Low-Frequency Shallow Water Acoustics (20 to 500 Hz).

Book Description

The parameters affecting shallow water acoustic behavior at low frequencies (20 to 500 Hz) have been reviewed. The depth dependence of the sediment parameters, and stratigraphic layering in depth, form the basis of geoacoustic models for which the wave equation may be solved. There is no unique approach to geoacoustic modeling. Typically, the additional information required includes in situ refraction, dispersion, and reflection requirements. Application of the Biuot theory of sediment acoustics, which uses poroviscous parameters leads to different conclusions in the frequency range of interest from those calculated using standard viscoelastic parameters alone. The Biot acoustic theory also explains successful data fits to semiempirical compressional and shear wave results. The most important sediment property is the flow permeability, which is equal to the choice of acoustic frequency in its effect. Its range of variability is so large that it is necessary to make a specific in situ determination of its magnitude for use in modeling and prediction. The permeability controls the relaxation frequency of the sediment and thus the rate of attenuation of both compressional and shear waves, their frequency dependence, and their velocity dispersion. Next in importance are the shear properties of the sediments, their related interface waves, and the skeletal frame loss. Determination of these parameters in situ and further study in the laboratory are most important for progress.

Fundamentals of Shallow Water Acoustics

Book Description

Shallow water acoustics (SWA), the study of how low and medium frequency sound propagates and scatters on the continental shelves of the worlds oceans, has both technical interest and a large number of practical applications. Technically, shallow water poses an interesting medium for the study of acoustic scattering, inverse theory, and propagation physics in a complicated oceanic waveguide. Practically, shallow water acoustics has interest for geophysical exploration, marine mammal studies, and naval applications. Additionally, one notes the very interdisciplinary nature of shallow water acoustics, including acoustical physics, physical oceanography, marine geology, and marine biology. In this specialized volume the authors, all of whom have extensive at-sea experience in US and Russian research efforts, have tried to summarize the main experimental, theoretical, and computational results in shallow water acoustics, with an emphasis on providing physical insight into the topics presented.

Adaptive Methods in Underwater Acoustics

Book Description

The NATO Advanced Study Institute on Adaptive Methods in Underwater Acoustics was held on 30 July - 10 August 1984 in LLineburg, Germany. The Institute was primarily concerned with signal processing for underwater appl ica tions. The majority of the presentations, when taken together, yield a definite picture of the present status of understanding of adaptive and high resolution processing, setting out the progress achieved over the past four years together with the major problem areas remaining. Major effort was made to obtain a commensurate contribution of tutorial and advanced research papers. It is my hope that the material in this volume may be equally well suited for students getting an introduction to some of the basic problems in underwater signal processing and for the professionals who may obtain an up-to-date overview of the present state of the art. This might be especially useful in view of the controversy and lack of adequate interrelationships which have marked this rapidly expanding field in the past. Practical reinforcement of this picture is provided by the material concerning digital and optical processing technology, giving some guidance to achievable adaptive and high resolution techniques with current processing devices. The formal programme was extended and detailed by a series of six evening work shops on specific topics, during which informal discussions took place among the participants. Summaries of these workshops are also included in these Proceedings.

Acoustic Sensing Techniques for the Shallow Water Environment

Book Description

This volume contains the collection of papers from the second workshop on Experimental Acoustic Inversion Techniques for Exploration of the Shallow Water Environment. Acoustic techniques provide the most effective means for remote sensing of ocean and sea floor processes, and for probing the structure beneath the sea floor. No other energy propagates as efficiently in the ocean: radio waves and visible light are severely limited in range because the ocean is a highly conductive medium. However, sound from breaking waves and coastal shipping can be heard throughout the ocean, and marine mammals communicate acoustically over basin scale distances. The papers in this book indicate a high level of research interest that has generated significant progress in development and application of experimental acoustic inversion techniques. The applications span a broad scope in geosciences, from geophysical, biological and even geochemical research. The list includes: estimation of geotechnical properties of sea bed materials; navigation and mapping of the sea floor; fisheries, aquaculture and sea bed habitat assessment; monitoring of marine mammals; sediment transport; and investigation of natural geohazards in marine sediments. Audience This book is primarily intended for physicists and engineers working in underwater acoustics and oceanic engineering. It will also be of interest to marine biologists, geophysicists and oceanographers as potential users of the methodologies and techniques described in the book contributions.

Ocean Seismo-Acoustics

Book Description

Seafloor investigation has long been a feature of not only seismology but also of acoustics. Indeed it was acoustics that produced depth sounders, giving us the first capability of producing both global and local maps of the seafloor. Subsequently, better instrumentation and techniques led to a clearer, more quantitative picture of the seabed itself, which stimulated new hypotheses such as seafloor spreading through the availability of more reliable data on sediment thickness over ocean basins and other bottom features. Geologists and geophysicists have used both acoustic and seismic methods to study the seabed by considering the propagation of signals arising from both natural seismic events and man-made impulsive sources. Although significant advances have been made in instrumentation, such as long towed geophysical arrays, ai r guns and ocean bot tom seismometers, the pic ture of the seafloor is still far from complete. Underwater acoustics concerns itself today with the phenomena of propagation and noise at frequencies and ranges that require an understanding of acoustic interaction at both of its boundaries, the sea surface and seafloor, over depths ranging from tens to thousands of meters. Much of the earlier higher frequency (>1 kHz) work included the characterization of the seafloor in regimes of reflection coefficients which were empirically derived from surveys. The results of these studies met with only limited success, confined as they were to those areas where survey data existed and lacking a physical understanding of the processes of reflection and scattering.

The Development of a High-Power, Low-Frequency Underwater Acoustic Source for Use in a Deep-Towed Geophysical Array Section

Book Description

A high-power, low-frequency acoustic source in the form of a Helmholtz resonator, has been developed for use in the deep ocean in a geophysical application. The successful development of the transducer was accomplished through the use of equivalent circuit analysis and the construction/evaluation of a scale model. The transducer has been evaluated and performed well in the 250 to 500-Hz frequency range in both a shallow-water acoustic measurements facility and in the ocean to depths of over 2000 m.

Ambient Noise in the Sea

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