'Love Your Enemies'

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"Love your enemies"

Book Description

Love Your Enemies (A History of the Tradition and Interpretation of Its Uses)

Book Description

"Love Your Enemies..." This is one of the few statements Jesus made that is readily accepted by believers and skeptics alike. Its authenticity is not seriously questioned and yet it is a revolutionary command. Giving attention to various critical theories, John Piper presents evidence that the early church earnestly advocated for non-retaliatory love, extending it to those who practiced evil in the world. Such love was key to the church's own ethical tradition or paraenesis. Piper illuminates the Synoptics and passages in Romans, as well as 1 Thessalonians and 1 Peter, with non-canonical evidence, investigating the theological significance of Jesus's love command. Originally published as #38 in the Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, this is John Piper's doctoral dissertation from the University of Munich. It is a serious work of Christian scholarship by a long-time respected author and pastor. This repackaged edition features a new, extensive introduction and will be of interest to scholars, students, and lay people who have training in New Testament studies.

Love Your Enemies

Book Description

Love Your Enemies

Book Description

The author examines the theological bases of just war theory and pacifism, espcially in the light of the concept of God, as that motif illuminates Chrsitian discipleship. Differences between the theory of just war and the practice of pacifism are highlighted in the overview of the history of Christian thought on the subject, and the inclusiveness of the ideal of the kingdom for pacifism is emphasized.

The Nonviolent Messiah

Book Description

When scholars have set Jesus against various conceptions of the “messiah” and other redemptive figures in early Jewish expectation, those questions have been bound up with the problem of violence, whether the political violence of a militant messiah or the divine violence carried out by a heavenly or angelic figure. Missing from those discussions, Simon J. Joseph contends, are the unique conceptions of an Adamic redeemer figure in the Enochic material­—conceptions that informed the Q tradition and, he argues, Jesus’ own self-understanding.

When Paul Met Jesus

Book Description

This volume examines the idea, once held by some scholars, that Paul may have met Jesus during Jesus' earthly ministry.

A Revolutionary Jesus

Book Description

This book demonstrates that Jesus's rejection of violence and emphasis on peacemaking were central to the eschatological nature of his ministry of proclaiming and inaugurating the kingdom of God. To follow Jesus's teaching and example is to completely disassociate violence from the character of both the kingdom and all who belong to it.

Children of a Compassionate God

Book Description

Luke 1-6:16 forms the literary context for the Sermon on the Plain. This context grounds Jesus' teaching authority as the Son of God. The beatitudes and woes (6:20-26) establish a revolutionary vision of the authentic human life. The love commandment is grounded in two general ethical principles - the Golden Rule (6:31) as a maxim of general altruism and the imitatio Dei (6:36) making human conduct respond to the deepest human desires intimated in the Rule. Consequently, Christian disciples are to avoid hostile judgment, as their master did; one can judge truly only by examining the fruits one produces. These commands, which carry human authenticity beyond its limits, are the only way to avoid total destruction.

Authenticating the Words of Jesus

Book Description

This volume reviews the criteria, assumptions, and methods involved in critical Jesus research. Its purpose is to clarify the procedures necessary to distinguish tradition that stems from Jesus from tradition and interpretation that stem from later tradents and evangelists. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.