Locuciones Latinas En Materia Juridica

Book Description

El presente manuscrito es una compilación de diversas Locuciones Latinas en Materia Jurídica. No es una guía de Derecho. Tampoco una exposición doctrinaria de las locuciones plasmadas, sólo se busca mostrar sencillamente, algunas locuciones y vocablos visualizados en diversos textos, cuyos autores se exponen en la bibliografía, haciendo con mucho respeto hacia ellos. De inicio se muestra un capítulo de "introducción", con lo que se busca explicar la importancia del contenido, se detalla una "breve historia romana" alusiva a los "orígenes de la península italiana", los "pueblos que conformaron la península itálica", sobre todo los pueblos que se establecieron en la región del Lazio, (centro-sur de Italia), los etruscos, (norte-centro de Italia) y los colonizadores griegos que se establecieron en el sur de Italia, todos ellos contribuyeron al crecimiento de Roma a partir de su fundación en el siglo VIII a.C. La obra de "Rómulo y Remo", "La Monarquía", "La República, "El Imperio" (sus emperadores y su ocaso); cómo surge el "Derecho Romano", y "el uso del latín en el derecho". Con la explicación breve en cada una de las locuciones y vocablos, (de las de mayor importancia), se busca explicar el sentido de las mismas, es decir, lo que pensaron y quisieron decirnos los antiguos jurisconsultos romanos. De manera general, se muestra brevemente la historia romana, la conformación del Derecho y las locuciones con una breve explicación.

Fundamentals of Investments

Book Description

This introduction provides a clear framework for understanding and analyzing securities, and covers the major institutional features and theories of investing. While the book presents a thorough discussion of investments, the authors keep the material practical, relevant, and easy to understand. The latest developments in investments are brought to life through the use of tables, graphs, and illustrations that incorporate current market information and academic research. An international content deals directly with international securities and securities markets throughout the book--along with currency management and interest rate parity. Up-to-date "Money Matters" articles reflect the latest real-world developments and are provided throughout each chapter to give readers a sense of how practitioners deal with various investment issues and use techniques. Other coverage includes an array of investment tools--presented through discussions on stocks, bonds, and other securities such as options and futures. A guide to reviewing, forecasting, and monitoring--for individuals preparing to make investments or take the CFA exam.

Russian Law Journal

Book Description

The “Russian Law Journal” (RLJ) magazine is one of the first English-language legal academic editions regularly published in Russia. It is an All-Russian interuniversity platform designed to promote Russian legal researches abroad. The magazine is meant for both Russian and foreign readers including major world legal libraries, academics and practicing lawyers. International editorial board and editorial team are represented by professors from leading world centers of legal education and legal science, like Harvard, Yale, Cambridge and La Sorbonne, as well as by scientists from Russian law schools (Moscow State University, Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Saint-Petersburg State University, Higher School of Economics).

Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights / Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, Volume 38 (2022) (VOLUME IV)

Book Description

The 2022 Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights provides an extract of the principal jurisprudence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Part One contains the Decisions on the Merits of the Commission, and Part Two the Judgments and Decisions of the Court. The Yearbook is partly published as an English-Spanish bilingual edition. Some parts are in English or Spanish only. NB: This book is part of a four volume set. Vol. 1 ISBN: 978-90-04-71518-9 Vol. 2 ISBN: 978-90-04-71520-2 Vol. 3 ISBN: 978-90-04-71522-6 Vol. 4 ISBN: 978-90-04-71524-0