Look Out Cancer, Here I Come!

Book Description

Cancer Survivor Sharon Parker Is on a Mission. Sharon Parker thought she had a bad case of allergies. But as time went on, she felt instinctively that allergies were not the problem. Sharon asked for a chest x-ray. The x-ray results led to more tests and confirmed her worst fears. She had cancer. As if that news weren’t bad enough, Sharon soon learned that she had two separate cancers--Hodgkin’s Disease and thyroid cancer. Determined to fight the diseases that threatened her life, Sharon sought out Dr. Andre Goy, internationally known hematologist oncologist at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Thanks to his expertise and treatment, she is alive. Now, in her memoir, Look Out Cancer, Here I Come, Sharon Parker tells her own story of survival and draws from her experience to offer encouragement to others. Among the advice she shares: * Follow your instincts to get more tests. People are misdiagnosed everyday. * Don’t be afraid to ask questions of health professionals. * During treatment, surround yourself with positive people. * Focus on today and plan for tomorrow. * Don’t underestimate the power of caregivers and those who offer help. Today, Sharon’s mission is raising money for lymphoma research through her book and through the Life Lover Foundation, which she founded.

"Look Out World, Here I Come!"

Book Description

"Hot, sweaty, dirty, sore, and irritated, I began my solo journey to the other side of the planet." Alexis Morgan was realizing a lifelong dream: to go beyond her relatively easy North American lifestyle and extend a hand to those less fortunate than herself. Look Out World, Here I Come! is a gut-wrenching, heart-warming, and oftentimes hilarious compilation of the journals Alexis wrote during the years she and her husband lived and worked in Kenya as part of a Christian humanitarian agency. Weaving together actual-time stories of Alexis’s work and personal life, the reflections are real, raw, relatable, and poignant. As a wife and mother of three teenage/young-adult boys, Alexis shares some of her struggles in "letting go" and empowering her kids to become independent in a surprisingly similar way to the work she was striving to do with impoverished communities. Within these pages, readers will find inspiration and encouragement through her reflections on: • what it is like to live in a developing country as a Westerner, • the amazing strength and resilience of people when faced with extreme poverty, • the importance of gratitude for all that we have, including the riches of a loving family and community, • the key role of empowerment in fostering the development of individuals and communities • the relevance and significance of Scripture for working through real life issues. Join Alexis for a deeper understanding of the importance of family, home, community, love, strength, hope, perseverance and faith when facing and overcoming life's challenges.

The Book of Wonderings

Book Description

The Book of Wonderings is a poetry book that delivers a beacon of Hope to all going through the Cancer Journey.

Cancer Patience

Book Description

Before he died, my husband's last request was that I write a book about our struggle with cancer. In the months preceding his death, I kept a diary of our daily events, taking notes strictly regarding cancer. However, as I began to write the book, I was frequently reminded of his tremendous ability to intertwine humor with the gravity of his disease. My Bob, or Robert E. O'Connor, was a lawyer with a fascinating mind and an unbelievable wit. I supplemented these diary entries with fond memories of our lives together. On December 8, 1980, doctors in Omaha, Nebraska diagnosed Bob with adenocarcinoma with pleural effusion. We flew to Mayo Clinic for a second opinion, and Dr. James R. Jett confirmed the previous diagnosis. Dr. Jett would care for my husband until the end. At the first signs of his illness, Bob attributed the symptoms to possible heart complications, which ran in his family. He never dreamed it could be cancer. We made 16 trips to Mayo Clinic for Chemo treatments and these pages tell the story of the treatments, frustrations, drug side effects, and what we did about each incident. Throughout this time Bob never lost his faith, his hope, or his sense of humor. Agnes O'Connor wrote this first book at the request of her dying husband, Robert E. O'Connor. She tells the story of their daily lives as he battled his last fifteen months of cancer. Using a diary she kept at the time, O'Connor skillfully intertwines fond memories of her husband with the sobering tale of his death. O'Connor illustrates the physical pain, emotional stress, and extreme frustration that come with terminal illness in the hope that others may learn from her experiences. While Robert was aware he had no chance of survival, he fought courageously for every bit of life he could. Robert had been blessed with an exceptional mind and an understated wit, which he retained until the end. He left a magnificent legacy of how to live life to the fullest, and with a devout faith in God, he served as a shining example of perseverance for his children.

