Love Poems: a collection of romantic, erotic & spiritual poetry

Book Description

Love Poems: a collection of romantic, erotic and spiritual poems is a personal journey through the most profound of human relationships. His 113 poems explores the romantic, sexual and spiritual aspects of human relationships, the ups and downs, from first blush of love to the deeper spiritual challenges of faith. Influences of Pablo Neruda, William Stafford, E.E. Cummings, Nikki Giovanni and Maya Angelou are sewn throughout his poetry, both in free verse and rhyme. Meant to be enjoyed alone or with someone, Love Poems promises to open a door for explorers of love, sex and faith for everyone.

Naked Soul

Book Description

"Naked Soul: The Erotic Love Poems" is an extraordinary storytelling in the form of erotic love poetry, speaking directly to the reader's heart through sensations that course throughout the body. This powerful collection of erotic and sensual love poems celebrates the erotic spirit in all its forms -- from intense passionate sexual desire to seductive victory. There are love poems for every mood and sentimental feeling, for every phase of love you are experiencing whether you are with a partner or not. Read it slowly. Read a poem at a time, or two-or all at once-but give it time to sink into your heart. Read them again. Visualize. Let the poem show you what may be lying dormant in your own heart. Any poetry lover who loves deep symbolism, storytelling and musing over deep verses will find this book very touching. No matter which phase of love you are growing in currently, this book will serve to sail you further towards the endless ocean of love.

Romantically Erotic Deadly Spiritual Society

Book Description

"Romantically Erotic, Deadly Spiritual Society" is a poetry collection covering diverse aspects of life. It was first self-published in a limited edition in 2001 under the titel"Romantically Erotic, Deadly Religious".The title already reveals to the reader that this book will take him or her on a very emotional journey of romantic highs and lows as well as spiritual and societal awareness. As Harvey Ganot rightly puts it: "These are poems to stir your thoughts, to spark your loins". The book contains 35 poems. It is divided into four parts, three of which cover two different themes respectively: 8 - romance/friendship 10 - spirituality/death 5 - eroticism 12 - nature/society The author has chosen pictures relevant to each theme as the section-divider. These photo-breaks arouse pleasant emotions in mind of the beholder. Many poems are written in the first person. Many poems contain questions. "Tactics", the first poem in the book, speaks directly to men telling them not to brand a woman as being easy' because they, the men, are also targeted by women: It works both ways. ""Calling God" " is a marvelous prayer to be read and kept in mind, especially by those who have to take instructions from others whether it be in one's personal life or at work. "Soliloquy I" is a very moving poem about his treatment of all his children and, what I feel are, our feelings for him. In it she speaks directly to her father in his grave letting him know that although in his overprotectiveness and super-strictness he mistreated her and her two brothers and sister so that they, therefore, always longed for their freedom, they remain tormented by the way this freedom was finally achieved not by them coming of age (21 yrs acording to "his law"), but by some criminal shooting him. The latter poem deals Her poems are quite direct, full of intensity and show a lot of courage as in the erotic poem "US'". The erotic poems are neither pornographic nor vulgar. Some are on the border; but, they do not cross the line. Her soft spot' for the aged, the underprivileged and the handicapped is evident in "Solace" and "Intruding Upon Your Isolation", dedicated to the homeless); in "Arvel",, a moving poem communicating with a partially blind friend; in "Old Love",, a touching poem about her grandparents' love for each other. "Fly High" , provides an insight into her protective spirit regarding wildlife and the young (humans as well as wilfdlife). Here, a mother bird advises her now grown offspring before leaving the nest for good, to be careful in future of the beast called man' because man's best friend is a GUN'. Due to the erotic poems in the book, it is intended for adults as well as those teenagers whose parents allow them to have sexual relationships. The poem "US" uses expletives, which the author considers relevant according to the context. The diverse themes dealt with in the book free it of any other limitations. Therefore, since all other poems deal with everyday life, one may read these to the younger generation as a source of inspiration. This book provides thought-provoking, yet relaxing, reading to the young and old, male and female, from all walks of life. It is also ideal for the busy executives on a long journey or alone in a hotel room seeking a break from reading statistics and other business documents. The romantic poems are a must for men and women involved in a committed relationship (particularly those men needing to stay away from temptation see poem "US"), , as well as for those seeking love and for those who have experienced unrequited love. It is for those seeking more meaning to

POETRY: Essential Love Poems

Book Description

BEST LOVE POEMS COLLECTION! Today only, get this Amazon bestseller of love poems for just $7.99! (Free Kindle eBook with Paperback purchase) You're about to rediscover love! This book contains a collection of some of the most popular classic and contemporary love poems of all time. These poems provide magnificent witness to the fact that love is as much an act of imagination and the active feeling of mind, as it is of the body. Here Is A Preview Of What Love Topics You'll Get... Classic Love Teen Love Romantic Love Funny Love Break Up Love Erotic Love Sad Love In Loving Memory Much, much more! Buy your copy today! Take action today and purchase this book for a limited time discount of only $7.99! Bonus at the end of the book for readers!!!($200 value) Check Out What Others Are Saying... A lovely collection of poems dealing with love and its many aspects. -Gabrielle Grady- Tags: Poetry Book, Woman, Literature, Erotic Love, Pain & Happiness, Teen Love, Spirituality, Romance, Rupi Kaur

