Los retos de la educación en el Siglo XXI

Book Description

Este trabajo tiene la intención de aportar herramientas que contribuyan a la mejora de la calidad educativa que ofrecen nuestras instituciones y los propios docentes. Para ello debemos comprender el mundo actual, resignificar nuestro papel pedagógico y renovar el saber disciplinar que enseñamos.

Retos de la educación bilingüe

Book Description

Desde 1996, los programas de enseñanza bilingüe con lenguas extranjeras están presentes en el panorama educativo español. En los últimos cinco años se ha producido una notable expansión de estos proyectos. Como toda novedad, esta situación platea nuevos retos al profesorado y los centros: ¿Cómo plantear la transmisión de conocimientos en otras lenguas? ¿Cómo conseguir mantener los niveles de rendimiento con el aumento del esfuerzo requerido por parte del alumnado y profesorado? ¿Cómo encontrar materiales didácticos apropiados? ¿Cómo hacer frente a las necesidades lingüísticas y de contenido en cada área? ¿Cómo evaluar los contenidos a través de una segunda lengua? Esta publicación surge con la intención de ofrecer respuestas prácticas a estos cuestionamientos del profesorado. Se presentan propuestas generales de trabajo en el aula, propuestas más específicas de trabajo en distintas áreas curriculares, propuestas de evaluación y vías de trabajo para alumnado con dificultades de aprendizaje de naturaleza lingüística.

Global Views of Adolescence

Book Description

This book addresses what teachers and school leaders from a dozen countries see as the social and emotional strengths, interests and needs of adolescents in their schools and communities; how they innovate their programs and practices to respond to their students’ lives. The book also describes how educators themselves benefit from social and emotional supports to be responsive. Rather than assume that there are universal themes in adolescents’ lives, the book is intended to illuminate the local, contextual, and powerful insights of educators daily working with students. In many intentional respects, each serves as an action research study with an effort to better the process and outcomes of their students’ growth and learning as well as to enrich the classroom. The chapters are organized by themes, ranging from challenges adolescents face in that particular locale to curriculum work that is project-based, transdisciplinary, and tied to the communities where the adolescents live. ‘The voices of adolescents, particularly with regard to their social and emotional development have been neglected in the literature. Thus, we know very little about their feelings and personal experiences as they progress through their schooling. A book such as this will be beneficial in terms of providing a contribution to this field, thereby increasing our understanding of the issues faced by adolescents across countries and cultures.’ Peggy L. Anderson, Ph.D., Metropolitan State University of Denver ‘The outstanding strength of this book is quite precisely its international scope: here is an anthology that lives up to the claims made by its title. Anyone interested in either adolescent development or Social and Emotional Learning in real world as opposed to abstract settings will appreciate the breadth of experience described.’ Mokhtar El Maouhal, Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Langues et la Communication

Book Description

Horizontes en la práctica docente. Complejidad, TIC y mediación educativa

Book Description

Pensar la docencia desde la complejidad educativa. Esta obra reúne una serie de capítulos en los que se abordan temáticas relacionadas con la educación superior desde una mirada académica, destacándose como premisas el pensamiento complejo, las TIC, así como el trabajo estratégico que desempeña el docente como facilitador de procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje a nivel universitario. Para ello, se toma como contexto la llamada «sociedad de la información y el conocimiento», en donde se ha definido una nueva ordenanza global que deviene en marco de referencia para entender los procesos de transformación que se les requieren a las universidades, en términos de políticas educativas, para la innovación de su currículo, los modelos educativos, como la transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas de sus académicos. Lo obra integra una serie de textos en donde se analiza el fenómeno educativo, con énfasis en el papel que jueganlos docentes en la configuración de ambientes educativos que contribuyan al aprendizaje de sus estudiantes, para lo cual se proponen tres capítulos: «Perspectivas en la educación y el pensamiento complejo», «Comunicación, diversidad y mediación educativa» y «Sujetos de la educación y ámbitos emergentes para la enseñanza». Cada uno de los cuales se compone de textos que, en lo particular, abordan temáticas que permiten ampliar el horizonte desde el cual pueden se comprendidas problemáticas que caracterizan a la educación contemporánea en el nivel superior.

Preparation, Practice, and Politics of Teachers

Book Description

This edited volume, based on papers presented at the World Congress of Comparative Education (Istanbul, 2010), presents research examining pre-service teacher education, in-service teacher development, and the politics of teachers’ work in a variety of geographical regions, including Asia, Africa, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. More specifically, the chapters examine the situations, activities, and education of teachers in the societal contexts of Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, France, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, Ireland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Scotland, Spain, Turkey, and the United States. The authors address a variety of important questions related to a group of employees who are key actors in determining the quality of education: How can pre-service teacher education best be organized for different purposes in various settings? What kinds of activities should be organized and who should be involved in in-service professional development to promote teacher capacity and commitment to perform their roles in classrooms and communities? What kinds of incentives can motivate teachers’ engagement with various aspects of their work? How do certain educational policies and reforms promote the professionalization or the deprofessionalization and proletarianization of teaching? What are the opportunities and constraints for teachers as they seek to operate within themicro-politics of schools and the macro-politics of society? The book thus contributes to refining our understanding of the critical theoretical issues in the field of comparative and international education as well as calling attention to dynamics that should be considered in developing and implementing as well as critiquing and resisting educational policies in varying contexts.

