of integration is presented: accessing health services, finding housing, accessing education and training, and finding employment. Challenges to integration are examined in terms of what help was needed, received and from whom, or needed and not received.

Enquête longitudinale auprès des immigrants du Canada [ressource électronique] : perspective régionale des expériences sur le marché du travail, 2003

Book Description

Le présent article expose des résultats régionaux et provinciaux tirés du deuxième cycle de l'Enquête longitudinale auprès des immigrants du Canada (ELIC). L'enquête vise à étudier la façon dont les immigrants nouvellement arrivés s'adaptent au mode de vie du Canada au fil du temps. Le présent article porte donc sur l'intégration sur le marché du travail des immigrants au niveaux régional et provincial. L'intégration sur le marché du travail est un aspect particulièrement crucial du processus d'établissement des immigrants. Pour les principales provinces et régions métropolitaines de recensement, cet article répond aux questions suivantes : combien de temps faut-il aux immigrants nouvellement arrivés pour obtenir leur premier emploi? Combien d'entre eux trouvent un emploi dans la profession voulue? À quels obstacles font-ils face dans la recherche d'un emploi?

Enquête longitudinale auprès des immigrants du Canada

Book Description

Le présent article expose des résultats régionaux et provinciaux tirés du deuxième cycle de l'Enquête longitudinale auprès des immigrants du Canada (ELIC). L'enquête vise à étudier la façon dont les immigrants nouvellement arrivés s'adaptent au mode de vie du Canada au fil du temps. Le présent article porte donc sur l'intégration sur le marché du travail des immigrants au niveaux régional et provincial. L'intégration sur le marché du travail est un aspect particulièrement crucial du processus d'établissement des immigrants. Pour les principales provinces et régions métropolitaines de recensement, cet article répond aux questions suivantes : combien de temps faut-il aux immigrants nouvellement arrivés pour obtenir leur premier emploi? Combien d'entre eux trouvent un emploi dans la profession voulue? À quels obstacles font-ils face dans la recherche d'un emploi?

Immigration and Unemployment

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Does returning to school after immigration affect labour market outcomes for immigrants?.

Book Description

The datasets used by the project include a range of large-scale surveys such as the Census, the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada, the Ethnic Diversity Survey, the Workplace and Employee Survey, the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, the Labour Force Survey and the Permanent Residents Data System. [...] A study in the Netherlands found that the length of stay in the host country, higher pre-immigration education level, and adverse macroeconomic conditions at arrival were all positively correlated with the enrolment of immigrants in schools following immigration (Tubergen and Werfhorst, 2007). [...] In the case of immigrants returning to school, the longer interruption in their work career, coupled with the fact that immigrants who have not returned to school had already had the opportunity to repair their human capital can result in lower income, higher unemployment rates, and lesser likelihood of holding full-time employment, at least in the first years following their arrival. [...] THE DATA: LONGITUDINAL SURVEY OF IMMIGRANTS TO CANADA This report uses data from the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC), which was a joint undertaking between Statistics Canada and Citizenship and Immigration Canada under the Policy Research Initiative. [...] The outcomes of the respondents presented in this report may not be comparable to the experiences of immigrants who landed in different time periods.

Immigrants in Regional Labour Markets of Host Nations

Book Description

This book is the first to present a detailed analysis of economic integration of immigrants in smaller areas of their host nations. It uses Atlantic Canada as a case in point and uses unpublished data based on several databases of Statistics Canada and Citizenship and Immigration, Canada. It identifies best policy practices that can also be used in other countries to address demographic challenges similar to those facing Canada, for example population ageing and youth out-migration from smaller regions to larger regions, through immigration. Economic integration of immigrants in Atlantic Canada is faster and better than it is nationally. An overarching result is that an analysis of regional data can lead to very different policy conclusions than the analysis of national data, which means that it can be risky to devise immigration policy based only on national data. A clear message is that economic benefits from immigration can be enhanced by facilitating a broader geographic distribution of immigrants, rather than maintaining their concentration in a few larger urban regions. A must read for immigration and population policy makers, immigrant settlement agencies and academic researchers.

Migration and Mental Health

Book Description

Human migration is a global phenomenon and is on the increase. It occurs as a result of 'push' factors (asylum, natural disaster), or as a result of 'pull' factors (seeking economic or educational improvement). Whatever the cause of the relocation, the outcome requires individuals to adjust to their new surroundings and cope with the stresses involved, and as a result, there is considerable potential for disruption to mental health. This volume explores all aspects of migration, on all scales, and its effect on mental health. It covers migration in the widest sense and does not limit itself to refugee studies. It covers issues specific to the elderly and the young, as well as providing practical tips for clinicians on how to improve their own cultural competence in the work setting. The book will be of interest to all mental health professionals and those involved in establishing health and social policy.