The Erotic Spirit

Book Description

This extraordinary collection of poems—covering thirty centuries of poetry from around the world—celebrates the erotic spirit in all its forms, from the passion of sexual desire to the intense longing for spiritual union. Beginning with anonymous Egyptian love songs from the fifteenth century BCE and continuing up to today's finest poets, the book draws on a broad range of cultural and spiritual traditions, including ancient Greek and Roman erotic poems, ecstatic Sufi songs, Chinese elegies for lost lovers, and bawdy English satires. Many of the poems are presented here in new translations by the editor, Sam Hamill, one of America's premier poet translators.

Erotic Love Poetry

Book Description

Erotic Love Poetry: Love Stories (LOVE POEMS) This book contains proof that desire and intimacy are very much a part of Love, and these erotic poems prove that sex need not be sordid or ugly. On the contrary, between two people very much in love with each other, sex can be the most beautiful and natural thing in the universe.Warning: While we don't publish anything even mildly salacious or obscene, most of this material is intended for a mature audience.You're about to discover a collection of some of my most popular modern, contemporary and sexy love poems of all time. These poems provide magnificent witness to the fact that love is as much an act of imagination and the active feeling of mind, as it is of the body. What makes this poem book different from others: THE ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND! Unique poems designed to entertain and engage FREE BONUS for readers at the end of book! No movie or cartoon characters Large 6 x 9 inch pages This poem book has lots of benefits including: Improves fine motor skills Helps prepare people for school and life Contributes to better reading Improves awareness and recognition Improves focus and hand eye coordination Perfect gift for anyone Enjoy the BEST EPIC POEMS COLLECTION Series available on Amazon! Tags: Must Read Poetry Book, Happy Stories, Joy, Love Poetry, Nature, Woman Author, Literature, Spirituality, Bliss, Men and Women

What Are Love's Boundaries?

Book Description

"Love is not solitary,for love seeks lovers, who need each other"... from "What Are Love's Boundaries?"The dimensions and moods of love; Romance, Spirituality, Passion and Desire, Hurt and Pain explored in this collection of poems, "What Are Love's Boundaries?" is riveting, broad, packed with feelings and "poignantly disquieting". From the book's title poem, that clearly establishes "love has no boundaries" and continues with the roles and emotions of love in other areas of our lives, 'love' is revered as "the center of the universe for all things good".The author has uniquely captured the power of love, its' joy, special feelings, spirituality, the sharing of and need for love. This can be a joyous celebration of a 'seasoned and enduring love', "A Love That Will Never Fade". Love as 'spiritual' comfort is found in "Being Calm In The Chaos of Life". It can be a celebration of feminine love, "A Spiritual Revelation of Womanhood". Love can be a remembrance of youthful and innocent love, "The Forty-Year Old Flickering Flame of Love"; a mild craving as in "Why Do You Deny Me You?" or a deeply erotic and passionate need for total fulfilment, "The Wicked, Wicked Tongue of Love". Love is the joy of tender moments and shared warm sensations, "The Silent Dance of the Spoons (A Ritual of Lovers)". The 'hurt and pain' of love is revealed and explored in "Walking All Alone" and "She Said, He Said"."What Are Loves's Boundaries?" will underscore the rewards of love for all of us who desire to feel, embrace, hold and commit to another individual and share the bounties of a maturing, evolving and satisfying

Love, Sex, and Romance: Beautuful Love Poems for the Heart

Book Description

"The world's deepest book of love poems" I wanted to take the reader on a fantastic and love-filled journey of the soul and spirit with my thoughts about love and romance. My writing style is plain and very easy to understand. An added plus is that I tell the reader my thoughts behind each poem before I begin it. I write of love that spans space, time, the stars and the universe. I feel that my book will take your heart to places that all lovers dream of. Like it did me, as I was writing it. Ed R. Hendricks

Radha Sings

Book Description

RADHA SINGS is a lyrical, narrative and dramatic series of erotic love poems from the feministic perspective of Radha, the female counterpart of the archetypical love couple of Indian mythology, Radha and Krishna. The Radha in these poems is an empowered modern woman unabashedly in touch with her own sexual, emotional and spiritual needs. Spiritually is but a continuum of her carnality. These poems move from the shifting complexity and range of modern romantic love, its ecstasies and conflicts, highs and lows, to a love of the divine. Through suffering and separation, Radha undergoes the highest transformation: becoming the object that she worships, a marriage that obliterates the distinction between subject and object.