Researching Widening Access to Lifelong Learning

Book Description

This authoritative volume is a truly international contribution to the worldwide debate on how best to widen access to lifelong learning. The first section of the book comprises research studies from around the world, reflecting the diversity of contexts in which widening access is researched and considers issues central to the access debate, including different understandings of the concept of access, organisational and structural change, curriculum development, entry policies, performance and retention and labour market outcomes. The second section illustrates diverse and innovative methodological approaches that have been employed by researchers in the field, and considers the range of approaches available. Given the growing concern around the world on the need to combat social exclusion and to improve economic circumstances through access to lifelong learning, this book acts as a unique reference point informing the ongoing debate, exploring the relationships between research, policy and practice.

Handbook of Research on Using Motor Games in Teaching and Learning Strategy

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Motor games are incredibly useful in enhancing education and developing critical skills; they can entertain, produce pleasant emotions, improve moods, and increase the level of relationships. Motor games allow social, emotional, and cognitive development as well as the acquisition of motor skills such as knowledge and mastery of body, postural control and adjustment, and improvement of coordination. However, it is essential to select the appropriate game for each context to achieve the desired learning in all students. Further research on the opportunities, challenges, and future directions of motor games in education is necessary to successfully implement them. The Handbook of Research on Using Motor Games in Teaching and Learning Strategy presents significant advances in motor game education and collects research evidence that uncovers the certainties and testifies to the educational power of motor games in various situations and specific contexts that promote the learning of participants. Covering topics such as emotional physical education and educational mediation, this major reference work is ideal for researchers, academicians, educators, practitioners, and students.

Changes, Conflicts and Ideologies in Contemporary Hispanic Culture

Book Description

This book is formed by various chapters studying the manner in which conflicts, changes and ideologies appear in contemporary Hispanic discourses. The contributions analyze a wide variety of topics related to the manner in which ideological and epistemological changes of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries are reflected in, and shape, Spanish language, literature, and other cultural expressions in both Spain and Latin America. The 19th century was conducive to various movements of independence, while, in Europe, radical changes of different types and in all contexts of life and knowledge occurred. Language was certainly affected by these changes resulting in new terminology and discourse strategies. Likewise, new schools of thought such as idealism, dialectic materialism, nihilism, and nationalism, among others, were established, in addition to new literary movements such as romanticism, evocative of (r)evolution, individualism and realism, inspired by the social effects of capitalism. Scientific and technological advances continued throughout the 20th century, when the women’s liberation movement consolidated. The notion of globalization also appears, simultaneously to various crises, despotism, wars, genocide, social exclusion and unemployment. Together, these trends give rise to a vindicating discourse that reaches large audiences via television. The classic rhetoric undergoes some changes given the explicit suasion and the absence of delusion provided by other means of communication. The 21st century is defined by the flood of information and the overpowering presence of mass communication; so much so, that the technological impact is clear in all realms of life. From the linguistic viewpoint, the appearance of anglicisms and technicalities mirrors the impact of post-modernity. There is now a need to give coherence to a national discourse that both grasps the past and adapts itself to the new available resources with the purpose of conveying an effective and attractive message to a very large audience. Discourse is swift, since society does not seem to have time to think, but instead seeks to maintain interest in a world filled with stimuli that, in turn, change constantly. Emphasis has been switched to a search for historical images and moments that presumably explain present and future events. It is also significant that all this restlessness is discussed and explained via new means such as the world-wide-web. The change in communication habits (e-mail, chats, forums, SMS) and tools (computers, mobile phones) that was initiated in the 20th century has had a net effect on the directness and swiftness of language.

Handbook of Latinos and Education

Book Description

Providing a comprehensive review of rigorous, innovative, and critical scholarship relevant to educational issues which impact Latinos, this Handbook captures the field at this point in time. Its unique purpose and function is to profile the scope and terrain of academic inquiry on Latinos and education. Presenting the most significant and potentially influential work in the field in terms of its contributions to research, to professional practice, and to the emergence of related interdisciplinary studies and theory, the volume is organized around five themes: history, theory, and methodology policies and politics language and culture teaching and learning resources and information. The Handbook of Latinos and Education is a must-have resource for educational researchers, graduate students, teacher educators, and the broad spectrum of individuals, groups, agencies, organizations and institutions sharing a common interest in and commitment to the educational issues that impact Latinos.