Los dominados y el arte de la resistencia

Book Description

Con base en un conocimiento profundo de la historia y la literatura, James C. Scott ofrece una propuesta original para el estudio de las relaciones de poder. Parte de un hecho incuestionable: que los actores de la vida social y la política no reducen sus intervenciones al escenario público. Por el contrario, los temas de mayor importancia se dirimen fuera del alcance del adversario, y los mecanismos con que los dominados ocultan o disimulan sus propósitos resultan vitales, aun en situaciones de relativa estabilidad. Esta obra ha suscitado el replanteamiento de las nociones de subordinación y resistencia, hegemonía, cultura popular y movimientos sociales. Está considerada como una de las mayores contribuciones teóricas al debate contemporáneo sobre las relaciones de poder.

Domination and the Arts of Resistance

Book Description

"Play fool, to catch wise."--proverb of Jamaican slaves Confrontations between the powerless and powerful are laden with deception--the powerless feign deference and the powerful subtly assert their mastery. Peasants, serfs, untouchables, slaves, laborers, and prisoners are not free to speak their minds in the presence of power. These subordinate groups instead create a secret discourse that represents a critique of power spoken behind the backs of the dominant. At the same time, the powerful also develop a private dialogue about practices and goals of their rule that cannot be openly avowed. In this book, renowned social scientist James C. Scott offers a penetrating discussion both of the public roles played by the powerful and powerless and the mocking, vengeful tone they display off stage--what he terms their public and hidden transcripts. Using examples from the literature, history, and politics of cultures around the world, Scott examines the many guises this interaction has taken throughout history and the tensions and contradictions it reflects. Scott describes the ideological resistance of subordinate groups--their gossip, folktales, songs, jokes, and theater--their use of anonymity and ambiguity. He also analyzes how ruling elites attempt to convey an impression of hegemony through such devices as parades, state ceremony, and rituals of subordination and apology. Finally, he identifies--with quotations that range from the recollections of American slaves to those of Russian citizens during the beginnings of Gorbachev's glasnost campaign--the political electricity generated among oppressed groups when, for the first time, the hidden transcript is spoken directly and publicly in the face of power. His landmark work will revise our understanding of subordination, resistance, hegemony, folk culture, and the ideas behind revolt.

Book Description

Fábrica de resistencias y recuperación social

Book Description

Las acciones de diversos grupos de trabajadoras y trabajadores argentinos que lograron darse una salida ante situaciones de profunda desesperación provocadas por el cierre, abandono o quiebra de las empresas donde habían trabajado durante años son tratados en este volumen. Sus páginas muestran -en forma ágil, dinámica y bien documentada- un fenómeno vigente que ha ensanchado el campo de lo posible y tiene mucho que decir sobre las acciones políticas y económicas de los trabajadores en un mundo en el que, una y otra vez, los pueblos se movilizan para protegerse de los choques económicos ante la insistente pretensión del sistema capitalista y sus defensores de separar la esfera económica de la sociedad.

Dispersing Power

Book Description

Building power beyond the state.

The New Brazil

Book Description

In the midst of a rapidly shifting global economy, Brazil has emerged as a powerful new player on the geopolitical stage. Against all odds, the Latin American nation managed, in just three years, to repay a 2002 $15.5 billion IMF bailout loan thanks to aggressive economic restructuring and a series of alliances that have placed it at the center of political and economic power in the region. From the outside, Brazil is a poster child for neoliberal capitalism. Yet inside the country, the lives of the Brazilian people are still marked by vast inequities in wealth and access to social services--a striking disparity with the nation's newfound power in the global economy. In June of 2013, protests against the increasing costs of public transportation swelled to mass demonstrations against the Rousseff government's failure to address this disparity, leading many to wonder whether the popular movements in Brazil may be just powerful enough to shift the nation's influence towards a wholly new economic model based in regional integration. The New Brazil explores this disparity. Will the nation serve as the glue that holds together the Latin American states, distancing themselves from the neoliberalism of the United States and Canada? Or will Brazil simply become another world superpower, able to subject the rest of Latin American to its will? Only time will tell. Raul Zibechi is a journalist and social-movement analyst based in Montevideo, Uruguay. He is the author of numerous books including Dispersing Power and Territories in Resistance, both published by AK Press.

At the Frontiers of Everyday Life

Book Description

The book provides a critical analysis of the geographies of everyday life, looking at how spatial practices craft w(r)iggle room to cope with the boundaries saturated by normativity, power relations, and inequalities. It explores the possibilities for making do with the everyday practices forming a way of living in cramped spaces. In this respect, early-career researchers and activists share their fieldwork experiences through an intersectional lens based on emerging research methodologies and scholar-activist practices. From their own vantage point, they look at their own contexts, practices, and research subjects at the level of everyday life. Spatial practices and place-based imaginaries from France, Finland, and Spain to Turkey and South Africa present a wide range of non-counter hegemonic yet enabling practices for transformation in everyday life. The contributors, trained in a variety of convergent disciplines concerned with everyday life and space (geography, geopolitics, architecture, urban planning, sociology, political sciences), discuss scholar-activist methodologies during the current crisis in contemporary academia, reflect on their research methodologies and research experiences, and inquire into the ways of embodied negotiations for agency, survival, and care. A group of early-career researchers and activists came together to seek out the possibilities of transformative change in everyday life during the peak periods of COVID-19. When researchers and activists were forced to stay at home in isolation, the authors met up online to discuss their subjectivities self-reflexively to challenge the distance between the researcher and “the field.” The book is the outcome of their collective production based on numerous meetings, writing workshops, and creative debates.