Industry and Underdevelopment

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The recent economic troubles of Mexico should have surprised no one, for the Mexican economy is an unhealthy one whose basic problems extend back to the nineteenth century - that is the major theme of this study of the formative years of industrialization in Mexico. The author focuses on the forces - economic, political, and technological - that have thwarted Mexican efforts to become a competitive member of the international economic community. Unlike most previous studies, which have relied on aggregate data published by the Mexican government that lump together all industries and all firms, this study is based almost entirely on new material concerning individual companies and individual entrepreneurs. This approach enables the author to examine a wide range of new questions. What were the social origins of Mexico's industrial entrepreneurs? What was their relation to the government of Porfirio Diaz? How profitable were the major manufacturing companies? What effects did the Revolution of 1910-1917 have on the nation's physical plant and on investor confidence? What strategies did firms follow to protect their markets and to prevent competition? The author argues that the roots of modern Mexican industrialization are not to be found in the restructuring of the Mexican economy associated with the Revolution (indeed he contends that the Revolution's effect on the economy has been exaggerated) or in the economic growth stemming from World War II. Rather, he sees the Porfiriato as the decisive era in Mexico's industrialization. By examining the economic constraints on large-scale industrialization during the Porfiriato, he explains the factors that led to an industrial sector marked by concentration of ownership, oligopoly and monopoly production, the inability to compete in international markets, and the need for constant government protection and subsidies.


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Latin America

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Diccionario de la Democracia

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El Diccionario de la Democracia contiene la teoría y la ideología de los regímenes democráticos: sus antecedentes; orígenes; principios; modalidades de deliberación y leyes; sus instituciones clave y variedades, acorde con la clase social que los dirija y el arreglo institucional correlativo. Asimismo compara sus principios, leyes e instituciones con otros regímenes, particularmente con sus opuestos, las oligarquías o gobiernos de pocos, pero también con la república, la tiranía y la realeza; las razones de Estado que permiten su conquista, conservación y estabilidad; las fuentes internas y externas que los amenazan; las maneras de corromperse y las revoluciones que los afectan. Trata también de los usos, costumbres y caracteres democráticos; inventaría los rasgos éticos de la vida democrática, por sí mismos y comprobados con los de los ricos, las clases medias y los tiranos, hasta detallar las relaciones que sostienen entre sí dirigentes y dirigidos, hombres y mujeres, viejos, jóvenes, maestros y alumnos, ciudadanos y animales..., por el impacto que la libertad e igualdad popular tienen en la vida pública y privada de sus pueblos. Parte medular del mismo es la exposición de las doctrinas, dogmas, leyes e instituciones del modelo liberal moderno de la democracia; un credo que se analiza en calidad de justificación del nouveau régime por parte de sus ideólogos modernos más destacados y lúcidos, quienes desvían el significado de las palabras ] democracia ] y ] liberal ] atribuidas sin más a los Estados modernos.

El Valle del Cauca

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Business History in Latin America

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Annotation Elizabeth A. Kaye specializes in communications as part of her coaching and consulting practice. She has edited Requirements for Certification since the 2000-01 edition.


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