Low-Energy Electron Diffraction

Book Description

Surface crystallography plays the same fundamental role in surface science which bulk crystallography has played so successfully in solid-state physics and chemistry. The atomic-scale structure is one of the most important aspects in the understanding of the behavior of surfaces in such widely diverse fields as heterogeneous catalysis, microelectronics, adhesion, lubrication, cor rosion, coatings, and solid-solid and solid-liquid interfaces. Low-Energy Electron Diffraction or LEED has become the prime tech nique used to determine atomic locations at surfaces. On one hand, LEED has yielded the most numerous and complete structural results to date (almost 200 structures), while on the other, LEED has been regarded as the "technique to beat" by a variety of other surface crystallographic methods, such as photoemission, SEXAFS, ion scattering and atomic diffraction. Although these other approaches have had impressive successes, LEED has remained the most productive technique and has shown the most versatility of application: from adsorbed rare gases, to reconstructed surfaces of sem iconductors and metals, to molecules adsorbed on metals. However, these statements should not be viewed as excessively dogmatic since all surface sensitive techniques retain untapped potentials that will undoubtedly be explored and exploited. Moreover, surface science remains a multi-technique endeavor. In particular, LEED never has been and never will be self sufficient. LEED has evolved considerably and, in fact, has reached a watershed.

Surface Crystallography

Book Description

Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) is one of the most commonly used techniques for crystal surface characterization at the atomic level. This book is designed to provide all the essential background information necessary to carry out surface crystallography using LEED.

Interaction of Atoms and Molecules with Solid Surfaces

Book Description

There is considerable interest, both fundamental and technological, in the way atoms and molecules interact with solid surfaces. Thus the description of heterogeneous catalysis and other surface reactions requires a detailed understand ing of molecule-surface interactions. The primary aim of this volume is to provide fairly broad coverage of atoms and molecules in interaction with a variety of solid surfaces at a level suitable for graduate students and research workers in condensed matter physics, chemical physics, and materials science. The book is intended for experimental workers with interests in basic theory and concepts and had its origins in a Spring College held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Miramare, Trieste. Valuable background reading can be found in the graduate-Ievel introduction to the physics of solid surfaces by ZangwilI(1) and in the earlier works by Garcia Moliner and F1ores(2) and Somorjai.(3) For specifically molecule-surface interac tions, additional background can be found in Rhodin and Ertl(4) and March.(S) V. Bortolani N. H. March M. P. Tosi References 1. A. Zangwill, Physics at Surfaces, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1988). 2. F. Garcia-Moliner and F. Flores, Introduction to the Theory of Solid Surfaces, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1979). 3. G. A. Somorjai, Chemistry in Two Dimensions: Surfaces, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York (1981). 4. T. N. Rhodin and G. Erd, The Nature of the Surface Chemical Bond, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1979). 5. N. H. March, Chemical Bonds outside Metal Surfaces, Plenum Press, New York (1986).

Surface Microscopy with Low Energy Electrons

Book Description

This book, written by a pioneer in surface physics and thin film research and the inventor of Low Energy Electron Microscopy (LEEM), Spin-Polarized Low Energy Electron Microscopy (SPLEEM) and Spectroscopic Photo Emission and Low Energy Electron Microscopy (SPELEEM), covers these and other techniques for the imaging of surfaces with low energy (slow) electrons. These techniques also include Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PEEM), X-ray Photoemission Electron Microscopy (XPEEM), and their combination with microdiffraction and microspectroscopy, all of which use cathode lenses and slow electrons. Of particular interest are the fundamentals and applications of LEEM, PEEM, and XPEEM because of their widespread use. Numerous illustrations illuminate the fundamental aspects of the electron optics, the experimental setup, and particularly the application results with these instruments. Surface Microscopy with Low Energy Electrons will give the reader a unified picture of the imaging, diffraction, and spectroscopy methods that are possible using low energy electron microscopes.

Compendium of Surface and Interface Analysis

Book Description

This book concisely illustrates the techniques of major surface analysis and their applications to a few key examples. Surfaces play crucial roles in various interfacial processes, and their electronic/geometric structures rule the physical/chemical properties. In the last several decades, various techniques for surface analysis have been developed in conjunction with advances in optics, electronics, and quantum beams. This book provides a useful resource for a wide range of scientists and engineers from students to professionals in understanding the main points of each technique, such as principles, capabilities and requirements, at a glance. It is a contemporary encyclopedia for selecting the appropriate method depending on the reader's purpose.

Surface Crystallography

Book Description

Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) is one of the most commonly used techniques for crystal surface characterization at the atomic level. This book is designed to provide all the essential background information necessary to carry out surface crystallography using LEED.

Elastic and Inelastic Scattering in Electron Diffraction and Imaging

Book Description

Elastic and inelastic scattering in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are important research subjects. For a long time, I have wished to systematically summarize various dynamic theories associated with quantitative electron micros copy and their applications in simulations of electron diffraction patterns and images. This wish now becomes reality. The aim of this book is to explore the physics in electron diffraction and imaging and related applications for materials characterizations. Particular emphasis is placed on diffraction and imaging of inelastically scattered electrons, which, I believe, have not been discussed exten sively in existing books. This book assumes that readers have some preknowledge of electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and quantum mechanics. I anticipate that this book will be a guide to approaching phenomena observed in electron microscopy from the prospects of diffraction physics. The SI units are employed throughout the book except for angstrom (A), which is used occasionally for convenience. To reduce the number of symbols used, the Fourier transform of a real-space function P'(r), for example, is denoted by the same symbol P'(u) in reciprocal space except that r is replaced by u. Upper and lower limits of an integral in the book are (-co, co) unless otherwise specified. The (-co, co) integral limits are usually omitted in a mathematical expression for simplification. I very much appreciate opportunity of working with Drs. J. M. Cowley and J. C. H. Spence (Arizona State University), J.

Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction and Reflection Electron Imaging of Surfaces

Book Description

This volume contains the papers presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop in "Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction and Reflection Electron Imaging of Surfaces" held at the Koningshof conference center, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, June 15-19, 1987. The main topics of the workshop, Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED) and Reflection Electron Microscopy (REM), have a common basis in the diffraction processes which high energy electrons undergo when they interact with solid surfaces at grazing angles. However, while REM is a new technique developed on the basis of recent advances in transmission electron microscopy, RHEED is an old method in surface crystallography going back to the discovery of electron diffraction in 1927 by Davisson and Germer. Until the development of ultra high vacuum techniques in the 1960's made instruments using slow electrons more accessable, RHEED was the dominating electron diffraction technique. Since then and until recently the method of Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) largely surpassed RHEED in popularity in surface studies. The two methods are closely related of course, each with its own specific advantages. The grazing angle geometry of RHEED has now become a very useful feature because this makes it ideally suited for combination with the thin growth technique of Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). This combination allows in-situ studies of freshly grown and even growing surfaces, opening up new areas of research of both fundamental and technological importance.