Towards a Justice with a Human Face

Book Description

Je tiens egalement a remercier l'editeur KLUWER que nous a garanti une pu blication aisee et attrayante. Ce n'est pas sans fierte que j'ai l'honneur d'introduire la presente edition des actes du congres. PREFACE In the text mentioned above, it has been stated that the texts of the General Rap porteurs were published in their original language and the texts of the opening and closing speeches, although they were made in the five Congress languages (Dutch, French, English, German and Spanish), were published in English, as the Belgian organisers deemed this to be the most rational solution, even though the Con gress took place in a country where three different languages (Dutch, French and German) are spoken there. As regards the publication of this book, I would like to thank Mrs. CAS MAN, who made the texts ready for printing, Profe~sor R. DE CORTE, who saw to the distribution of the texts during the Congress, and the KLUWER publishing com pany for their excellent and faultless publication. I cannot stifle a distinct feeling of pride at being privileged enough to introduce this publication of the Reports. VORWORT Im vorstehenden Text is erortert worden aus welchen GrUnden die Gesamt berichte in ihren originellen Sprachen veroffentlicht wurden, und die Texte der feierlichen Eroffnungssitzung und der Schluss-sitzung im Englischen, obwohl diese verfasst wurden in den fiinf Kongressprachen (Deutsch, Englisch, Fran zosisch, NiederHindisch und Spanisch) und obgleich der Kongress veranstaltet wurde in einem Land wo es drei Sprachen (Niederliindisch, Franzosich und Deutsch) gibt.

El Procedimiento Criminal Inglés

Book Description

En este libro se analizan de manera breve las etapas del Procedimiento Criminal Ingles. De igual forma se hace especial referencia a ciertos tópicos del Procedimiento Penal Mexicano. A juicio del autor, el estudio de dichos instrumentos jurídicos nos sugiere la urgente necesidad de tomar todo lo bueno del Procedimiento criminal Ingles, para incorporarlos en las legislaciones de estados donde predominan Sistemas Procesal Penal Tradicional Latino, a fin de que en el futuro se conviertan en modelos de justicia Criminal similar al Ingles. El autor de buena fe invita a todos los países emergentes y en vías de desarrollo con sistemas legales de tradición Latina, soliciten apoyo Profesional a gobiernos de primer nivel, con especial referencia al Ingles, con el objeto de que las futuras generaciones cuenten con modelos legales más apropiados en materia de justicia criminal, donde impere siempre la verdad y la justicia sobre todas las cosa. El autor aprovecha la ocasión para desear lo mejor de los éxitos a todas aquellas naciones valientes y decididas que muy pronto emprendan la iniciativa de seguir sabiamente los consejos vertidos en la presente obra.

The Triggering Procedure of the International Criminal Court

Book Description

The Rome Statute, unlike the statutes of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda, creates a permanent court whose dormant jurisdiction covers the territory and includes the nationals of States Parties and is universal in cases where the Security Council makes a referral. Besides, unlike the "ad hoc" tribunals, which have jurisdiction over specific crisis situations whose personal, territorial and temporal parameters have been defined in their respective statutes by the UN Security Council, in the case of the ICC it is not possible to determine a priori in which situations the ICC will be involved. As a result, the most relevant activity of the Court is the determination of those situations regarding which the dormant jurisdiction of the Court will be triggered. The book "The Triggering Procedure of the International Criminal Court" constitutes the first comprehensive analysis of the proceedings that, prior to any criminal investigation, aim to make such a fundamental determination.

Research Handbook on Family Justice Systems

Book Description

Bringing together current research from a diverse range of jurisdictions on family law, the Research Handbook on Family Justice Systems addresses the aims and boundaries of family justice systems. Delineating the common purpose of family law to achieve fairness for groups of people who live or have lived together, this Research Handbook is concerned with the rules referred to as ‘family law’, but also with the institutions comprising the operating system.

Fundamenta Iuris. Terminología, Principios e Interpretatio

Book Description

El presente volumen recoge un conjunto de trabajos sobre una temática sugerente, relevante y de permanente vigencia, dado que atañe a los fundamentos de uno de los pilares más sólidos en que se cimenta la Europa de los pueblos y de los ciudadanos, así como de la Comunidad Iberoamericana. Eso sí, partiendo del más preciado patrimonio común, su Historia, y, en particular, el legado jurídico que tuvo como referente el Derecho romano, base de la cultura jurídica de la mayor parte del Mundo Occidental. Todo jurista está llamado a asumir el compromiso de recrear un estudio e investigación propios del siglo XXI, que vengan a dar respuesta a lo que el momento actual demanda, y no perder el tren de la Historia. Por fortuna, sin duda, somos herederos del rico patrimonio que comporta la experiencia jurídica de la antigua Roma, de la que constituimos sólo un paso más de su largo devenir. Quienes colaboran en esta obra así lo entienden, y sirvan como prueba sus aportaciones.

Ne bis in idem and Multiple Sanctioning Systems

Book Description

The aim of the book is to resolve the question of whether multiple sanctioning systems are contrary to the ne bis in idem under the regulation provided by Protocol 7 to the ECHR and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The first part is a comparative study regarding the lawfulness of multiple sanctioning systems under the ne bis in idem, studying the evolution and the current state of the case law of the United States Supreme Court, the Canadian Supreme Court, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The second part of the book critically analyses three problems with the case law of the ECtHR and the CJEU. Part three deals with reconceptualizing the prohibition of multiple punishment and the prohibition of multiple prosecutions. Finally, the fourth part addresses other possible protections against multiple sanctioning systems. Two other safeguards that limit multiple sanctioning systems are the prohibition of disproportionate sanctions and the right to be tried within a reasonable time.