Low Frequency Scattering

Book Description

Scattering theory deals with the interactions of waves with obstacles in their path, and low frequency scattering occurs when the obstacles involved are very small. This book gives an overview of the subject for graduates and researchers, for the first time unifying the theories covering acoustic, electromagnetic and elastic waves.

Low-Frequency Scattering from Two-Dimensional Perfect Conductors

Book Description

Exact expressions are obtained for the leading terms in the low- frequency expansions of the far field scattered by an arbitrarily shaped cylinder with finite cross section, an arbitrarily shaped cylindrical bump on a ground plane, and an arbitrarily shaped cylindrical dent in a ground plane. By inserting the low-frequency expansions of the incident plane wave and Green's function into exact integral equations for the surface current, integral equations are obtained for the leading terms in the low-frequency expansions of the surf ace current. Simple integrations of these leading terms of the current expansion yield the leading terms in the low-frequency expansions of the scattered fields. For the cylinder with finite cross section, the leading term in the low-frequency expansion of the TM scattered far field is explicitly given by an expression that is independent of the shape of the cylinder. The explicit expression for the low-frequency TE scattered far field contains three constants that depend only on the shape of the cylinder. These three constants are found from the solutions to two electrostatic problems. The explicit expressions for the low-frequency diffracted fields of a bump or dent contain one constant that depends only on the shape of the bump or dent. Remarkably, this single constant is the same for both TM and TE polarization and can be found from the solution to either an electrostatic or magnetostatic problem. The general low-frequency expressions are confirmed by comparing them to low-frequency results obtained from exact time-harmonic eigenfunction solutions, and constants an evaluated for a number of geometries. Low-Frequency scattering, Static problems, Two- dimensional perfect conductors, Integral equations.

Low Frequency Scattering by Imperfectly Conducting Obstacles

Book Description

Four coupled Fredholm integral equations of the second kind are derived for the electric and magnetic fields interior and exterior to a smooth, bounded, closed, three dimensional scatterer of permittivity, permeability, and non-zero finite conductivity, when the scatterer is illuminated by a time harmonic, monochromatic, otherwise arbitrary field. The surrounding medium has the properties of vacuum. The kernels of these equations are dyadics constructed from potential functions associated with the scattering surface. If the frequency of the incident field is sufficiently small, the integral equations may be solved in a standard Neumann series. (Author).

Low-Frequency Scattering by Mixtures of Correlated Nonspherical Particles

Book Description

Earlier results for scattering by correlated distributions of randomly oriented particles (with minimum separation small compared to wavelength, and acoustic particle parameters close to the embedding medium's) are generalized to mixtures of similarly shaped but differently sized particles. The development for these large-scale fluids is based on scaled particle statistical mechanics for mixtures of convex particles (with nonsphericity parameter c). The scattering depends on fluctuation (S) in number concentration, and simple forms of S in terms of the volume fraction (w) are derived for multicomponent mixtures and continuum analogs. Continuous size distributions governed by Posisson probability functions whose skewness depends on the variance (d) lead to simple two-parameter fluctuation functions S(c, d;w). The original discussion of the one-component case (d = o) emphasized the influence of c on the curve peak and its location in w; the primary effects of d are to increase the values of both, and to reduce the fall off of S with increasing w (increasing packing). (RH).