Loving Pablo (Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar MTI)

Book Description

A revealing memoir of Colombian television journalist Virginia Vallejo's affair with the "King of Cocaine," notorious Medellin drug lord, Pablo Escobar. Soon to be a Major Motion Picture starring Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz. At 33, Virginia Vallejo was part of the media elite. A renowned anchorwoman and socialite, and a model who appeared on magazine covers worldwide, Vallejo was the darling of Colombia's most powerful politicians and billionaires. Meeting Pablo Escobar in 1983, then becoming his mistress for many years, she witnessed the rise of a drug empire that was characterized by Escobar's far-reaching political corruption, his extraordinary wealth, and a network of violet crime that lasted until his death in 1993. In this highly personal and insightful story, Vallejo characterizes the duality of Escobar. His charm and charisma as a benefactor to many Colombians contrast with the repulsiveness of his criminal actions as a tyrannical terrorist and enemy of many world leaders. Told from the perspective of the present day, and reflecting on her cooperation with the US Department of Justice in 2006, as she testified against high-ranking Colombian ministers on trial for conspiracy and murder, Vallejo offers a compelling work of both intimate reflection and critical journalism—a unique perspective on the Colombian drug wars and the endlessly fascinating figure of Pablo Escobar.

Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar

Book Description

Now a major motion picture! Pablo Escobar was one of the most terrifying criminal minds of the last century. In the decade before his death in 1993, he reigned as the head of a multinational cocaine industry and brought the Colombian state to its knees, killing thousands of politicians, media personalities, police, and unarmed citizens. In the 1980s, Virginia Vallejo was Colombia’s most famous television celebrity: a top-rated anchorwoman and a twice-divorced socialite who had been courted by the country’s four wealthiest men. In 1982, she interviewed Pablo Escobar on her news program, and soon after, they began a discreet—albeit stormy—romantic relationship. During their five-year affair, Escobar would show Vallejo the vulnerability of presidents, senators, and military leaders seeking to profit from the drug trade. From Vallejo’s privileged perspective and her ability to navigate the global corridors of wealth and high society, Escobar gained the insight to master his manipulation of Colombia’s powerful elite and media. Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar chronicles the birth of Colombia’s drug cartels: the kidnappers, the guerilla groups, and the paramilitary organizations. It is, above everything, a great love story—a deep and painful journey through a forbidden relationship—that gives us an intimate vision of the legendary drug baron who left his mark on Colombia, Latin America, the United States, and the world forever.

Amando a Pablo, Odiando a Escobar

Book Description

The Colombian television journalist describes her relationship with cocaine cartel kingpin Pablo Escobar, how she became his witness of choice for subduing people, and how she was silenced for twenty years before fleeing for America in 2006.

Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar

Book Description

VIRGINIA VALLEJO: Top Colombian television journalist, cover model and socialite PABLO ESCOBAR: Head of the Medellin cartel, the founder of the global cocaine industry and one of the most ambitious - and brutal - criminals in history Over the course of their tempestuous love affair, Vallejo witnessed first-hand the bloodshed, fear and corruption that accompanied the rise of Escobar's crime empire. In this explosive tale of drugs, sex, wealth and violence, Vallejo describes the man she knew and loved. But, increasingly plagued by threats of kidnap and death for her knowledge on Escobar's ties to the political establishment, Vallejo sought extradition to the United States. Her testimony would reopen one of the most important criminal cases in Colombian history.

Loving Pablo

Book Description

A journalist strikes up a romantic relationship with notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar. As her world comes crashing down she must decide if she will support him or help the authorities bring Escobar down.

Amando Pablo, odiando Escobar

Book Description

Em julho de 2006, um avião da Divisão de Combate ao Tráfico de Drogas dos Estados Unidos retirou Virginia Vallejo da Colômbia. Sua vida estava em perigo por ter concordado em depor como testemunha-chave num dos processos mais importantes da história de seu país: o assassinato do presidente Luis Carlos Galán e de mais outras cem pessoas, entre eles magistrados, guerrilheiros e civis. Vinte anos antes, Virginia era modelo bem-sucedida e apresentadora de um dos programas de TV mais populares da Colômbia. Em 1982 conheceu Pablo Escobar, na época um político de 33 anos que nos bastidores era senhor de um mundo de riquezas inimagináveis geradas principalmente pelo tráfico de cocaína, que por sua vez financiava projetos de caridade e campanhas de candidatos à presidência. Amando Pablo, odiando Escobar é o relato sincero de uma história de amor que logo se transformou em um conto de horror e vingança. Virginia acompanha de perto a evolução de uma das mentes criminosas mais sinistras e engenhosas de nossos tempos, retratando a infinita capacidade de Pablo de infundir terror e corrupção, seus vínculos tanto com o poder paralelo quanto com o Estado, os assassinatos de candidatos à presidência e seu envolvimento profundo com a guerra que devastou a Colômbia. Além disso, Virginia Vallejo compõe um relato sem meias-verdades sobre a vida íntima do lendário rei do tráfico internacional de drogas em uma narrativa corajosa, que não poupa detalhes, repleta de glamour e decadência, incluindo informações sobre Pablo Escobar, sua intimidade e seus crimes nunca antes reveladas.

Iubindu-l Pe Pablo, Urandu-l Pe Escobar

Book Description

În iulie 2006, un avion al Agenţiei de Combatere a Drogurilor din SUA o scotea pe Virginia Vallejo din Columbia. Viaţa sa era în pericol pentru că acceptase să fie martorul-cheie în cele mai importante două procese penale din a doua jumătate a secolului XX din ţara sa: asasinarea unui candidat la preşedinţie şi asaltul asupra Palatului de Justiţie, ocazie cu care muriseră circa o sută de persoane, printre acestea magistraţi, forţe de ordine şi civili. Cu 28 de ani mai devreme, Virginia Vallejo era prezentatoare de televiziune în Columbia şi model care apărea pe copertele principalelor reviste. În 1982, îl cunoştea pe Pablo Escobar, un misterios om politic de 33 de ani care, în realitate, manevra iţele unei lumi de o bogăţie inegalabilă, în care mare parte din fluxul continuu de bani provenind din traficul de cocaină se canaliza către proiecte caritabile şi campanii electorale ale unor candidaţi la preşedinţie aleşi pe placul lui. Această carte este o pasionantă poveste de dragoste transformată într-o cronică a ororilor şi a ruşinii. În paginile sale este descrisă evoluţia uneia dintre minţile criminale cele mai sinistre ale timpului nostru: capacitatea sa de a semăna teroare şi de a genera corupţie, legăturile dintre afacerile sale ilicite şi diverşi şefi ai statului, asasinatele cărora le-au căzut victime candidaţi la prezidenţiale şi războiul în care a împins o ţară întreagă. Iubindu-l pe Pablo, urându-l pe Escobar este şi unica mărturisire intimă despre legendarul baron al drogurilor, plină de strălucire şi de spirit de supravieţuire, fără a fi lipsită de umor. Virginia Vallejo ne spune această poveste aşa cum nimeni altcineva nu ar fi putut-o face.

Amando Pablo odiando Escobar

Book Description