The Face of the Future

Book Description

Demystifying cosmetic surgery and its alternatives, this book explores the ins and outs of facial enhancement and antiaging techniques from the hottest procedures in Hollywood to the newest minimally invasive treatments and skin care. Based on Dr. Jacono’s professional experience and supported with scientific findings and medical research, the book covers everything from his approach in maintaining natural-looking beauty and the importance of balance to how to select a doctor and details of the procedures themselves. This well-informed yet readable resource includes thorough sections on topics such as optimizing skin-care regimens, injection treatments, hair restoration, types of face lifts, anesthesia, and cosmetic-surgery differences between men and women.

Understanding Your Living Will

Book Description

Is Your Living Will Compromising Your Safety? If you have a living will, you probably had it prepared so your wishes could be carried out if you became incapable of making your own medical decisions. But, did you realize there is a risk of your living will being misinterpreted? Patients who are not terminally ill die in hospitals every year because of medical staff misinterpretations of living wills. These are patients who would have otherwise lived if treated. But, too often, patients with living wills are treated as DNR—a code status understood by physicians and staff to mean &“do not resuscitate.&” However, in many cases their status should have been &“Full Code,&” which tells those in authority to use aggressive efforts to save patients' lives. Unfortunately, living wills do not contain patient code status designations and therein lies the problem. As an emergency room physician, Ferdinando L. Mirarchi, D.O. understands how these misinterpretations happen. In Understanding Your Living Will, Dr. Mirarchi explains how to include lifesaving patient code status information in your living will and in the living wills of your loved ones. Among the questions he answers: &· How can you be sure your living will makes your wishes clear? &· What are the hidden dangers in living wills? &· How can you avoid the misinterpretation of a DNR code status? &· When does a living will become active? &· Why is it important to have a health care power of attorney? &· What is a health care proxy? A Book to Help You Ensure Your Living Will Follows Your Wishes

The Wild Beast May Break Them

Book Description

A single mother, Pearl, and her two children, Adam, and Lilith, a teenage Lolita, arrive to take over a derelict palace in Tuscany. The family are joined by Barney, Pearl's new husband. They all hail from South Africa, and Barney believes there's money in farming ostriches. There is an incident with a ferocious ostrich, and Barney buys a gun.

Overcoming Urinary Incontinence

Book Description

Addressing the most commonly asked questions about incontinence, this accessible reference discusses causes, types of incontinence, and how the condition is diagnosed. The wide range of treatment options is introduced, from pelvic floor therapy and bladder training to electrical stimulation, medications, and surgeries. Eleven million women in the U.S. are coping with urinary incontinence—half of whom are too embarrassed to discuss the matter with their doctors—and this guidebook provides encouragement, showing that in more than 80 percent of cases, treatment can improve or even cure the problem.

Fit after 50

Book Description

Written by a woman who began running marathons at 50 years old, this inspirational guide describes the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of exercise. It confronts the problem of obesity today—nearly 60 percent of Americans are overweight—and emphasizes that weight control becomes an even greater challenge with age. But as this handbook asserts, it's never too late to get fit. In nine easy-to-follow steps, the mechanics of an exercise program are clearly explained to help fitness first-timers devise their own regimens and become healthier in all areas of life.

The Stroke Recovery Book

Book Description

Penned by a rehabilitation physician who has worked with thousands of stroke patients and families, this reference provides simple answers to the many questions that surround strokes and stroke rehabilitation. Free of technical medical jargon, this resource addresses topics such as the anatomy of a stroke, impairments and complications associated with strokes, and preventing and reducing the risk of them. A gallery of photographs that show and explain the latest methodologies in rehabilitation equipment is also included.