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Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations for 2016: Office of the Secretary; Natural Resources Conservation Service; Marketing and regulatory programs; Food and Drug Administration

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Los primeros 1000 días del bebé

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Tener un hijo, criarlo y acompañarlo en su desarrollo es sin dudas, una de las tareas más desafiantes para una persona y una familia. Nos confronta con nosotros mismos, nuestras debilidades, fortalezas y con la forma en que cada uno haya sido criado. Los primeros 1000 días de vida, contando desde la concepción hasta los dos años, son un momento de extrema vulnerabilidad y modelaje. Podemos compararlo con la construcción de un edificio. En estos primeros meses se erigirán los cimientos y los pilares que darán forma y sostendrán toda la estructura. Padres, abuelos, educadores y todos los referentes afectivos de ese bebé tendrán un impacto en la construcción de su personalidad, salud física y emocional. En este libro hablaré sobre los bebés y su desarrollo a la luz de las nuevas evidencias científicas, poniendo especial atención en qué necesitan de sus padres y referentes, siendo conscientes del rol moldeador que asumimos los adultos. Tenemos en nuestras manos la posibilidad de construir un vínculo único, que dará forma a un nuevo ser. Una crianza saludable puede generar verdaderos impactos sociales, desarrollando personas que sean agentes de cambio para nuestra sociedad. Pues la crianza es una forma de cambiar el mundo. Lic. Claudia López Rodríguez


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Decisive implementation of the stabilization plan—centered on a strong fiscal anchor with no new monetary financing, and relative price corrections—has led to twin fiscal and external surpluses, a marked turnaround in reserves, faster-than-expected disinflation, a bolstering of the BCRA’s balance sheet and a reduction in sovereign spreads to multi-year lows. Selected easing of FX restrictions and deregulatory efforts are improving resource allocation. Nevertheless, macroeconomic imbalances and growth bottlenecks remain sizable and a long and difficult adjustment process still lies ahead, where policies need to evolve to build on earlier gains and support a turnaround in activity. Efforts are also underway to build political and societal support for reforms, as well as to scale up social assistance to protect the most vulnerable and ensure the burden of the adjustment does not fall disproportionally on working families. That said, delays in securing key legislation in Congress have led to some market volatility.


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The Role of Nutrition in Integral Health and Quality of Life

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Achieving integral health is a challenge that necessitates a diversified approach from different disciplines to achieve a coordinated impact on people’s health. Food and nutrition form an essential part of this approach. This new book explores some important advances in the role of nutrition in integral health and quality of life, laying special emphasis on the challenges that humans face in this era of sedentary lifestyles, diseases associated with food consumption, and social, economic, environmental, and cultural crises. The volume discusses interdisciplinary approaches to nutrition, focusing on nutrition for children, the impact of nutrition on chronic noncommunicable diseases and gastrointestinal disorders, the nutritional profile of fermented foods and their health benefits, microstructured particles as bioactive compound carriers, and more. The book also offers an analysis of obesity and its dimensions, covering childhood obesity risks and challenges at home and at school, quality of life in adult patients with diabetes, the role of genetics and epigenetics in obesity, and more. The impact of nutrition on oral and dental health is also addressed in the book.


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A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press’s Open Access publishing program. Visit to learn more. Mal-Nutrition documents how maternal health interventions in Guatemala are complicit in reproducing poverty. Policy makers speak about how a critical window of biological growth around the time of pregnancy—called the "first 1,000 days of life"—determines health and wealth across the life course. They argue that fetal development is the key to global development. In this thought-provoking and timely book, Emily Yates-Doerr shows that the control of mothering is a paradigmatic technique of American violence that serves to control the reproduction of privilege and power. She illustrates the efforts of Guatemalan scientists, midwives, and mothers to counter the harms of such mal-nutrition. Their powerful stories offer a window into a form of nutrition science and policy that encourages collective nourishment and fosters reproductive cycles in which women, children, and their entire communities can flourish.


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